View Full Version : ssnakess facebook group

02-21-13, 02:54 AM
hi again all, just a reminder that theres a group on facebook to do with the forum, where you can chat live with 1 another :D

Link removed

02-21-13, 08:52 AM
Awesome! Just requested to join!


02-21-13, 09:30 AM

Thanks :D

02-21-13, 11:20 AM
thas ok, its a place where theres only 1 rule, respect each other and we all will be fine :D

02-21-13, 12:41 PM
Joined thanks Kim for adding me.

02-21-13, 12:45 PM
joined and check on it every once in a while

02-21-13, 06:13 PM
Joined! I'm new to snakes so I appreciate the info and any help.

02-21-13, 06:15 PM
welcome to both sites :D, also forgot to mention earlier that its great to be able to put a face to the name of the person your talking to which is another bonus with facebook :)

02-28-13, 12:22 PM
dont forget about the group on facebook :)

02-28-13, 12:45 PM
Yeah, don't forget the facebook, where things like this get said......

Daniel Barton well, tbh, aarons met his match a few times, there all mostly ganging up on him, ill get you a thread to read, ull love it lol
3 hours ago · Like

02-28-13, 12:56 PM
Exactly why i left the facebook group about two hours after i joined it, it seemed to be a place to post things that if posted here would get you banned. Surprised Boots hasnt asked for the name of his forum to be removed from the facebook group as it reflects badly on us all.

02-28-13, 01:21 PM
Yeah, don't forget the facebook, where things like this get said...... Quote:
Daniel Barton well, tbh, aarons met his match a few times, there all mostly ganging up on him, ill get you a thread to read, ull love it lol
3 hours ago · Like

Before we all accept what Wayne says at face value, lets get some context. First of all, that quote taken out of context was NOT posted on the ssnakess page, it was ACTUALLY posted on MY personal facebook wall, it had absolutely no connection to the ssnakess facebook page at all.

Lets put it into some context (Keep in mind that while I may shittalk Aaron on occasion, and Mykee for that matter (Mykee is a douche) they both really know their stuff when it comes to animals they work with, and I would not hesitate to take anything they say about those animals and apply it to my collection. It's accurate and if requested, they don't hesitate to back it up with proof, my complaint is simply directed at the way they talk to people, and how that gets taken.

(quote from my facebook wall, not the ssnakess page)
Anyone know someone with adult female albino, or albino combo retics? I'm trying to get a pair of them buy having trouble finding sellers.

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Name hidden (https://www.facebook.com/frederic.latreille) You won't find any here... that would be amazing lol
Tuesday at 13:11 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387604&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Edited (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)
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Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) I know quite a few ppl in canada with them, not many are sellers tho And anyway, I'll buy from Canada or the USA
Tuesday at 13:11 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387610&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. is there any on craigs list m8, i think thats what its called
Tuesday at 13:15 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387628&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) If there are, its hard to verify them because of the anonymity, and I doubt they are able to get CITES permits. none in my area
Tuesday at 13:16 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387633&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. ah ok, thought it would be worth asking, have you tried on the ssnakess forum
Tuesday at 13:18 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387639&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) I left the forum a while back, not interested in the dramafest
Tuesday at 13:19 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387647&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. dont blame you tbh, its still pretty bad tbh
Tuesday at 13:21 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387657&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) I'll sit back and wait for Mykee to leave, Aaron to stop following Mykee and Wayne to stop letting it all happen
Tuesday at 13:23 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387661&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. lol, ill say this much, wayne has kicked some arse and theres a new admin, alessia and shes pretty good tbh
Tuesday at 13:25 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387665&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) Always liked her
Tuesday at 13:25 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387666&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. haha lol, although aarons still a nob and mykee i havnt seen for a while either tbh
Tuesday at 13:26 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387668&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)
https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/211369_100002236710396_1940688627_q.jpg (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir)
Stephan Bakir (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir) If aaron ever stops being a douche give me a call I miss you, and shaunyboy and a few others
Tuesday at 13:27 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387672&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)
https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc6/371288_100000104372023_939891632_q.jpg (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake.
Daniel Barton (https://www.facebook.com/i.want.a.king.snake. well, tbh, aarons met his match a few times, there all mostly ganging up on him, ill get you a thread to read, ull love it lol
Tuesday at 13:29 (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir/posts/435415709876316?comment_id=50387675&offset=0&total_comments=16) · Like (https://www.facebook.com/stephan.bakir#)

Wayne on used to be smiles, rainbows everything nice, with a firm hand when it came to the rules, not exactly sure what happened nor is it my responsibility/business but hes not the same guy, but I do trust his word when it comes to just about anything.