View Full Version : Put up or shut up.

02-20-13, 12:03 PM
Let's see everyone's cages and if you have a snake room pictures of it to. This is not directed at anyone, but every one. People keep talking about creditably. I say instead of just that one person posting pictures of their set up i think every one should if they want to be takin seriously. There are a few on here who always post the same old pictures. Let's see new pictures. To make sure they are new hold a piece of paper or set one in the pictures with the date written on it.

In other words i am calling out everybody. Breeders this is your chance to prove you "practice what you preach". Newbies with a snake or two this doesn't apply to you. This is for the people with multiple snakes that are always giving advice. Back up how you keep your snakes if you want to be taking seriously. If you can't post pictures then maybe you shouldn't be giving advice as for all we know your lying about how you have your stuff set up.

I am not defending anyone, I am just saying if you want others to show proof lets see yours.

I'll start. this is my snake room.
http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4131/img0767cr.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/img0767cr.jpg/)

http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/835/img0766u.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/img0766u.jpg/)

http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9818/img0765jn.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/341/img0765jn.jpg/)

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/5493/img0764mr.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/img0764mr.jpg/)

http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/2262/img0763el.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/img0763el.jpg/)

02-20-13, 12:10 PM
Havent got a more recent pic than this, but can rectify if needed ;)

This was When we still had the lizards in their too small viv :(


Mark Taylor
02-20-13, 12:17 PM
What a **** hole.

lol I was only joking mate. You look angry and if I lived anywhere near, you would be my best friend lol.

I just couldn't resist lmfa writing this.:sorry::laugh:

I posted pics of my set ups last week but I wouldn't call myself a big breeder I only have 4 boa's.

I know what you mean about posting the pics.

02-20-13, 12:19 PM
I don't have many but this is my lot... Top left is the gargoyle, below is the male bci, below that is the brb... To the right is my cb12 bci...

Edit- incase anyone wonders what's in the small rub on the bottom right, they're dubias. :)

02-20-13, 12:34 PM
I told everyone I keep my snakes in a rack system. Here it is. Sorry for the poor lighting of my cell phone camera. I'm in the process of upgrading my racks. It's getting old.


So everyone knows what I keep my animals in I added two pics of snakes in tubs.


02-20-13, 12:51 PM
Here is my set up.. it's temporarily in my bedroom.. Soon it will be in its own room.

This is Blitz my GTPs set up..


The bottom viv in this stack is divided in the middle, it houses 2 royals. The viv on top of that is also divided in the middle and that houses a corn on one half and a boa on the other. Once the boa gets larger he will get his own 4ft viv. On top of that are my 2 gargoyle geckos.


Our Bts is in my sons room but I have no pics of that.. just in a standard 40 gallon breeder right now but will soon have a custom built cage. I will post pics once we do the upgrade.

02-20-13, 02:54 PM
I told everyone I keep my snakes in a rack system. Here it is. Sorry for the poor lighting of my cell phone camera. I'm in the process of upgrading my racks. It's getting old.


So everyone knows what I keep my animals in I added two pics of snakes in tubs.


Sorry Aaron thats just not going to cut it!! Where is the paper showing the date??;)

Also the pic is too clear!

02-20-13, 03:01 PM
OK Chuck, I'll put up.

02-20-13, 03:03 PM
Here are the rest of the pictures.

02-20-13, 03:14 PM
Oh.. I love the idea of using lattice.. My corn would love that to climb on.

02-20-13, 03:46 PM
I dont care about proving anything, but this is actually kind of fun to see. I drooled a bit while I was looking at yours, Jerry.

Here are a few I took with my phone just now...

And a few close ups...


02-20-13, 03:52 PM
not really as nice as everyone elses, but ill throw mine up.....

finished cages, obviously not ready for the snake to go in, but just got finished and wanted a pic

rack for my babies

another cage, before locks...(actually never got good lock on them)

snake room being built...

well that is it for now, i did just build a new rack... its no where as awesome as evreyone's elses' but i hope this counts as "putting up"

by the way, everything was built by me:) and awesome idea of a thread!

02-20-13, 04:04 PM
I refuse to do this based on principle.
I have made my snake room my kids game room so forgive the projector setup ;)
My breeding pair of carpets
My jag
My "I wish they were breading" boad on the bottom with my goins kung and day gecko on top
My royal on the bottom with my gopher in the middle and the top left to right is a 10 month old jcp a leopard gecko then another little jcp.
I'm at work now and realized I forgort to snap one of my beardies.

02-20-13, 04:17 PM
Here's a few of mine



I have a couple in quarantine RUB'S in other rooms but no pictures

and some of the future homes I need to finish kitting out.......... (please ignore the trainer it was for a size reference)

And just to show I treat all of my family fairly and house them the same :)

02-20-13, 04:40 PM
What a **** hole.

lol I was only joking mate. You look angry and if I lived anywhere near, you would be my best friend lol.

I just couldn't resist lmfa writing this.:sorry::laugh:

I posted pics of my set ups last week but I wouldn't call myself a big breeder I only have 4 boa's.

I know what you mean about posting the pics.
Lmao i was in Walmart shopping when i read this and started laughing out loud. I got quite a few fun looks.

Nice to see everybody's set ups and snakes rooms.:) Hope to see many, many more.

02-20-13, 04:43 PM
Here's a few of mine
And just to show I treat all of my family fairly and house them the same :)
That just to cute.

02-20-13, 04:47 PM
http://s7.postimage.org/e54zsfnmf/IMG_20130220_184016.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/e54zsfnmf/)

http://s4.postimage.org/e3odua98p/IMG_20130220_183956.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/e3odua98p/)

I also have a five bin rack at a friends and a couple of enclosures in the shed.


Are you making up morphs again? What's a squirt?

Edit: The attachment option wasn't working for me..... Sorry they are small.

02-20-13, 04:53 PM
That just to cute.
I wasn't to impressed at the time as I had only just got them home and already had one of the glass runners break loading them but he thought he was absolutely hilarious (and now I look back he was :))

02-20-13, 04:56 PM
I also have a five bin rack at a friends and a couple of enclosures in the shed.


Are you making up morphs again? What's a squirt?

Edit: that didn't work.
A picture worth a 1,000 words. :p Ok the pictures didn't show up a couple minutes ago.

02-20-13, 05:15 PM
I have the best evidence of all because my snakes have portraits of themselves on top of their cages..


02-20-13, 05:23 PM
"What's a squirt?"
Squirt is a 16 year old ball python that gives me nine egg clutches every year. She is on breeding loan to Aaron this season.
Her name is Squirt because that is what she does when you pick her up.

Ms. Medusa
02-20-13, 05:42 PM
I'll put up too--- some of the homemades are temporary due to our move across country-- for my bigger snakes---I'll put that up when I have better enclosures which should be here next week I hope! Please oh please oh please!

So--- Isolation Room area (also our dining room computer room and.....drop it in here room)


Next---the Ratticus Rodentia Palisades Room (Again- in the process of restocking due to our move)



And tired Mama


And-- the actual snake room-- Its a bit messy right now but here it is-


(Temporary Racks)


02-20-13, 05:52 PM
Wow! Everyones rooms are sweet! I unfortunately don't have any pictures of my room with me but I will post some tomorrow. Hey Chuck! Where did you buy those big "Christmas tree" storage tubs? I have been looking everywhere for one but can't find any. :)

02-20-13, 05:57 PM
Wow! Everyones rooms are sweet! I unfortunately don't have any pictures of my room with me but I will post some tomorrow. Hey Chuck! Where did you buy those big "Christmas tree" storage tubs? I have been looking everywhere for one but can't find any. :)

I know Iris makes them

ReptileTubs.com - Welcome (http://www.reptiletubs.com/main.htm)

02-20-13, 06:02 PM
Wow! Everyones rooms are sweet! I unfortunately don't have any pictures of my room with me but I will post some tomorrow. Hey Chuck! Where did you buy those big "Christmas tree" storage tubs? I have been looking everywhere for one but can't find any. :)
I got some of them from here.IRIS Holiday Tree Box :: Welcome to NeatlySmart? :: Good things for your home & family? (http://www.neatlysmart.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=107329&catid=1521)
And the rest after Christmas at Walmart for around $30.00.

02-20-13, 06:04 PM
I know Iris makes them

ReptileTubs.com - Welcome (http://www.reptiletubs.com/main.htm)
This site sucks. They wanted over $110.00 to ship one. The site i posted is a lot cheaper on shipping.

02-20-13, 06:08 PM
I got some of them from here.IRIS Holiday Tree Box :: Welcome to NeatlySmart? :: Good things for your home & family? (http://www.neatlysmart.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=107329&catid=1521)
And the rest after Christmas at Walmart for around $30.00.

Thank you!! Do they lock down well? I want to stick my retic in one. I have seen a lot of retic guys using them. Sorry for getting off topic. :shocked:

02-20-13, 06:14 PM
Thank you!! Do they lock down well? I want to stick my retic in one. I have seen a lot of retic guys using them. Sorry for getting off topic. :shocked:
No problem. Yes they lock down really well. The lid over laps about a inch all the way around. Then they have flip down latches on each end.

02-20-13, 09:35 PM
I'll play! I'm pretty proud of my little set up! Thanks to Chuck and his knowledge and help! :D


The only thing different is I have flipped the shelves around so the big totes would be easier to pull out. Oh..and the tarantula isn't on the shelf (in the glass tank) because I forgot to put one of the balls on that shelf before I took the pic. lol And my new borneo is in QT in my room.

In the big tubs are the carpet and two burms. Top shelf on the other shelf is the two balls, next shelf is the king and boa, and the bottom shelf houses the two dumerils. Although in this pic it's the king and T on the first shelf with second shelf one of the balls and the redtail....

02-20-13, 09:38 PM
No problem. Yes they lock down really well. The lid over laps about a inch all the way around. Then they have flip down latches on each end.

^^^ Yep. It's what I plan to house my retic in. I love the totes because of the wheels. It definitely makes them easier to pull off the shelf.

02-20-13, 09:42 PM
:( I wish I could own all of those snakes I'm not allowed to own more than a gecko and a milk snake. I have the money my parents just don't want more animals (by this they mean reptiles) in the house

02-20-13, 09:48 PM
Just wait until you're older.

02-20-13, 10:14 PM
:( I wish I could own all of those snakes I'm not allowed to own more than a gecko and a milk snake. I have the money my parents just don't want more animals (by this they mean reptiles) in the house

May I suggest something? Do you have a zoo that you can volunteer at? My daughter was a little younger than you when she first started volunteering. She still does it (she's 19) just not as often due to jobs, but she gets to help out in the reptile building and has been for some time.

Another thing you may try is find a local herp society. Go to meetings...find other herpers locally you can become involved with. You may not actually have the animals you want, but you can perhaps visit, learn, and maybe even help take care of some.

02-20-13, 10:36 PM
The problem is I live in a smaller town and it is like 30 minutes away from any cities so it would be a long drive and I can't drive by myself yet (only have my learners)

02-20-13, 10:45 PM
If you keep looking, you may be surprised at what you can find. And work toward getting your license. ;)

I know how small towns can suck. I'm from one and live in one now. Every once in a while I'll find people who own animals. But it's seldom that I find good owners or breeders and those I keep in touch with because I never know when they may be a valuable person to know. ;)

02-21-13, 08:12 AM
Mine can be seen here....


Building it.......



02-21-13, 08:22 AM
@Terranaut love your snake room!

Mark Taylor
02-21-13, 11:52 AM
Lmao i was in Walmart shopping when i read this and started laughing out loud. I got quite a few fun looks.

Nice to see everybody's set ups and snakes rooms.:) Hope to see many, many more.

Its good to laugh.

Glad you didn't take me seriously :)

02-21-13, 12:47 PM
Here's my current viper room setup. I don't have a date on the picture, but it was taken about a month ago when I got the room set up this way. I also have a few pictures of individual setups. The Habus are on a dresser on the opposite side of the room from the shelving unit, so the empty cage on the top shelf is no longer empty.


Habu setup:


Wetar Island pit viper setup:

Wagler's viper setup:

I need to take some pictures of my main room (pythons, boas, copperheads, rattler and cobra).

02-21-13, 12:57 PM
Here's my current viper room setup.

Is it tricky dealing with hots that are higher/lower up with that sort of rack thing you have going on?

02-21-13, 01:20 PM
Is it tricky dealing with hots that are higher/lower up with that sort of rack thing you have going on?
I don't know about Willow, but I bring all my venomous enclosures to my work station before I open their enclosures. This way they are at a nice working height.

02-21-13, 03:32 PM
These are the two racks I have. The top rack is the baby rack. The bottom is from animal plastics holds 32qt tubs or 15qt tubs

Little Wise Owl
02-21-13, 03:45 PM
Here are some I have on hand. Gonna have to take more later. I'm too tired and lazy right now.

Frilled Dragon adult enclosure. Unfinished

Frilled Dragon hatchling enclosure

Baby Beardie enclosure

Red Tegu enclosure. I don't have her anymore and I now keep my Black and White tegu on soil/sand/eco earth but the setup is mostly the same (minus the screen top which is now replaced with a sealed wooden one)

02-21-13, 03:48 PM
@Terranaut love your snake room!

Thanks. Still not 100% on the arrangement but it will change again once my new boa enclosures are built. Going to be 6x2x3so they will take up quite a bit of floor space ;)

02-21-13, 03:52 PM
Let's see everyone's cages and if you have a snake room pictures of it to. This is not directed at anyone, but every one. People keep talking about creditably. I say instead of just that one person posting pictures of their set up i think every one should if they want to be takin seriously. There are a few on here who always post the same old pictures. Let's see new pictures. To make sure they are new hold a piece of paper or set one in the pictures with the date written on it.

In other words i am calling out everybody. Breeders this is your chance to prove you "practice what you preach". Newbies with a snake or two this doesn't apply to you. This is for the people with multiple snakes that are always giving advice. Back up how you keep your snakes if you want to be taking seriously. If you can't post pictures then maybe you shouldn't be giving advice as for all we know your lying about how you have your stuff set up.

I am not defending anyone, I am just saying if you want others to show proof lets see yours.

I'll start. this is my snake room.
http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4131/img0767cr.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/img0767cr.jpg/)

http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/835/img0766u.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/img0766u.jpg/)

http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9818/img0765jn.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/341/img0765jn.jpg/)

http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/5493/img0764mr.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/img0764mr.jpg/)

http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/2262/img0763el.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/img0763el.jpg/)

you look like you've kidnaped that collection and are giving proof of life shots...:shocked:

before they pay the randsom Chuck :D (pay up or the Carpet gets it)

cheers shaun

p.s.i'll post pictures tomorrow mate;)

02-21-13, 04:11 PM
I just have my 2 boaphiles. They still look the same as when I first set them up. I can post new photos of them this weekend if everyone is dying to see how much they haven't changed :p


02-21-13, 04:19 PM
Great looking enclosures, Alessia. I have a nice boaphile with a built in perch that is vacant at the moment, can't wait to put it back to use some day..

02-21-13, 06:03 PM
ill be getting some beardie enclosures soon and i will post them up once they are done as im getting 4 beardies on the 6th, but what i will do is put my future beardies up in the correct part of the forum though :D

02-21-13, 06:16 PM
here we are, pics of the beardies are: http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/pogona-vitticeps/98345-beardies-im-getting-6th-march.html#post819533 but keep watching as in a few days, there enclosures will be up aswell

02-22-13, 10:36 AM
Miss Schuyler posing in front of the Monitor cage. 4 snake cages above lizards.


02-27-13, 12:31 PM
Heres some pics of my set ups. first is my black roughneck monitor lizard (Varanus rudicollis)

Cool end with large water bowl and climbing log. The middle with smaller water bowl near basking spot. All plants are real except on the climbing log.

02-27-13, 12:33 PM
Underneath basking spot and on top. surface temps range from 90-150 in places.

02-27-13, 12:38 PM
Him on his basking spot and an outside view of his enclosure. Its 7ftL 2ftW 4ftT

02-27-13, 12:41 PM
Now my amphibs and little gartersnake. Both are in 10 gallon, frogs have uv light and garter has basking spot of 90.

02-27-13, 03:34 PM
Akuma223 Nice set up. We are still waiting to see everyone's set and reptile room.
Come on people let's see them. Thanks to everyone who has post pictures you all rock.

02-27-13, 03:45 PM
one of the rep rooms





the old royal room


the old croc and gator enclosures at work, the new ones when they have had the finishing touches will get decent pictures of them


don't seem to have many uploaded, will have a look through the hardrive for more, or just take some fresh ones later.

02-27-13, 03:47 PM
one of the rep rooms


you seem to have a bit of a rabbit problem there :D

02-27-13, 03:48 PM
you seem to have a bit of a rabbit problem there :D

Lol because they are shot rabbits they leak everywhere when i defrost them aswell, which is why that flooring is cheap laminate that can just be ripped up and replaced easily lol

02-27-13, 03:50 PM
Haha! I actually just thought you had a lot of cats! Seemed odd, but feeder rabbits makes much more sense

02-27-13, 04:02 PM
NBLADE sweet set ups. I am loving the croc and gator enclosures.

02-27-13, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Corey209: Is it tricky dealing with hots that are higher/lower up with that sort of rack thing you have going on?

For the most part, no. I arranged my cages based on ease of working with the animals. These are all arboreal vipers and tend to ride hooks quite well. I have a step stool and a portable working station bench that I move next to the cage to bring myself and the holding container, hooks, etc into an easy working height. My terrestrial venomous (cobra, rattler, coppperheads) are all kept at low chest height, because they are much harder to handle on a hook and I find that height to be the easiest for working with them. The arboreals tend to handle much more easily so I can deal with them being on several levels. I'm also quite tall (5'8.5") so even the highest cage on the shelving is not at a very awkward height for me. Hope that answers the questions!

02-27-13, 04:30 PM
Akuma223 Nice set up.

Thanks very much :)

03-02-13, 05:12 PM
Here are some pictures of my living room

The "snake corner"
On the left Gonyosoma oxycephalum (large enclosure) and Philodryas baroni (small enclosure), center Spilotes pullatus


Another view, again on the left Gonyosoma oxycephalum (large enclosure) and Philodryas baroni (small enclosure)

and some updated photos of my Spilotes enclosure


03-02-13, 05:25 PM
Wow !!! , i love your big snake enclosure , thats some lucky snakes you have there . Tracy

03-02-13, 06:46 PM
Wow, Roman that last enclosure is for a rat snake?! Would make such a nice monitor enclosure ;)

03-02-13, 07:12 PM
Wow, Roman that last enclosure is for a rat snake?! Would make such a nice monitor enclosure ;)Most monitors would tear it up in a heartbeat. One of the dwarf species could work though.

03-02-13, 07:15 PM
How does one get beautiful cages like that Roman? I want one.

03-02-13, 08:22 PM
Here is my female ball pythons enclosure

03-03-13, 10:52 AM
Wow, Roman that last enclosure is for a rat snake?! Would make such a nice monitor enclosure ;)

Hi Josh, I agree, this would be a nice setup for Varanus prasinus or Varanus macraei. But my Spilotes are BIG and ACTIVE snakes, they use the whole space they get...

@Akuma: The enclosure was custom build by a friend of mine who owns a reptile shop, I posted detailed information here -->



03-04-13, 07:05 PM
Columbus on top and Perry on bottom. Working out the plans for their new cages, which really need to be built soon, I hate having them in such small cages.


03-04-13, 07:33 PM
I was gonna join in but apparently I'm not tech savvy enough to post pics! :)

03-04-13, 11:00 PM
For the most part, no. I arranged my cages based on ease of working with the animals. These are all arboreal vipers and tend to ride hooks quite well. I have a step stool and a portable working station bench that I move next to the cage to bring myself and the holding container, hooks, etc into an easy working height. My terrestrial venomous (cobra, rattler, coppperheads) are all kept at low chest height, because they are much harder to handle on a hook and I find that height to be the easiest for working with them. The arboreals tend to handle much more easily so I can deal with them being on several levels. I'm also quite tall (5'8.5") so even the highest cage on the shelving is not at a very awkward height for me. Hope that answers the questions!

As if 5'8" isn't tall enough as a female, you just had to throw in the .5 didn't ya? :p I'm 5.1 and maybe an extra .5 :laugh: Seriously though....

I was having some convos with people about how I set up mine and how I plan to arrange/rearrange them once I get the retics and borneo out of QT and into the snake room. Aside from the male retic being in my room, the biggest of my animals will go on the bottom shelves of my shelving units and everyone will get moved around according to weight with no animal being higher than about mid chest. I feel this will be safer for me. They're pretty much set up this way now and I'm comfortable with it. I know people who have bigger and defensive animals stacked high and while it may work for them, I don't see it working or being safe for me. Sometimes it sucks this short. If I have to if worse comes to worse, I can always move my ball pythons to a higher shelf and use a stool to get to them.

04-26-13, 12:39 PM
That big enclosure is amazing man

Here are some pictures of my living room

The "snake corner"
On the left Gonyosoma oxycephalum (large enclosure) and Philodryas baroni (small enclosure), center Spilotes pullatus


Another view, again on the left Gonyosoma oxycephalum (large enclosure) and Philodryas baroni (small enclosure)

and some updated photos of my Spilotes enclosure


08-26-13, 06:49 AM
I was just going threw this old thread and realize many of the big breeders on here never posted any pics. Hmmm makes you wonder.

08-26-13, 08:11 AM
Cool thread though. I enjoyed it.
I'll post as soon as I figure out how to photo-shop a piece of paper with todays date on it into my zoo pics.

08-26-13, 08:41 AM
Franks enclosures are amazing.

08-26-13, 09:34 AM
Wait... Why did I just post a reply here instead of my thread? 0.0 I'm going crazy...

09-15-13, 06:41 PM
Wow, great thread!

What a bunch of nice set ups.

I don't keep snakes anymore, but like looking at others herp rooms and especially home built caging. I have been a DIY guy for years building every thing from enclosures to hides and my own RHP's.

My good friend and I still build cages and are currently re doing a wall of cages for his room.

Hoping this thread continues.

09-15-13, 09:24 PM
I am still waiting to see more breeders post some pictures. Got a lot of them on here that what to give advice or tell people what they are doing wrong with their set up, but don't seem to want to post pictures of theirs. The only reason i could see them not wanting to post pictures is "THEY DON'T PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH".

09-15-13, 10:37 PM
Wow, great thread!

What a bunch of nice set ups.

I don't keep snakes anymore, but like looking at others herp rooms and especially home built caging. I have been a DIY guy for years building every thing from enclosures to hides and my own RHP's.

My good friend and I still build cages and are currently re doing a wall of cages for his room.

Hoping this thread continues.

How do you make an rhp?

09-16-13, 04:59 PM
How do you make an rhp?

I am one of those that likes to build things rather than buy. It doesn't always work out but I do always have fun trying!

This was one of those projects that worked out well.

I simply ordered a popular known (but will not name) RHP for about 80.00 shipped, and took it apart to analyze.

I rounded up the parts and was able to duplicate it for about 15.00 per panel. They worked every bit as good or better than the original and IMO provided a much safer home assembled product than what is currently available to the hobbyist (ie heat tape, etc). Safety is always my first priority.

At the time I was looking to need about twenty or more cages heated so it would have been a substantial savings. I ended up getting out of snake keeping at about the time this project was getting underway so I never built more than a few panels.

I took a lot of pictures of the process but it's not the best idea to post them on a public forum.

09-16-13, 05:01 PM
I am one of those that likes to build things rather than buy. It doesn't always work out but I do always have fun trying!

This was one of those projects that worked out well.

I simply ordered a popular known (but will not name) RHP for about 80.00 shipped, and took it apart to analyze.

I rounded up the parts and was able to duplicate it for about 15.00 per panel. They worked every bit as good or better than the original and IMO provided a much safer home assembled product than what is currently available to the hobbyist (ie heat tape, etc). Safety is always my first priority.

At the time I was looking to need about twenty or more cages heated so it would have been a substantial savings. I ended up getting out of snake keeping at about the time this project was getting underway so I never built more than a few panels.

I took a lot of pictures of the process but it's not the best idea to post them on a public forum.

Do you mean you were able to get the same parts for $15? that's insane the amount of money you can save from doing that.

09-16-13, 08:34 PM
I am one of those that likes to build things rather than buy. It doesn't always work out but I do always have fun trying!

This was one of those projects that worked out well.

I simply ordered a popular known (but will not name) RHP for about 80.00 shipped, and took it apart to analyze.

I rounded up the parts and was able to duplicate it for about 15.00 per panel. They worked every bit as good or better than the original and IMO provided a much safer home assembled product than what is currently available to the hobbyist (ie heat tape, etc). Safety is always my first priority.

At the time I was looking to need about twenty or more cages heated so it would have been a substantial savings. I ended up getting out of snake keeping at about the time this project was getting underway so I never built more than a few panels.

I took a lot of pictures of the process but it's not the best idea to post them on a public forum.
Why would you not do a DIY thread on this? Unless your going into business why not?

09-17-13, 07:47 PM
Mikoh, yes I was able to produce the panels at about 15.00 each, but I had to buy a lot of heater element to make it work out.

Terranaut I can share the photobucket album with you if you are interested. I have no plans to build these commercially

09-17-13, 07:58 PM
Mikoh, yes I was able to produce the panels at about 15.00 each, but I had to buy a lot of heater element to make it work out.

Terranaut I can share the photobucket album with you if you are interested. I have no plans to build these commercially

could I take a look as well?

09-17-13, 08:11 PM
Larry, have you posted photos of the GTP in your avatar? I'd like to see those...

09-17-13, 08:48 PM
Franks enclosures are amazing.

Thank you sir.

09-17-13, 10:08 PM
Mikoh, yes I was able to produce the panels at about 15.00 each, but I had to buy a lot of heater element to make it work out.

Terranaut I can share the photobucket album with you if you are interested. I have no plans to build these commercially

I just posted a thread today asking for advice on designing an enclosure, it was recommended to me to use RHP's, they are not cheap! It would benefit me and a lot of people on this forum if there was a thread with pics and instructions on how to DIY.

09-18-13, 04:30 AM
I am very interested.

09-19-13, 04:40 AM
It wasn't my intention to get Marvel's thread off track!

Copper, I'd be happy to help, just shoot me a pm. Smy, I posted the full size pic of my avatar in the gallery, thanks!

Marvel I'd like to see some of the big operations setups as well, hopefully some will "put up"!

10-24-13, 07:31 PM
http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/835/img0766u.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/img0766u.jpg/)

What are the dimensions of these tubs? Where did you find them, and approx. how much were they?

10-24-13, 08:13 PM
What are the dimensions of these tubs? Where did you find them, and approx. how much were they?
IRIS Holiday Tree Box :: Welcome to NeatlySmart? :: Good things for your home & family? (http://www.neatlysmart.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=107329&catid=1521)

You can also find them at Wal-Mart for $30.00 around Christmas. I got some for $20.00 on clearance right after Christmas. The inside is 48' x 20" x 14". The lids has latches on the ends that lock it so they can't get out. they also have wheels on one end tp make it easy to move them around.

10-24-13, 08:19 PM
IRIS Holiday Tree Box :: Welcome to NeatlySmart? :: Good things for your home & family? (http://www.neatlysmart.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=107329&catid=1521)

You can also find them at Wal-Mart for $30.00 around Christmas. I got some for $20.00 on clearance right after Christmas...

Thanks, may just have to look into one of those :)

10-24-13, 08:31 PM
Thanks, may just have to look into one of those :)
No problem. They work great i use them for Bloods, Carpets, BRB, WLP, Savu Python, my Dumeril and Argentine boas. That's what i like about them is it so easy to set them up different ways for the kind of snakes you have. Like My Carpets and WLP all have branches running along the top for climbing.

http://imageshack.us/a/img707/2310/n5q5.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/n5q5.jpg/)

http://imageshack.us/a/img542/7494/sj5e.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/542/sj5e.jpg/)

10-24-13, 09:02 PM
Some pics I uploaded today







10-24-13, 09:05 PM
One I took tonight of Dutch in his enclosure.

10-24-13, 09:07 PM
How did you secure that pvc perch? Doesn't look like it's on rod holders or screws.

10-24-13, 10:05 PM
Man you guys have some awesome jags I'm jealous.

10-24-13, 10:19 PM
^^^ agreed!

10-25-13, 04:19 AM
How did you secure that pvc perch? Doesn't look like it's on rod holders or screws.
They are held on with fat nylon ties and a blib of hotglue to keep it smooth.
Man you guys have some awesome jags I'm jealous.

Thanks. I actually got this guy for a steal of a deal.

04-05-14, 08:32 PM
Well here are some pics of my 1500 sq ft Reptile room and some of my critters, I have about 50 or so.. Retics, Berms, RTBs, ATB, Monitors, Iguanas, a Tegu some Geckos and a few others :)

04-08-14, 11:00 PM
Here is a few shots of my room. This is from a month ago we a currently under construction " Building more enclosures and rebuilding the water feature" Ill post more pics when this phase is complete :)


04-09-14, 02:32 AM
Wow !!!!! That is amazing . :cool:

Derek Roddy
04-09-14, 09:39 AM
What a cool thread. I had no idea this was here. Lots of cool set ups.

I just posted a thread of half my room but, l'll start with when the entire collection used to be in my drum room. (if any of you have seen my drum videos on youtube...you've probably seen the cages/snakes in the back ground.)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/DSC02678.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/DSC02678.jpg.html)

Can see some of the cages/racks in the background here...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/high%20contrast%20bhps/DSC06282.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/high%20contrast%20bhps/DSC06282.jpg.html)


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/high%20contrast%20bhps/DSC06504.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/high%20contrast%20bhps/DSC06504.jpg.html)

I had such little room that I turn my warehouse bathroom into a hatchling room haha.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/DSC04201.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/DSC04201.jpg.html)

The incubator (I.E Refrigerator)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/DSC02513.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/DSC02513.jpg.html)

I'll post some more of my new room later.


04-09-14, 11:29 AM
Derek...most people would avoid saying they play with little snakes in the bathroom ;)

Awesome setups in this thread.

04-09-14, 11:42 AM
I totally missed the bathroom picture. That's awesome. Though they must hate it when you take a dump!

Derek Roddy
04-09-14, 01:28 PM
here's the new room. Much more space to add critters! Haha.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/Carpets/DSCN5702.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/Carpets/DSCN5702.jpg.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/Carpets/DSCN5701.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/Carpets/DSCN5701.jpg.html)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v321/derekroddy/Carpets/DSCN5703.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/derekroddy/media/Carpets/DSCN5703.jpg.html)


Derek Roddy
04-09-14, 01:29 PM
I totally missed the bathroom picture. That's awesome. Though they must hate it when you take a dump!

Hahaha...don't use that bathroom for anything other than washing water bowls in the sink. I don't trust that toilet. lol.


05-19-14, 11:11 PM
so being that guy that only has one snake. how do you keep all those temps and humidies correct and maintenance all that???:confused: some of those racks are just tubs in book shelf's no heat tape or panels it seems. not to mention several different species with different needs... :wacky:

please dont take this as insult im honestly asking to know not to doubt or w.e.

cant imagine your elect bills and rat costs. :eek:

05-19-14, 11:23 PM
JWFugle, there are a few factors that go into play. With the use of thermostats, you can have the settings automatically controlled so that conditions are constant. But it shouldn't matter how many animals one has anyways, all heat sources for all animals need to be controlled.

Humidity is pretty easy. I pretty much know from experience that the enclosures i use will maintain a level of %50-60 without any maintenance as long as there are water bowls present. I have several holes drilled for ventilation and nothing more. If I want higher humidity, I can just mist the enclosure. If I want less humidity, I'll drill more holes. Over time you just get a feel for the way your enclosure maintains it's conditions.

06-03-14, 12:27 PM
so being that guy that only has one snake. how do you keep all those temps and humidies correct and maintenance all that???:confused: some of those racks are just tubs in book shelf's no heat tape or panels it seems. not to mention several different species with different needs... :wacky:

please dont take this as insult im honestly asking to know not to doubt or w.e.

cant imagine your elect bills and rat costs. :eek:
On the elect bill i payed about a $150.00 more a month during the winter but this year i had to run two heaters instead of one. Rats cost me about $50.00 to feed 16 snakes. As for keeping temps and humidity in the correct range it's not hard at all if you keep our room at a set temperature. Plus most of mine have almost the same requirements.

06-03-14, 02:26 PM
Cool thread, I will post mine after I finish installing this new chondro cage. I will go over my husbandry though seeing as how that was the thread's purpose...I think.

I use heated rooms that average about 83F throughout the day, this is good for the species I keep. I clean water bowls as needed and tend to change water more frequently for my arboreals. Substrate is generally non-particle now and I like to add live plants to cages if I can. My main cleaner is a general F10 solution and is used in the cages, on water bowels, etc... . I sweep my rooms about twice a week and often scrub the floors as well as check the vents. Reptile Spray is always on hand, I used to keep PAM as well but recent information has made me decide to eliminate it from my husbandry. In the near future the snake room will include an air purifer and Pro-Products Bioshield will be applied to the cages roughly 2-4 times a year. In record keeping, I am in the process of going paper less and keeping track of lineage particularly as well as growth, feeding, behavior, etc... . I believe in growing my animals up gradually and raising them on an individual basis, often giving them a good 4-5 years before I begin thinking of breeding...keeping chondros has taught me to always have a good balance between body fat and good lean muscle tone. If I left something out let me know.

David VB
06-04-14, 09:55 AM
Hey, this is my humble snake/tarantula-room :

On the left are the snakes :

On the right the T's :

And a little update on the T-corner :
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10269633_10204208846248242_9178461074659683099_n.j pg

Derek Roddy
06-04-14, 10:10 AM
so being that guy that only has one snake. how do you keep all those temps and humidies correct and maintenance all that???:confused: some of those racks are just tubs in book shelf's no heat tape or panels it seems. not to mention several different species with different needs... :wacky:

please dont take this as insult im honestly asking to know not to doubt or w.e.

cant imagine your elect bills and rat costs. :eek:

Haha...yeah it can be a lot to take care of.

I live in South Florida so, the weather (temps/humidity) here is perfect for the snakes I keep.
My place is basically a big barn and is not climate controlled other than by the natural temps outside....which again are about the same as their natural range.
So, I really don't have to heat or cool or any of that.

The lights are for me more than my snakes (So, I can view them) and during the day, I have the door open so the get plenty of natural day light as well.
The light bill isn't that bad......about 100 a month.

Food is my biggest cost at about 300/400 every 2 - 3 months.


06-11-14, 06:57 PM
Haha...yeah it can be a lot to take care of.
The light bill isn't that bad......about 100 a month.

Food is my biggest cost at about 300/400 every 2 - 3 months.


yea.... thats more than i pay for my rent... haha

thats cool that you guys have such a large collection. and have pretty much dedicated your homes or like MCB your garage/shed just to housing these guys. one is enough for me :)

06-22-14, 06:38 PM
Awesome pictures here.