View Full Version : Extra cage, Extra roaches?

02-17-13, 10:17 PM
I have an extra 30''x18''x12'' cage. with flexwatt, but can be altered around to change for a lizard...

i am looking for something that can live in there, (whole life if possible) and can live off dubia roaches, and or greens...

i was thinking of an emperor scorpion, ( i know dont eat greens) i have a ton of dubias, and i would like something that can be fed those two...

I was also thinking of a bearded dragon, then once big enough, introduce him/her to my other beardie..

let me know what you guys think:)


02-18-13, 11:04 AM
anything good people?

02-18-13, 11:07 AM
Beardies can not live together. Of course if your okay with that a beardie is a good choice they eat what your looking to feed.

02-18-13, 11:14 AM
That cage would be ok for a baby Beardie but not for an adult... it's to small.

02-18-13, 11:24 AM
That cage would be ok for a baby Beardie but not for an adult... it's to small.

i know its too small for an adult, hence why I said "introduce to other beardie" as in the other cage to be housed together

Beardies can not live together. Of course if your okay with that a beardie is a good choice they eat what your looking to feed.

and i thought they could as long as cage was big enough?? when i was reading up on them alot of sites said as long as you have a big enough cage, 2 can be housed togehter? i have a 4x2x2 cage so i thought they could... So yea, a bearded dragon would be my number 1, but that is on the idea they can live together, once the new one is big enough, if that is wrong, please let me konw like i said, that is what I gathered though my research and videos...

any thing other than a beardie? any other small lizards? spider maybe? pair of scorpions? or anything else?

02-18-13, 11:28 AM
That would be an okay size for a leopard gecko for its entire life. They'll eat dubias.

02-18-13, 11:30 AM
That would be an okay size for a leopard gecko for its entire life. They'll eat dubias.

thats a good idea as well.

thanks for input:)