View Full Version : El Diablos new home

02-12-13, 12:03 PM
i figured i would get your guys imput on his new home and see what you think. i know it looks kinda plain but has his essencials. 3 hiding places, large water dish. (i may have gone too big. im still un decided on it. i might swap it out for a large dog food bowl.) what would you guys change. .

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Click here to view the original image of 1024x768px and 86KB.

Mark Taylor
02-12-13, 01:22 PM
Nice set up pall,

If I was to change anything it would be the water bowl it just does not seem deep enough when the snake coils up in it the water it will just run out all other the enclosure, But I guess on 2 things here the depth of bowl and size of bcc?

Also the size of the hides again hard to tell on the pics.

I use washing up bowls for mine two turned upside down with hole cut out and one with water about 2.5" deep when they get in it the the water is about 1" from over flowing lol.

But still love the set up thanks for sharing.

02-12-13, 01:41 PM
I use one of these for water. I have a kingsnake so he fits through the hole in the side (can make bigger if you have a bigger snake). So, it acts as a water bowl and as another hide. It's one of his favorite places to hang out. I think I paid $3 for it.


Mark Taylor
02-12-13, 01:53 PM
I use one of these for water. I have a kingsnake so he fits through the hole in the side (can make bigger if you have a bigger snake). So, it acts as a water bowl and as another hide. It's one of his favorite places to hang out. I think I paid $3 for it.

That cool.:)

02-12-13, 02:07 PM
the hides are perfect size for him. he is around 3.5-4 feet.

here is a picture of him and his hide

Mark Taylor
02-13-13, 04:57 AM
He is stunning pal. Yes the hides do look perfect size mate.