View Full Version : Kids getting "scared"???
02-12-13, 05:52 AM
Just wondered if anyone else has noticced their kids going through phases of being interested in and then "scared" of their snakes?
We have realised to day that it has been a few months since our daughter (6) has held any of our snakes. We had a handling session today and realised that she had gotten really timid around them and when questioned she stated that she is scared of them.
She was three when we got them and has always interacted with them with no sense of nervousness at all.
She did eventually hold the back end of Monty our BP today and said she wants to start holding them again butguess we need to start desensitising her again :rolleyes:
My grandaughter was scared when I got Princess my royal. But last summer I got a butter motley corn and she showed some interest. After holding Frank (the wife named him and apparently he looks like a Frank :-) ) she asked if she could hold Princess and happy to report she's been fine since. Hope your wee girl gets over it quickly bud ;-)
02-12-13, 06:33 AM
I think it's more a case that as they grow kids get exposed to the irrational fears of other people and society.... Everywhere you look there's reptiles being portrayed as evil/deadly so subconsciously the kids will be conditioned to think the same..
It's funny you bring this thread up. My daughter got lightly tagged by Heimdallr, our rainbow boa baby last night. She became timid of him for about an hour then was over it. He barely got her and I think she was hurt more that he would tag her than the actual bite. He got a stern talking to by her this morning. LOL
I think she scared him and he reacted the only way he knew how last night. We talked about it and she's going to try to be more careful with him. Right after it happened, she was holding Flash, our large ball python... So she can't be too timid.
02-12-13, 08:57 AM
I think its fairly normal as they grow to develop fears they didn't have before, but i'm sure it will pass the more you have your snake out around her. The trouble with snakes is they are often portrayed as man eating monsters even in kids programmes, so I think as they begin to realise that it sticks in their heads. My 4 yr old is interested in our snake but won't touch him.
02-12-13, 09:24 AM
My 5 year old has had snakes in her life forever. She "owns" two. She's firmly interested in them and openly states that she likes snakes. When she was 3 and 4 she flipped flopped a bit more because her mom and a lot of people around her don't like them so she took on those fears but she saw past them and likes them.
She won't touch them though lol. She doesn't really touch any pet. She's a cautious girl.
02-12-13, 09:32 AM
I think it's important to distinguish here between being timid and being afraid. I've always loved reptiles and wanted badly to keep them. However, When I got my first snake, a ball python, I'm sure my handling practices could be described as "timid".
Contrast this with my poor loving mother, who became very nearly physically ill if she ever saw the snake outside of its cage, and who gets the "heebie-jeebies" if she thinks too much about them. That is a fear of snakes; the timidity could be for any number of things, but I doubt it is (and hope its not) that kind of visceral, reactive fear.
02-12-13, 09:39 AM
I would agree that it's most likely due to societal inputs. My kids are perfectly natural if not too excited to hold our snakes. But I could see if one of my daughter's friends was afraid of snakes that she might decide to be afraid of them also. You never know with kids. My second boy one day decided he absolutely loathed the color purple. He's never liked it since.
02-12-13, 09:58 AM
after my youngest who was 8 years old at the time, ended up with his Kingsnake hanging off a nostril,he became a lot more cautious around snakes
he will hold the most placid of my carpets though (i'm with him at all times)
so as you say Rob,it was just confidence building that was required mate
cheers shaun
02-12-13, 11:32 AM
Thanks for all the responses, thinking about it her current "best" friend at school has expressed a severe dislike of snakes so maybe it isnt a coincidence that she is also doing the same :rolleyes:
My daughter has been fast converting her friends into snake lovers. It's funny to watch. I think I'm on some parents poop lists over that.
02-12-13, 11:39 AM
My daughter has been fast converting her friends into snake lovers. It's funny to watch. I think I'm on some parents poop lists over that.
I know that feeling ;) whenever we have children visitors i always check sith parents that it is ok for their kids to handle snakes if they want to. Most ok it but if they dont i respect their wishes whilst also lettig the kid have a good look at me and daughter handling them and allaying any fears etc.
The current friend is the first to vocalise a definitive fear of them rather than just being unsure/cautious. Guess my next job is to introduce the snakes through the enclosure glass and see how we go :). There is no real escaping them as they are all in our main living room.
02-12-13, 11:45 AM
my kid is obsessed with our snake, her only word she likes to use is "nake" not snake, nooooo, "nake". So obsessed we got her a rubber boa, not a real snake but a foam/rubber one. She walks around with it hugging it and giving it kisses. I hope that never passes.
My son, who grew up around my snakes and never had a problem with them when he was younger, now dislikes them a lot (he is now 20). I dont know if I would call it a fear, he just doesnt like them at all anymore and wont hold them. Odd as he used to love holding the new babies all the time as a small child. My daughter has no problems with them and never has.
02-12-13, 03:22 PM
My lacertas think my son is food. They tried to eat him through the glass... then again they think I'm food too
02-22-13, 11:30 AM
Maybe she got bit, or saw someone else get bitten, possibly on TV. Younger children could become scared of all snakes if they are watching Animal Planet and hear about people getting bitten and or killed by large or venomous snakes. Try and emphasize that the snakes you have are harmless. Try to get her to hold one of them, or at least touch it. If you have any aggressive ones, I would advise that you don't take them out, only the really docile ones. That happened with my sisters. They absolutely adored turtles for a long time. Then one time they insisted on going herping with me, and while I was attempting to catch a frog, I got tagged by a small snapper that was in the water. So they were thoroughly terrified of turtles when I brought home a RES and a Painted Turtle I was caring for for a friend. The summer went through without a bite and they love them again. Just aknowledge her fears and slowly help her overcome them. Do not overwhelm her, or it may have the opposite effect. If she doesn't want to touch them, try not to force her. She could also be influenced by friends that do not like snakes. If she decides she doesn't like them at all, she may just be becoming independent. Just kind of wait and see. Good luck and hope that I helped.
02-22-13, 12:24 PM
One of my brothers daughter isn't even two yet and is excited to hold my snakes when she comes over but my brother hates it when I take them out. My other brothers son who is a little over 2 likes to touch them but not hold.
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