View Full Version : Vital Exotics 2012-2013 Retic Breeding Season Updates

Vital Exotics
02-10-13, 10:42 AM
Our Reticulated Python Breeding season started of great and continues to go wonderfully….We have some great breedings and worlds firsts taking place this spring…

In early January we had a beautiful Platinum female lay a clutch of 24 perfect eggs. She was bred by a Platinum Het Albino male so we should see some really nice hatchlings out of this clutch....Ivorys, Ultra Ivorys, some beautiful Platinums, normals and possibly a Lucy or two, all of these will be PH Albino. This clutch should hatch around the first of April.



In mid January we had one of the most beautiful Retic females lay a clutch of 32 perfect eggs. She is a crazy patterned 66% PH Anthrax that was bred by a very dark and high silver Anthrax male. Hopefully she proves out and we see some incredibly patterned Anthrax’s and Het Anthrax’s. This clutch should hatch in the middle of April.



The third clutch of the season for us was a beautiful 50% Jampea (Dwarf) White Albino bred by a SD/Dwarf Purple Snow. This girl is a 2009 and is in the 10' range, this should make some really beautiiful Sd/Dwarf Lavender Albinos Het for SNOW! She laid 15 perfect eggs, with no slugs. Couldnt be happier for her first clutch from such a small female. This clutch should hatch around the first week of May. This clutch will have the ingredients to produce White and Lavender phase SNOWS!



We also bred our SD SNOW male to a 75% Jampea (Dwarf) Supertiger PH SNOW. If she proves out Het SNOW then we will create a worlds first…. SD/Dwarf SNOW Tigers! This clutch should be laid at the end of February.


We also just had one of the most exciting breedings of the year happening here…

Our PIED male is now breeding as of last month and he was bred to a SD/Dwarf Double Het SNOW female….This will hopefully prove out if my PIED male is Het Albino and if he is a Tiger or not and there is a possibility I could hit SD/Dwarf/Mainland Albino Tigers 100% Het PIED PH Anery/Snow out of this breeding!!! That would be insane! This female should lay her clutch mid March.


We are also breeding our PIED male to some other awesome females…I will post the breedings when the time is right… ☺

With all the smaller, more manageable, easier to care for and house SD/Dwarf Retics available now, this is a very exciting time for the hobbyists that are interested in this amazing species! After all when it comes to color, pattern and intelligence its pretty hard to top a Retic!

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Reticulated Pythons | Ball Pythons | Water Monitors | Black Dragons | Crocodile Monitors | Vital Exotics (http://www.VitalExotics.com)

Vital Exotics
02-10-13, 10:46 AM
Egg photos:

Platinum Het Albino X Platinum


Anthrax X 66% PH Anthrax


SD/Dwarf Purple Snow X 50% Jampea (Dwarf) White Albino


02-10-13, 11:30 AM
Awesome! Sounds like you have some exciting projects. Can't wait to see some babies! :)

02-10-13, 03:28 PM
You must tell me...how do you remove the eggs from the mother?

Vital Exotics
02-11-13, 12:56 PM
Aaron_S, I just "unwrap" the females from the clutch or separate them from it. Most times it is no big deal. Sometimes a female gets a little defensive, but I just move them off and they let me do my thing. Not bad at all.

Thanks for the compliments guys!

02-13-13, 03:24 PM
Some stunning retics there.

Have you got any more pictures of that crazy patterned possible het anthrax? The patterns on her look great.

Mark Taylor
02-13-13, 03:51 PM
Some stunning retics there.

Have you got any more pictures of that crazy patterned possible het anthrax? The patterns on her look great.

Looks like a pac man scene lol.

They all look great.

Vital Exotics
02-14-13, 05:55 AM
Thanks guys!

NBLADE that PH Anthrax female just shed today so I will get some more pics of her and post them. She is really so nice looking!

02-15-13, 04:12 PM
Thanks guys!

NBLADE that PH Anthrax female just shed today so I will get some more pics of her and post them. She is really so nice looking!

Thanks, she does look very interesting, very busy pattern on her, reminds me of a granite burm almost, very nice.