View Full Version : Profile: Franklin

02-06-13, 03:56 PM
For this entry, we are profiling Franklin, the fifth of our five adult breeder males.

Franklin’s age is unknown, but estimated at about nine years. He originally came to us in July 2011 from a breeder who was exiting the Brazilian business, and was estimated at six to eight years of age at that point. Due to his larger size (about 1800 grams), I went with the higher end of that range. We picked his name due to his inventive persistence, which he usually applied to trying to find ways out of his viv.

Here is Franklin as of July 2011, saying “hi” to the camera just after we received him:

Here is Franklin as of September 2012, in honor of his (estimated) ninth birthday:



Franklin, who was a proven breeder before he joined Living Gems, struck out during the short season last year, but was re-introduced to his mate Agate in mid-November. Just a few weeks ago he was still following her around the viv.

Thank you for reading,

02-06-13, 04:12 PM
Very pretty looking Guy there

02-07-13, 02:11 PM
Thank you, RMF!

02-07-13, 03:00 PM
i like the sides on him the color and pattern is very nice.

02-07-13, 04:47 PM
Sweet! I like the three circles mark on it's neck right behind the head.

02-08-13, 02:59 PM
Thanks SWS! He was sporting his Sunday best for the camera. ;-)

02-08-13, 02:59 PM
Chuck, good eye, you're only the second person to comment on that unique feature!