View Full Version : Oh My.........

05-03-02, 07:51 PM
PINSCHIE HAD BABIES!!!! I know the pic sucks, but I didnt want to disturb her all that much.

STORY: My hubby bought her for me for my b-day back in Feb. Well little did I realize, she was in with a bunch of other scorps at the time. And then today, I go in to check on everyone(she lives in my snake room) and WOW!! 8 tiny Pinschies. They are soooo neat!


Ill get better pics with my friends camera in the next few days.

05-03-02, 08:12 PM
That's great! Congratulations! :bounce:

05-03-02, 09:37 PM
Seems to happen often with Emperors from pet stores.
Can't wait til I find some mates for my Rock Scorpion so I can get some little ones.

05-03-02, 10:10 PM
that must've been a sweet surprise!:D

05-04-02, 12:04 AM
Im still in shock....

Now to find good homes for a few of em when they are old enough...:p