View Full Version : Post Shed

Zoo Nanny
02-02-13, 11:02 AM
Not bad looking for an old man!

02-02-13, 11:27 AM
How old is he?

02-02-13, 11:39 AM
Very handsome

Zoo Nanny
02-02-13, 02:37 PM
I got him on 01 and the vet estimated he was about 5 years old at the time. So somewhere around 16 or 17. He was 22 inches long when I first got him. I love his shine after the shed.

Mark Taylor
02-02-13, 02:39 PM
He is cool.

02-19-13, 08:20 PM
That's a very interesting looking Tiliqua...

Zoo Nanny
02-20-13, 10:50 AM
Thank you, I think he is quite handsome.

Ms. Medusa
02-21-13, 12:58 PM
Wow--he's really a looker !

02-21-13, 12:59 PM
Does he still smell after sheds?

Zoo Nanny
02-21-13, 02:41 PM
No he is only odorful when getting ready to shed. Once the shed is complete he smells fine, actually he has no noticable odor.