View Full Version : Kinda dumb question

01-28-03, 01:01 PM
Ok all you skink keepers, where's the skinks "butt". I was looking at my new skink and they have no "vent" at the base of their tails. So where does it come out at?? Sorry for the grossness of this question but I'm wondering.

01-28-03, 01:09 PM
if you look very close, you'll see a vent. It is not as obvious on skinks as it is on other saurians

01-28-03, 01:26 PM
Really?? The belly looks so smooth on a skink right up to the tip of the tail. Weird! Anyway thanks!!

01-28-03, 08:54 PM
There is a very inconspicuous vent if you look really, really close. If you're overly curious, you can GENTLY bend the tail upward and you'll see a little lip jut out to expose the anal "ridge"... It's an odd question, but hey, skinks aren't the typical herp... lol. Good luck in your search for the a$$.

01-29-03, 12:37 PM
lol thanks! I did end up finding it.