View Full Version : Argus Monitor in Ontario?

Little Wise Owl
02-01-13, 01:27 PM
Does anyone know where I could start looking for CB Argus Monitors in Ontario/Canada? Or if there are any US breeders who could ship to Canada?

02-01-13, 01:30 PM
Does anyone know where I could start looking for CB Argus Monitors in Ontario/Canada? Or if there are any US breeders who could ship to Canada?

have you checked fauna? i saw some females for sale the other day, i was tempted to get one for pajaaamas

02-01-13, 01:47 PM
Does anyone know where I could start looking for CB Argus Monitors in Ontario/Canada? Or if there are any US breeders who could ship to Canada?

Hi, I know Justin Burokas (aka "krusty") breeds the species, and as far as I`m aware does ship to Canada, or at least I know of someone who`s had monitors from him, I don`t think he travelled to Florida to collect them.
You can contact him at reptic zone.

Little Wise Owl
02-01-13, 02:07 PM
Thanks a lot :)