View Full Version : boring but cheap!!
01-28-03, 12:06 PM
very first viv for my very first snake!
measurements : 24" wide 24" deep 20" high
its boring i know....not attractive, i know that too! it was made from an old desk and it only cost around £10 to make with the glass! proud! well my dad made it...without me.....::sniff sniff:: i wanted to play with the drill!!! its actually pretty tidy looking. i need to build a shelving unit to actually fit it. and it gauged out giant scratches on my draws!!!!!
well in the picture inset you can see my dads idea of screwing that damn light guard on with 2" bolts! no damn snakes gonna get in there!!!
i feel this is too large for my 20" corn snake:( i may set him up in a tank with a mat and get something that fits the viv!! it will be at least a year before he gets to that size hes so damn tiny! i was thinking of getting another animal to put in it. i think it might be too small for a ball python? what you think? give me your suggestions! anything but carpet pythons!;) (i know a few people will say you should buy the house to fit the pet not the pet to fit the viv!)
plus any tips on glass cleaning? i need stuff that wont harm my snakey wakey :)
01-28-03, 12:11 PM
looks like it works, looks kinda neat too
01-28-03, 12:40 PM
Hey look,s pretty good 2 me :) :)
01-28-03, 01:04 PM
Looks pretty good to me ;)
Since it's almost a cube, it might be good for an arboreal snake -- maybe an ATB?
It would be ok for a BP for a while, although not an adult...
01-28-03, 01:06 PM
can you tell me what their personality is like? i hear loads of horror stories about tree boas and pythons and the like! i want to keep my face!!
Big Mike
01-28-03, 01:14 PM
They are not for the novice snake keeper. They have very specific housing requirements and are not as hearty as "beginner" snakes like corns etc.
That is what I have been reading any way.
I'd say that your corn will do OK in that nice enclosure. Corns do like to climb on things if you give them the chance. A ball will fit in there for a while if it's not full grown.
You can glean the glass will soap and water. Stay away from glass cleaner (I think I read that somewhere). You can use vinager I think.
Anyway, Nice enclosure.
01-28-03, 01:15 PM
i tried soap and water:( i guess my window cleaning skills arent too good then:( !! hehe
and yeah your right about tree boas/pythons! plus i dont think i could afford one! arent they expensive??
Nice enclosure, XxRachxX. It is light years ahead of the very first viv I made.. :)
I just use plain old vinegar to clean the glass in my cage. So far no problems. Hope this helps.
01-28-03, 05:11 PM
looks great. ^^
Them and Us
01-28-03, 05:50 PM
to clean the glass i have a spray bottle with a small amount of windex adde to water . very little smell so no damage and works great.
01-28-03, 05:53 PM
I also use windex with no (amonia) or viniger and water works great :) :)
01-29-03, 08:55 PM
where do you buy light guards? or did your dad just make it on his own?
It look nice to me, yes for now it's a bit big for your corn but he will get bigger
i have one around 3 years old and she's 4feet and some. She's in a 3 feet X 1
x1.5 she will move soon in a 4X2X2.
They like to go around and yes they climb and you have the place for.
i think that's an awesome enclosure.... if you add some fake plants and wood and rocks it'd make a great playground for your corn
I have 2 ball pythons and the female is nippy as hell but the male is calm. They are active and great to watch and hold. Corns are moer skittish but are moer colourful.
01-30-03, 12:52 PM
punkmonkey: we made our own guard £1.50 + a little cursing!. to buy one it would have cost £13 can you believe it?
i dont want to be living with the tub for another god knows how many months. its a pain in the *** to get the temps right!trust me! i think a tank would be easier! oh well
02-01-03, 12:13 AM
how did you make them? just wire? how do you change the bulb once its burned out?
02-01-03, 12:13 AM
how do you make them? just sue wire? how do you change the bulb once its burned out?
02-01-03, 11:58 AM
well its bolted to the top of the viv, so un-bolt the bolts and the whole thing comes off. just just buy sheets of wire mesh at a diy shop. you could always solder the pieces together or use wire to tie it together. we soldered ours its stronger. just plan out the net for a cube but with extra length at the top so you can fold it over to screw it to the expecting to cut yourself a few times!!! PICCY!
02-13-03, 11:27 AM
lol....that looks great!!
i think u did great since it was ur first one!:w
Looks good! As long as you have alot of places/plants for your little corn to hide and perch on, you shoudln't have any problems. After all, in the wild they have alot more than 2x2x20" of space to live in ;) As for cleaning glass, vinegar works quite well I have found. I would steer clear of any glass cleaners such as windex, doesn't matter if it is diluted, it doesn't make it non-toxic :rolleyes:
Looks like a nice enclosure. I wouldn't worry about the enclosure being too big. you might want to put in some fake plants that the corn can climb on. our corns like to climb makes me wonder if they're arborial. though i would however consider a different source of heat.
02-15-03, 02:22 PM
though i would however consider a different source of heat.
Really? why? what would you use?
i was told that the snakes couldnt see the red light?
02-17-03, 02:36 PM
Very nice viv! Thanks for sharing!:)
Snake Lady
02-18-03, 01:55 AM
i think thats a nice enclosure! looks like something that i would of built!
Snake Lady:)
looks great....I startes out with a 10 gal tank and my first sank was a rtb so u can imagine how long that lasted!
since then I have spread and now house over 75 breeders and all in a 3 bedroom apartment - 2 of witch is all theres ;)
I am looking at a few houses now that I plan to convert the whole basement into the facility of my dreams :) who knows from there !
02-26-03, 05:04 PM
id love to do that! but im 17 damnit!!!well..nearly. can i come live with u?
lol.......u would have to move along way ;) I am looking at setting up shop in the basement but my dreams are to open a shop within a couple years!
03-26-03, 05:14 PM
hey man what did you put around the heat lamp? I need something like that too, but it shouldnt get hot no metal...
Bryce Masuk
03-26-03, 05:46 PM
xxrachxx other sources of heat are heatpads heat tape those are the best for ground dwellers light bothers me at night and the cost of bulbs quickly adds up to the price of a heatpad you will have for a long time arboreal creatures should have light bulbs or radiant heat panels for gtp/atb so the humidity stays high but light bulbs work fine and you could use a ceramic heat emitter it goes in a light bulb socket and emits no light but they dry the air so its no good for humid species
03-26-03, 08:46 PM
Looks good, but what are you houseing in it?
03-27-03, 02:54 PM
i dont like heat pads, think about it, where is the sun?? is it underneath you? no! its not natural.
theres nothing wrong with my bulb damnit!!!!!!!:)
thanks for the nice comments though:D
burmies: cornsnake
03-27-03, 03:04 PM
ok............ thanxs 24 dat
03-27-03, 03:07 PM
and.........what the heck did i do there?
i DO hope your not being sarcastic . cuz you my sarcastic little friend can go to hell:) thank you and goodnight
06-15-03, 07:47 PM
wow that is a very nice cage. How much in American money did it cost you to build that?
06-15-03, 08:12 PM
i wouldnt go as far as "wow" and "very nice" i just see it as an irritating over sized black box....which doesnt fit in with my "decorating" sceme!
well we made it from!
so glass cost about 15 dollars, all cut and finished... the track probably would cost only a couple dollars and the mesh again....only a few dollars!
if you make it from existing furniture it makes it a hell of a lot cheaper!
06-16-03, 11:53 AM
I think your corn will be quite happy in that lovely enclosure.
06-16-03, 10:14 PM
well, i thought it was very nice......
Chris Steele
06-20-03, 12:00 AM
It is very nice. I would love to have a cage that nice. Especially for just 15 dollars lol. Do you live in the US?
06-20-03, 07:49 PM
i dont live in the us^_^
in live in eeeeenglaaand:) and it sucks....
its probably cost a leeetle more than 15 dollars O.o probably like 25....with added extra crap:)
07-16-03, 03:51 PM
Hey it looks good to me, heat pads are some what natural if you think about it, the sun heats up the ground and therefore snakes get some belly heat.
At the first page of the post, the discussion was on what people use to clean glass, i use a little bit of viniger mixed with water and that seems to work. I heard if you use distilled water then you wont get those pesky water marks, i havent tried it yet but i will soon. :) Sorry for posting a little late in this forum!!!
08-05-03, 09:58 PM
buy light guards at home depot..i think it's called hardware cloth or something like that...
08-06-03, 12:13 PM
nice cage. I've yet to build my own.......!!!!
08-12-03, 07:07 PM
Good job. It's a very nice little Viv. You should be proud. Most people can't cut wood straight enough to make square corners.
Hey it looks good to me, heat pads are some what natural if you think about it, the sun heats up the ground and therefore snakes get some belly heat
This is very true. Heating pads are not unnatural at all, and if they were thousands of breeders wouldn't be having the sucess they are constantly having.
Snakes can often be found on roads. Why? Roads get nice an hot. Same with rocks, patches of sun, etc. If they really need *sun* beating on them then most would be dinural, and require UV light, IMHO.
cute cage :)
08-12-03, 07:13 PM
Very nice enlosure XxRachxX
08-12-03, 07:28 PM
yep, same reason you find snakes in rotting logs, rotting piles of leaves, and on top of rocks and have no need for UV light. It is much more efficient for them to heat through the belly instead of trying to heat through dense back muscle to reach proper core temperature, works almost as well at night as the day.
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