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01-30-13, 11:26 AM
I kinda got a big nudge from a great friend to take my feeder business to the next level. I will be selling snakes , frozen rodents and insects through it.

Feeders4you (http://f4you.clanteam.com/F4You/Welcome.html)

01-30-13, 11:29 AM
I had no idea you were breeding all these Kevin. Are these your own or are you working with someone? Congratulations man!

01-30-13, 11:41 AM
Lol. Haven't bred anything yet. I have been bringing in snakes for people for a long time so the royals are from a couple of friends that have supplied me in the past and I hope to keep doing business with.

The hypo Abby jungles and Abby ghost jungles are a friend of mine in Moncton. We have an agreement to help each other out with breeding projects and he is a really solid guy.

The other boas I imported back in September and are what's left of a 19 lot I purchased.

The corns were acquired in a collection buy out back in June.

My goal with the snakes is to give people I know and trust another out let to try and move them. I will be carrying the guarantee and sales through the website for a modest percentage. I may continue buying clutches and litters to supplement my boa breeding but that can be a hassle in and of itself.

01-30-13, 11:41 AM
Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification. Good luck man!

01-30-13, 11:48 AM
grats man! I need me some female royals! lol.

01-30-13, 11:49 AM
I like the name and the site!

01-30-13, 12:04 PM
Dude, that's awesome, but your rat prices are astronomical to what we pay in Southern Ontario. Your prices are double if not triple on some sizes that I get from my supplier.
Is that the market out there?

01-30-13, 12:10 PM
Dude, that's awesome, but your rat prices are astronomical to what we pay in Southern Ontario. Your prices are double if not triple on some sizes that I get from my supplier.
Is that the market out there?

I honestly didn't know the rat prices were up so I will double check.

The local pet stores are selling rats for $12.99 so my xxxl are $8 I think.....

01-30-13, 01:45 PM
I love the site, the layout is setup quite well. I will certainly put in a feeder order next month.

01-30-13, 01:51 PM
The contact us part gives a 403 error and the site will not work on my mobile devices.
Can you ship Frozen to Ontario?

01-30-13, 02:26 PM
Good luck with you business, I hope it goes well for you

Mark Taylor
01-30-13, 02:28 PM
I like it and the rats ain't that bad I pay £4.50 a rat. Nice site just need a few more pics of the snakes and pics of the rats size with something to scale it against some people go by how big it looks rather than weight, just my personal opinion.

01-30-13, 02:30 PM
Hope it all goes good for you, I do have to agree with Mykee though. The prices seem high to me at least on the rats, I pay $1.50 for Weaned frozen rats.

01-30-13, 02:40 PM
Good luck with the business, Kevin! :)

01-30-13, 05:28 PM
I like it and the rats ain't that bad I pay £4.50 a rat. Nice site just need a few more pics of the snakes and pics of the rats size with something to scale it against some people go by how big it looks rather than weight, just my personal opinion.

Jesus, what you paying that much for? I get ten 156-175g rats, ten 120-140g rats and ten 25-35g mice DELIVERED for £42. If you are interested shoot me a pm and i will give you the details :)

01-30-13, 05:28 PM
I honestly didn't know the rat prices were up so I will double check.

The local pet stores are selling rats for $12.99 so my xxxl are $8 I think.....

i get small rats for 90 pence = 60 cents,medium rats £1.10,73 cents

thats buying in bulk from England

shop prices are roughly

small rat £1.50,$1,medium rat £2.00,$1.33

prices must be pretty high over your way mate,i would have thought the opposite,in that the USA would have been cheaper,due to larger amounts of prey,being produced

good luck with your new enterprize mate

all the best,shaun

01-30-13, 08:45 PM
I am actually in Canada so we don't have any big rodent breeders here that I know about.

I was also in my local pet store getting crickets today ( can't wait for my roaches to start breeding)and a guy I know said they had been selling adult mice for $5-$6 dollars for the last three months.

01-30-13, 08:47 PM
I am actually in Canada so we don't have any big rodent breeders here that I know about.

I was also in my local pet store getting crickets today ( can't wait for my roaches to start breeding)and a guy I know said they had been selling adult mice for $5-$6 dollars for the last three months.

Screw that guy over!!!

Seems like your area is poised for a cheaper rodent supplier. If you wanted to expand like rodentpro and offer cross country you'll have to bring the prices down.

01-30-13, 10:53 PM
I buy my rodents from a local breeder, I get an order of 8 rat pinks, 10 rat smalls and two rat mediums for 33 with 10 for delivery to my place so 43 bucks a month. To order from you would cost me 50 without the delivery/shipping charges.

01-31-13, 01:15 AM
I buy my rodents from a local breeder, I get an order of 8 rat pinks, 10 rat smalls and two rat mediums for 33 with 10 for delivery to my place so 43 bucks a month. To order from you would cost me 50 without the delivery/shipping charges.

I don't charge delivery fees to anywhere I deliver.

01-31-13, 01:24 AM
Screw that guy over!!!

Seems like your area is poised for a cheaper rodent supplier. If you wanted to expand like rodentpro and offer cross country you'll have to bring the prices down.

Yeah but that sounds like a lot of work. Rp also just lost 1.7 million.....

01-31-13, 07:37 AM
I don't charge delivery fees to anywhere I deliver.
iirc you don't live anywhere near me so unless you planned on shipping to me for free, but even then it wouldn't matter as it would still be an extra 7 bucks.

All i'm trying to say is pet stores shouldn't be all you are trying to compete with, there are lots of local people who do it as a side project and can charge a whole lot less. Pretty much every person with snakes in my greater area buys from her and I think like me they would be hesitant to switch.

01-31-13, 10:53 AM
iirc you don't live anywhere near me so unless you planned on shipping to me for free, but even then it wouldn't matter as it would still be an extra 7 bucks.

All i'm trying to say is pet stores shouldn't be all you are trying to compete with, there are lots of local people who do it as a side project and can charge a whole lot less. Pretty much every person with snakes in my greater area buys from her and I think like me they would be hesitant to switch.

Well unfortunately I will never have the whole market but thankfully I have no desire to own it either. I have a few limiting factors in my rodent prices or I would go lower. I am a business man first and foremost. I currently sell most of my rabbits at my cost because the three customers that buy them buy all of their rats from me. If it gets to the point where I can no longer compete because my costs have gone up, which some have more than doubled in the last six months) then I will just stop doing resale. So far though its been working but what I really need is a local rodent supplier that can keep up with my demands.

As for the contact us emails, I received an email this morning from my it guy and he has disabled it while we figure out who gets what emails.

01-31-13, 10:56 AM
Well unfortunately I will never have the whole market but thankfully I have no desire to own it either. I have a few limiting factors in my rodent prices or I would go lower. I am a business man first and foremost. I currently sell most of my rabbits at my cost because the three customers that buy them buy all of their rats from me. If it gets to the point where I can no longer compete because my costs have gone up, which some have more than doubled in the last six months) then I will just stop doing resale. So far though its been working but what I really need is a local rodent supplier that can keep up with my demands.

Here's a thought...become that supplier

Zoo Nanny
01-31-13, 11:16 AM
Have you thought of contacting some of the bioresearch facilities near you to purchase their surplus of rodents? Down here a number of the labs sell off the mice/rats that they bred and haven't used. They are sold frozen already. They were pretty cheap in comparison to retail prices at the time that we used them.

01-31-13, 11:38 AM
Here's a thought...become that supplier

I was remember?

Have you thought of contacting some of the bioresearch facilities near you to purchase their surplus of rodents? Down here a number of the labs sell off the mice/rats that they bred and haven't used. They are sold frozen already. They were pretty cheap in comparison to retail prices at the time that we used them.

Actually i want to do that and forgot..... I will send an email off to my it guy because he reminds me for everything.