05-03-02, 07:44 PM
I have had a female veiled chameleon for about 1.5 years. It was a baby when I got it and since the day that I got her she grew rapidly. Yesterday she was out climbing all around her tank with her stunning bright colors as well as this morning. I came home from my baseball game and I found her laying on the bottom of her cage. She had UVB and a heat lamp and was in a screen cage that I made which was about 60 gallons (even though I wouldn't put water in it). There were many branches and lots of live pothos. She was given a constant cricket supply which I dusted once a week. I have no idea why she died, I just found her lying on the bottom and her eyes were sunken in and her skin was really pale. She showed no signs whatsoever and was eating fine even yesterday. When I walked in my room, the light in her heat lamp was burned out but that was only for a few hours and my room stays a constant 80 degrees. Does anyone know of have any ideas about what may have caused her death. One thing is that her hip bones have been showing a lot even though she was really fat (no eggs). I don't remember seeing any other pics of veileds with this but I could easily be wrong. Are these any signs of gout? Please, any responses will be greatly appreciated.