View Full Version : Mr Rex, Fussy Eater when it comes to Rats.

01-25-13, 08:06 AM
Hi All,

Well I'm making fairly good progress with Mr Rex, he allows me to stroke him without any hissing! anyway back to the subject, he eats mouse like chips, but when it comes to rats.. well that's a different story. The first time I gave his some rats he lay on the one and actually used the other as a pillow :O So I thought ok maybe he doesn't want them just yet but he left them too long and threw them away. Next time I gave him some mice, he ate them pretty much when I put them in there. The next feed I pop two rats in there... not impressed he lay next to the other one as though he was enjoying the rats company.

Anyone else experienced this? or maybe the opposite where they like rats but not mice?

01-25-13, 09:46 AM
I never have, but I read a lot of posts, and you are not alone.

Seems some of them develop particular tastes.

01-25-13, 10:17 AM
Im a little concerned by your statement about the mice though.

"He ate them pretty much when I put them in there" Does that mean that he didnt immediately eat them? Generally with a healthy monitor, the second the food hits the enclosure they are on it (sometime before that. Ive had mine literally leap at me out of the enclosure because I wasnt feeding fast enough) Yours is new so it may still just be settling in, but if it allows you to touch it then that doesnt seem like the reason. Does it move quickly when you feed or is it sluggish?

01-25-13, 10:28 AM
Im a little concerned by your statement about the mice though.

"He ate them pretty much when I put them in there" Does that mean that he didnt immediately eat them? Generally with a healthy monitor, the second the food hits the enclosure they are on it (sometime before that. Ive had mine literally leap at me out of the enclosure because I wasnt feeding fast enough) Yours is new so it may still just be settling in, but if it allows you to touch it then that doesnt seem like the reason. Does it move quickly when you feed or is it sluggish?

I have to agree with Josh here, Littlefoot and Cera nearly take my hands off no matter what I offer, they have leaped right out of the enclosure on numerous occasions at the mere sight of food.

01-25-13, 11:11 AM
Pajaaamas ignores crickets entirely but I have to use a hand broom to shield myself when I open the door. He tripods and his tongue goes NUTS. Ive been wanting to invest into an RC car to tie a rat to and run it around a bit and let him chase.

With monitors, if they are right as rain even if the prey is too big they will still try and eat it, going so far to use stuff in their cage to SHOVE and push the food down their throats. I know some have picky taste but you should see a very eager monitor with food. Even if its not something 'jaaamas likes he still gives it a good thrashing first.

Are your temps hot enough? He kinda sounds lazy the way you wrote it.

01-25-13, 11:53 AM
Im a little concerned by your statement about the mice though.

"He ate them pretty much when I put them in there" Does that mean that he didnt immediately eat them? Generally with a healthy monitor, the second the food hits the enclosure they are on it (sometime before that. Ive had mine literally leap at me out of the enclosure because I wasnt feeding fast enough) Yours is new so it may still just be settling in, but if it allows you to touch it then that doesnt seem like the reason. Does it move quickly when you feed or is it sluggish?
I meant to say "He ate them pretty much as soon as I put them in there" and I would have said he is slightly lazy, but if I pop some locusts in there you can kiss them good bye he will smash into anything to get them :)

01-25-13, 11:55 AM
I have to agree with Josh here, Littlefoot and Cera nearly take my hands off no matter what I offer, they have leaped right out of the enclosure on numerous occasions at the mere sight of food.
With Mice Infernalis he will eat them as soon as they are in there, however he does not care in the slightest for Rats. My local pet store said maybe he distinguishes it with the colour, Mice are always white and the rats I've previously had have been black. This time they gave me a rat that is around 90% white in colour and a slight hint of light brown. I will try to give him the rat as soon as it has defrosted.

01-25-13, 11:56 AM
I meant to say "He ate them pretty much as soon as I put them in there" and I would have said he is slightly lazy, but if I pop some locusts in there you can kiss them good bye he will smash into anything to get them :)

Now that I like to hear.

You purchased it as an adult, correct?

If so, it's probably a wild caught animal, and not used to unconventional foods at this time.

01-25-13, 12:08 PM
Now that I like to hear.

You purchased it as an adult, correct?

If so, it's probably a wild caught animal, and not used to unconventional foods at this time.
Yes that's correct, and it very well could be that and I am hoping that this white coloured rat will tempt him to eat it and then he may get a taste for them =] well I'll soon see how it goes anyway because the rat is nearly defrosted now =]

01-25-13, 12:10 PM
then if that don't work, skip feeding for a day.

Then when you try, hunger will take over.

If he don't take it, put it back in the freezer, no need to worry about germs.

01-25-13, 12:11 PM
then if that don't work, skip feeding for a day.

Then when you try, hunger will take over.

maybe as well white rats would work to teach him that no matter the color they taste the same? I never had an issue with pajaaamas eating rats. But my female boa for the longest would only eat "wild" colored rats, not pet looking ones, she finally changed though and doesnt care.

01-25-13, 12:19 PM
I am not sure they even have the ability to taste.

If I recall correctly, the tongue has no taste buds on it.

01-25-13, 12:21 PM
I am not sure they even have the ability to taste.

If I recall correctly, the tongue has no taste buds on it.

maybe not but wouldnt the smell equate the same as taste for them? This is so fascinating. I learn something new everyday!

01-25-13, 12:41 PM
maybe not but wouldnt the smell equate the same as taste for them? This is so fascinating. I learn something new everyday!

Yes, it's all about the scent.

That's why we sometimes scent food.

I remember once (I have pictures) that Chomper tried to eat a tree, a slug had left a slime trail on the bark, he was bent on trying to eat this big pine tree.

01-25-13, 01:23 PM
Thanks for all your replies, I'm not quite sure how to multi-quote yet lol. Anyway Mr Rex flew at the rat as soon as I popped the rats head out of the bag. However looking at the situation including taste buds and sense to tell if they can eat it or not, Mr Rex both nudges and uses his tongue with Mice and Rats, however has always turned down rats. Miraculously this same Rat with the only difference of colour had a dramatic change from not eating rats at all, to jumping at it? odd but it would seem as though he differentiates his food with colour when it comes to mice and rats.

01-26-13, 02:04 PM
I remember once (I have pictures) that Chomper tried to eat a tree, a slug had left a slime trail on the bark, he was bent on trying to eat this big pine tree.So that's what was going on in those pics...