View Full Version : Garter terrarium suggestions wanted.

01-24-13, 10:14 PM
My daughter wants to make our garters terrarium more like her natural environment. I'm looking for ideas and suggestions. Pics of what you guys have would be wonderful.

I'm very interested in fauna and balance of water in the terrarium. It's an ExoTerra medium low set up.

I'll post pics as soon as I can figure out how to without getting the URL warning message.


01-24-13, 10:15 PM
You can post pictures now by scrolling down past the "Post Reply" button to the "Manage Attachments" button. Should be able to edit them onto your first post.


01-24-13, 10:32 PM
You can post pictures now by scrolling down past the "Post Reply" button to the "Manage Attachments" button. Should be able to edit them onto your first post.


Cool! I'll try it momentarily.

01-24-13, 10:59 PM
want some pictures of my real habitat for ideas??

of course, you would have to miniaturize, since getting 40 acres into an exo terra would be a challenge.

01-25-13, 08:51 AM
Here is what we have set up now.


01-25-13, 08:52 AM
want some pictures of my real habitat for ideas??

of course, you would have to miniaturize, since getting 40 acres into an exo terra would be a challenge.

I'd love to see that!

01-25-13, 09:44 AM
What is the height of the glass from the bottom of the tank up to the bottom of the doors? You should be able to actually create a bioactive substrate and plant live plants throughout in there. You need about 4 inches at least, more is always better of course. Then you could put live plants and moss in there and get it looking more natural. Still a pretty great looking start though! ;)

01-25-13, 01:59 PM
What is the height of the glass from the bottom of the tank up to the bottom of the doors? You should be able to actually create a bioactive substrate and plant live plants throughout in there. You need about 4 inches at least, more is always better of course. Then you could put live plants and moss in there and get it looking more natural. Still a pretty great looking start though! ;)

I believe it's about 4 inches. I'll measure it in a bit. I'm going to get some pics of our other terrariums here in a bit too.

01-26-13, 06:05 PM
If you want to go down the naturalistic rout I recommend Art of keeping snakes by Phillipe de Vosjoli.You can find on Amazon for a couple £/$ used. The author focuses on creating and maintaining naturalistic vivaria with different types of Bioactive substrates and live plants suitable for a variety of display snakes (including garters!).

01-31-13, 12:25 PM
Here is what we have set up now.

looks perfect! in a setup like that its good to have a large waterbowl.

02-04-13, 12:15 PM
How to design a Naturalistic viv for garters (http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/enclosures/8070-how-design-naturalistic-viv-garters.html)


02-05-13, 06:50 AM
NIce. Thanks!

02-08-13, 01:48 PM



Just Dollar Tree fake plants. Hides are used stuff got off craigslist. So, no need to spend a fortune at an expensive pet store.

02-08-13, 04:58 PM
How safe are fake plants from places like dollar store or Michaels?

I've been sorely disappointed with the selection at our local pet stores.

02-08-13, 05:00 PM
I use the ones from Michaels all the time. Just wash them off really well first and you should be fine.

02-08-13, 05:39 PM
I use the ones from Michaels all the time. Just wash them off really well first and you should be fine.

Nice. I wish I'd known that a year ago. LOL. Thanks Gg. Off to Michaels I go tomorrow.

02-09-13, 01:24 AM
Ive used plants from a hobby store and they turned out just fine.

02-10-13, 05:57 PM
Plants for crafts/arrangements (at craft stores/dollar stores) work just fine, look nice, and wash up easily. They're also a lot cheaper than the limited selection you get at pet stores. You can drill holes in wood to secure them or just lay them on the substrate. Just avoid heating them. Don't put them directly under hot lights even if it's not hot enough to melt them. Some materials can emit harmful gases when hot.