View Full Version : Burrows have water! Help \;A;/

01-24-13, 10:07 AM
So humidity is gotten so bad the burrows have water down in them. How do I get the water out? Poor pajaaamas cant go into all but one of his holes. And that hole is the shallowest one- which he never really uses. How do I remove the water from the burrows? They have FLOODED. He seems to be happy though, he is having the best shed of his LIFE. The mud cakes on then takes off the dead shed.

I dont have a shop vac so is there another way? Like would it be too much to destroy the burrows and bucket out any water? Should I fully open the enclosure and let the humidity out? Pajaaamas doesnt seem to be bothered by it much and I have seen him /frolic/ he will actually roll in the dirt or put his front feet under his body and push himself around with his back legs, he actually LOOKS excited. He also has been a bit more engaging lately, is this because he is /happy/? Like can monitors show being happy? Or is that a state of being they can even feel?

My hydro monitor has gone to the max, temps are 124 hot spot- now the problem i am facing is that its so humid that my flood light actually burst when moisture sat on the bulb. So I NEED to get the moisture down so I can put the correct bulbs in to get the temps back up. His appetite is amazing ever since the humidity got over 70 precent. He comes up and nudges me for food. Cool side 80 and the burrows are 70 something because the water is preventing the air from flowing. I honestly cant breathe in there. He seems to be loving it though. :/

01-24-13, 10:55 AM
Take the monitor out, stir the substrate, leave the doors open for a little. I'm confused, because 80% humidity won't cause flooding. Are you adding water?

01-24-13, 10:58 AM
Take the monitor out, stir the substrate, leave the doors open for a little. I'm confused, because 80% humidity won't cause flooding. Are you adding water?

No the humidity is over 96%, there is rain at night. Pajaaamas knocked over his tub by digging under it and raising up. That just caused the humidity to monsoon in there. Im not adding water, he has his water tub but ive since moved it to the side with no light directly hitting it because that seemed to keep the humidity rising.

01-24-13, 12:50 PM
The humidity is not causing the water in the dirt, the water in the dirt is causing the humidity. There is too much water in the dirt, more than the dirt can soak up. This means there is a water table in your cage, and the excess water not held in dirt evaporates faster, causing the higher humidity. Dig a hole to the bottom of the cage and when water pools in it, scoop out the water. You might want to put some mesh lining in the hole if the dirt keeps falling back into it.

In other words, dig a well.

01-24-13, 01:17 PM
After you get everything settled, put a brick in the bottom of his tub.

01-24-13, 03:12 PM
That's why I use a shallow pizza pan....

it's big and wide, but only holds a quart of water.

Let us know how you made out.

01-24-13, 03:40 PM
I took out all the rocks, logs n such, had to use a hoe and rake to basically till the dirt back up. Its soggy at the moment but all the water is sitting on the surface- every chance I see a puddle I take a 2x4 piece of wood and push the water out. Pajaaamas is giving me dirty looks :C I will try and find a pizza pan and put a brick in it just for added effort.

Poor pajaaamas has a big ole clog of mud on his head and looks madder than hell.

01-24-13, 03:45 PM
Trial and error is how we learn... glad you are finding a solution.

01-24-13, 03:46 PM
Trial and error is how we learn... glad you are finding a solution.

thinking about borrowing my friends space heater and blow that hot dry air into the door

01-24-13, 03:49 PM
even a window (box) fan will dry it our quickly... have one of those?

01-24-13, 03:50 PM
even a window (box) fan will dry it our quickly... have one of those?

no :<

Living in the desert you think we would have a fan. I think my neighbors might have one I might scoot next door and ask if i can borrow it for a bit. Leave the lights on right?

01-24-13, 03:58 PM
yeah, the lights will speed up evaporation.

01-27-13, 12:56 AM
still kinda soggy but no standing water today! Pajaaamas still looks angry and is attempting to dig burrows again, he will dig some and shoot me a go to hell look and then keep digging. Sorry pajaaamas :I