View Full Version : Help with humidity

01-21-13, 10:54 AM
It seems i did too well sealing, I have had trouble with humidity since I finished it. Its always been 55 to 60 something but now its 94! How do I reduce it?

Also Guys im using this to measure with. I FREAKIN LOVE IT. I set the white thing in the cage and have a wall with the monitors so I can see who has what temps/humidity. Makes life easy peasy.

TaylorŪ Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer-Hygrometer with Remote Sensor (1525) - Home Thermometers - Ace Hardware (http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3203776&cagpspn=pla)

I suggest this product. Leave the remote in the set up and hang the receiver on the wall, label and BAM. Great things.

So is too high a humidity too bad? Its so humid the water has beaded up on everything. I think this has to do with pajaaamas knocking over his rubbermaid tub two nights ago.

01-21-13, 11:36 AM
give the dirt a chance to stabilize, when I first sealed up my cage, the humidity was so high the hygrometer maxed out.

It took a week to come back down.

Just think of it as monsoon season for now.

01-21-13, 12:38 PM
give the dirt a chance to stabilize, when I first sealed up my cage, the humidity was so high the hygrometer maxed out.

It took a week to come back down.

Just think of it as monsoon season for now.

I have to say i had the opposite first encounter, i had to soak and soak the dirt to get it moist enough to retain good humidity.

01-21-13, 09:00 PM
and now its raining in there and there is mud errryyyywhere. Poor pajaaamas looks like a walking clog of dirt. Some how though I think he is enjoying it because he keeps rubbing his face on everything. Can monitors mark stuff?

01-21-13, 09:09 PM
Can monitors mark stuff?

Yes they do... Chomper used to mark the yard.