View Full Version : monitor bites ?

01-16-13, 05:07 AM
i was bitten by my water monitor lizard ., i just want to ask if it is venomous or not ?

01-16-13, 05:18 AM
not really...

01-16-13, 05:47 AM
I normally do research on my reptiles enforce buying them/ handling them. I.e temperament, how bad is the bite and especially if its venomous. I would rather find out before I got bit. Lol

01-16-13, 05:57 AM
not really...

oh my goodness., huhu :( could it kill me ????? please say no ., :sad:

01-16-13, 06:02 AM
You are not even going to break a sweat...

any pictures of your bite?

01-16-13, 06:04 AM
You are not even going to break a sweat...

any pictures of your bite?

........and the monitor too :)

01-16-13, 06:13 AM
here it is ., ouch its very painful ., actually its swelling and cramping right now,. I've already take an antibiotic but its still painful ? is this because of any venom or poison ? :sad: :unhappy: :sad:

01-16-13, 06:26 AM
here's the upper part of the bite ., this side is the painful one and cramping ,. its very painful when I'm moving it ., :sad: while the other one is not ., i guess the bite hits my nerve ., really painful ., huhu :suspicious: :suspicious:could it kill me masters ? :confused: :sad:

01-16-13, 07:01 AM
Are you joking? You've been told twice now that it won't kill you!..

01-16-13, 07:05 AM
Are you joking? You've been told twice now that it won't kill you!..

English is his second language, and he's in a bit of a panic at the moment ;)

01-16-13, 07:08 AM
Wow, looking at that picture, your monitor was latched right on tight.



01-16-13, 08:12 AM
The jaws on a monitor are some nasty ones, the long lasting pain is most likely due to the bruising around the bite rather than just the bite itself. In my opinion.

01-16-13, 08:41 AM
English is his second language, and he's in a bit of a panic at the moment ;)

Ah right, I thought he was winding is up haha... My bad :)

01-16-13, 10:02 AM
/cracks knuckles/

oh hey- i have first hand experience here.

*pain- lots of it, depending on how deep depends on the sensation
*swelling- depending on what level of tissue he got through will greatly depend on the swelling.
*bleeding- you may or may not bleed on and off in the coming days

KEEP IT CLEAN, i cannot stress this, wash it more than 3 times a day- soap and water. Keep it covered with a bandage that has antibiotic ointment. It will be sore and it will hurt but you shouldnt have any issues unless infection hits.

01-16-13, 01:26 PM
It's venomous, but not really enough to cause much harm to a human. People have gotten sick from a few species, but I've never heard of it from a water monitor.

01-16-13, 02:51 PM
It's venomous, but not really enough to cause much harm to a human. People have gotten sick from a few species, but I've never heard of it from a water monitor.

Uhm, what? I thought the only venomous lizards in the world were Jeweled Lizards and Gila Monsters?!

I think with other lizard bites it's more of an allergic reaction to the saliva and/or bacterial infection that causes reactions.

As long as you keep your wound very clean you will be fine. Also, if you are on antibiotics, they will prevent any infection. It will be painful but should be better soon.

No it will not kill you.

01-16-13, 02:57 PM
Uhm, what? I thought the only venomous lizards in the world were Jeweled Lizards and Gila Monsters?!

Beaded lizard*

And nope monitors have been proven venomous as well as green iguanas recently if i'm not mistaken

01-16-13, 02:59 PM
In 2009 it was discovered that monitor species carried venom, some more harmful than others.

I myself have been bitten by a peach throat and had a horrible reaction. A friend of mine got bit by a black tree and almost had to go to the hospital the fever was so bad (the black tree pretty much chewed on his finger for ten minutes and wouldn't let go). Another friend had a violent reaction to a blue tail bite.

01-16-13, 03:12 PM
Uhm, what? I thought the only venomous lizards in the world were Jeweled Lizards and Gila Monsters?!.

Another of my heros... Dr. Bryan Fry


01-16-13, 04:36 PM
@moshirimon where did you hear about green iguanas carrying venom? i would love to read up on it if you can provide a link.

01-16-13, 05:09 PM
ok i found a site that said bryan fry proved that they have venom glands but i closed out of it. ill try and find it again

01-16-13, 05:13 PM
Duhh...I said Jeweled instead of Beaded, lol.

Anyway, very interesting, I never knew other lizards had venom.


01-16-13, 05:13 PM
his studies also included beardies

01-16-13, 06:02 PM
Why does it look like there is a string or a snare around the monitor in the first picture. Looks to me like he just wild caught that monitor and that's why he does not know much about it yet.

01-16-13, 08:08 PM
Duhh...I said Jeweled instead of Beaded, lol


I'm pretty sure jeweled lizard is another species.

01-16-13, 08:16 PM
his studies also included beardies

Is this the one? Lizards' poisonous secret is revealed - life - 16 November 2005 - New Scientist (http://www.newscientist.com/mobile/article/dn8331)

01-16-13, 08:20 PM
Why does it look like there is a string or a snare around the monitor in the first picture. Looks to me like he just wild caught that monitor and that's why he does not know much about it yet.

Good eye, Where he lives these monitors run around all over the place, some even beg for scraps in parks, some live in canals in the city and the locals toss food to them.

01-16-13, 08:24 PM
i dont think it was that site but i did look on a few that said the same thing. And from my understanding is the only venomous lizards are the beaded and gilla monitors and iguanas release a toxic into there saliva but it is not at all used for hunting where as beaded and gillas actually have fangs on there glands which they use to invenomate there prey.

01-16-13, 08:41 PM
I'm pretty sure jeweled lizard is another species.

Which looks nothing like the Beaded lizard...lol...

My mind cris-crosses words with somewhat similar meanings sometimes. It can be frustrating...or entertaining...or both. :P

01-17-13, 07:12 AM
Are you joking? You've been told twice now that it won't kill you!..

oh my goodness i'm so sorry ., English is only my second language ., :no: SORRY thank you master Infernalis

01-17-13, 07:22 AM
Uhm, what? I thought the only venomous lizards in the world were Jeweled Lizards and Gila Monsters?!

I think with other lizard bites it's more of an allergic reaction to the saliva and/or bacterial infection that causes reactions.

As long as you keep your wound very clean you will be fine. Also, if you are on antibiotics, they will prevent any infection. It will be painful but should be better soon.

No it will not kill you.

:shocked: whoooaaaaaaaaaaaa., this comment really helps me a lot ., so refreshing ., hahahahah thanks a lot master ! :yes: though i cannot really express what i feel right now but so much thankful to you master Pareeeee

01-17-13, 07:34 AM
Why does it look like there is a string or a snare around the monitor in the first picture. Looks to me like he just wild caught that monitor and that's why he does not know much about it yet.

i am just afraid if it will escape again ., this is my second monitor ., i can't hold the first one and without tie he escaped ., that's why i put some rope around his waist to make sure he cant escape ,. in fact my parents got shock why did the monitor bite me for a long time that i'm holding it ., though not really long :rolleyes:

01-17-13, 07:36 AM
Which looks nothing like the Beaded lizard...lol...

My mind cris-crosses words with somewhat similar meanings sometimes. It can be frustrating...or entertaining...or both. :P

Lol no worries! Yea you had me looking it up everywhere trying to see if I was mistaken and they maybe go by the name jeweled too :D

01-17-13, 07:47 AM
i am just afraid if it will escape again ., this is my second monitor ., i can't hold the first one and without tie he escaped ., that's why i put some rope around his waist to make sure he cant escape ,. in fact my parents got shock why did the monitor bite me for a long time that i'm holding it ., though not really long :rolleyes:

You are so very lucky to live where you do, wild monitors, warm weather and pretty women, I want to move to the Philippines.:)

01-17-13, 05:19 PM
Wow, looking at that picture, your monitor was latched right on tight.


In time, you'll look back on this and see a funny side =] especially now that you know it isn't venomous and wont' really do anything :).. on a positive note you now know what to expect :)

01-17-13, 05:23 PM
@mrbosc, they are toxic

01-17-13, 10:39 PM
You are so very lucky to live where you do, wild monitors, warm weather and pretty women, I want to move to the Philippines.:)

shaaaaaahahahahahaha between the two of us your the luckiest ., because you are living in such beautiful country unlike this country ., :rolleyes: ., pretty women ? you can have my girl friends master ., saaaaahahaha :wacky:

Gregg M
01-19-13, 10:17 AM
It's venomous, but not really enough to cause much harm to a human. People have gotten sick from a few species, but I've never heard of it from a water monitor.

I have never even heard of anyone getting sick from the species kept in captivity. The worst I have ever heard about was a bite from a desert monitor (Varanus griseus). No sickness, no head ache. Just more pain, swelling, and bleeding. They just dont have the delivery system or the amount of toxins needed to causelong lasting, serious clinical problems in humans.

01-19-13, 12:30 PM
A good friend of mine nearly went to the hospital from a black tree monitor bite. Fever, dizzy, over all weakness lasting two days.

01-20-13, 12:36 PM
Gregg, are you familiar with the concept of a dry bite?

01-20-13, 01:28 PM
Gregg, are you familiar with the concept of a dry bite?

I'm confident Gregg is familiar with many concepts regarding Squamata.

Lame I know, but I couldn't resist temptation.

01-20-13, 01:29 PM
I'm confident Gregg is familiar with many concepts regarding Squamata.

Lame I know, but I couldn't resist temptation.

HAHAHAHAHA! I scared my family laughing so hard.

01-20-13, 01:30 PM
I'm confident Gregg is familiar with many concepts regarding Squamata.

Lame I know, but I couldn't resist temptation.LOL! Good one!

Gregg M
01-20-13, 08:29 PM
Gregg, are you familiar with the concept of a dry bite?

Actually I have been a hard core venomous snake keeper for a long time so I am indeed farmiliar with what a dry bite is. Venomous snakes have the ability to control venom yield. They have very advanced venom glands and muscle structure around the glands and ducts. Varanids on the other hand do not based on the location of the glands and their delivery system. They do not have hollow fangs where the duct is directly attached like it is in viperids or elapids nor do they have the muscles surrounding the glands and ducts.

I am pretty certain that they are not capable of delivering a dry bite.

01-20-13, 09:07 PM
Actually I have been a hard core venomous snake keeper for a long time so I am indeed farmiliar with what a dry bite is. Venomous snakes have the ability to control venom yield. They have very advanced venom glands and muscle structure around the glands and ducts. Varanids on the other hand do not based on the location of the glands and their delivery system. They do not have hollow fangs where the duct is directly attached like it is in viperids or elapids nor do they have the muscles surrounding the glands and ducts.

I am pretty certain that they are not capable of delivering a dry bite.Let me put it another way. As you have said, their venom delivery system is poor. Is it not possible that the bites that did nothing didn't get any venom in them, or just not enough venom to do serious damage? Perhaps the animal would have to chew on you for a bit before it would have an effect. For instance, a quick bite from a False Water Cobra won't do much, even if it does get its fangs in. If you let it chew for a bit though, you have a good chance of having quite a bad reaction.
I also would point out that bee venom is harmless to most people too, that does not mean it isn't dangerous for some people.

01-20-13, 09:09 PM
Every bad reaction to a bite that I've ever experienced or heard of (komodos not included), the monitor not only hung on for a while, but did a lot of chomping and chewing.

Gregg M
01-21-13, 02:21 PM
Let me put it another way. As you have said, their venom delivery system is poor. Is it not possible that the bites that did nothing didn't get any venom in them, or just not enough venom to do serious damage? Perhaps the animal would have to chew on you for a bit before it would have an effect. For instance, a quick bite from a False Water Cobra won't do much, even if it does get its fangs in. If you let it chew for a bit though, you have a good chance of having quite a bad reaction.
I also would point out that bee venom is harmless to most people too, that does not mean it isn't dangerous for some people.

I am pretty sure that most people who have been bitten by a varanid can tell you that most bites are not short lived They usually grab and hold on for a while. A lot longer than you want them to be there, thats for sure. LOL.

I still have my doubts about these "serious" reactions due to venom in varanid bites. Honestly, a "very high fever" is not a symptom of a venomous bite.

01-21-13, 02:29 PM
Sometimes when mine scratch my arm with their toenails, My arm swells up.

These lizards are far from sterile.

Some people react to "dirty" skin punctures more than others.

I would imagine a bite to be about just as "dirty" (bacteria)

My advice would be make sure your tetanus shots are up to date if you keep monitors.