View Full Version : New enclosures on the way....

01-14-13, 04:27 AM
I have been a member for a while but have not posted in quite some time. However, I have still been reading the posts recently. We recently ordered two showcase cases for two of our lovely snakes and we are very excited to get the new enclosures. However we don't look forward to getting rid of a 48" by 24" by 18" glass enclosure that we do have. We have tried putting things on the local Craigslist before but there was a local guy who reported us for trying to get rid of unneeded enclosures. He was doing this to anyone who was selling or getting rid of anything that had to do with reptiles - hopefully he had stopped but when I looked a couple of days ago the same guy had a bunch of posts on there. I have enjoyed many of the new posts with new animals and new enclosures. I also enjoyed the recent topic regarding people being harsh on new people and all of the responses. There are many people still active that were active when I joined and so many new people since then. I finished school and started a new job recently so I haven't been very active in the community bit hopefully I will be able to contribute more in the near future.

01-14-13, 08:22 AM
Hi, I'm new here. New to snakes, as well. I used to hang out in another herp site but had to get out due to their "my way or the highway" soapbox attitudes. This group seems much more laid back and knowledgeable! So far, this site kicks butt! In my opinion, snakes/lizards/whatever aren't programmable robots. Different things or ideas can possibly work. I read about it all the time!