View Full Version : Lost a bet to a friend...snake musk?!

01-11-13, 12:57 AM
Okay, so I lost a bet to a friend, who happens to own a Burmese Python. I now have to smell his snake's musk, up close, for 3 minutes. How bad is it going to be? I made the bet sort of dismissing it as a joke, but I've heard some nasty stories about musk, and that's without people having to smell it up close like that...any thoughts about what exactly the smell is like?

01-11-13, 01:02 AM
Sweaty jock straps

01-11-13, 02:00 AM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3

01-11-13, 02:06 AM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3

People do a lot worse and nasty bets, it doesn't make him a bad person for smelling some snake musk. Have you ever been near farm land where they have pastures? They smell like crap 24/7 and they live with it but that doesn't make them retards with no self respect.

01-11-13, 02:26 AM
I don't think yogozarfy is a bad person, nor a "******"(your words) without self respect - but I do however think it's stupid. Fecal matter is waste. It's what cannot be used to nurture the organism. Yes, I've been on farm land, and I've also been in a bathroom after someone reenacted the scene from Dumb & Dumber with Harry taking the browns to the Superbowl, but I never considered sticking my face in the toilet to see what they had for dinner. Everyone is raised differently - where I come from holding poop in your face for an extended amount of time is a stupid idea...I don't think yogozarfy doesn't have self respect, but in my mind that decision lacks any sense of decorum. I'm sorry that I'm the weird one... ?

- h3

01-11-13, 02:35 AM
This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


01-11-13, 02:36 AM
Stop it right now...

First of all, Musk is not feces.

Musk is generated as a method of self defense by the musk gland.

If you have ever seen it, it's a white fluid similar to that created by a prostrate gland, but it has a stink that's for sure.

Small colubrid musk is potent, Not sure about a big snake, never smelled it.

As for calling people names, I have seen some very respectful keepers eat roaches, swallow pinkies and other such nonsense, it does not make them anything but silly with balls enough to go for it.

So knock it off with the derogatory comments.

01-11-13, 02:40 AM
Stop it right now...

First of all, Musk is not feces.

Musk is generated as a method of self defense by the musk gland.

If you have ever seen it, it's a white fluid similar to that created by a prostrate gland, but it has a stink that's for sure.

Small colubrid musk is potent, Not sure about a big snake, never smelled it.

As for calling people names, I have seen some very respectful keepers eat roaches, swallow pinkies and other such nonsense, it does not make them anything but silly with balls enough to go for it.

So knock it off with the derogatory comments.I'd say there's quite a difference between eating a food that isn't considered common in Western cultures and...this. But whatever floats your boat.


01-11-13, 02:41 AM
I've done worse for a bet so crack on mate... I'll laugh if you throw up tho :)

01-11-13, 02:52 AM
I'd say there's quite a difference between eating a food that isn't considered common in Western cultures and...this. But whatever floats your boat.


Yea, this is easier. ;)

So he has to sniff a stinkie for 3 minutes.

Nowhere in his post did it say he even had to make contact with it.

I own one snake that flings his musk all over, it's no big deal, had it flung all over me, it washes off.

It's hardly something that warrants being called names.

01-11-13, 02:57 AM
Yea, this is easier. ;)

So he has to sniff a stinkie for 3 minutes.

Nowhere in his post did it say he even had to make contact with it.

I own one snake that flings his musk all over, it's no big deal, had it flung all over me, it washes off.

It's hardly something that warrants being called names.I never called him a name. Didn't even call him stupid. I said this was stupid. We all do stupid things, including me. The other person never called him names either as far as I can see from the posts, so I'm not sure whom you're referring to when you say it doesn't warrant him being called names - since no one did.


01-11-13, 02:59 AM
Fair enough infernalis...I keep all Colubrids, and one Boid. I've been musked countless times, but I still think it's a bit gross to do that voluntarily... :shocked: :sorry:

- h3

01-11-13, 02:59 AM
Maybe I need to clarify I was speaking to h3h. ;)

01-11-13, 03:00 AM
Fair enough infernalis...I keep all Colubrids, and one Boid. I've been musked countless times, but I still think it's a bit gross to do that voluntarily... :shocked: :sorry:

- h3

That's the idea, it's supposed to be gross, otherwise how is it losing the bet?

Sniffing roses is not a penalty.:D

01-11-13, 03:01 AM
And we're back to argueing semantics again..... On a new persons thread aswell.

01-11-13, 03:01 AM
Maybe I need to clarify I was speaking to h3h. ;)Except h3h didn't call him a name either. ;)


01-11-13, 03:07 AM
Except h3h didn't call him a name either. ;)


Fair enough, but the comment was judgmental of chareter... not much different.

Moving along........

01-11-13, 08:04 AM
Burm musk is bad.. Very bad. Mine has musked me twice in total. Imagine a dead rotting cow, mixed with vomit and that old people smell.

01-11-13, 08:28 AM
Okay, so I lost a bet to a friend, who happens to own a Burmese Python. I now have to smell his snake's musk, up close, for 3 minutes. How bad is it going to be? I made the bet sort of dismissing it as a joke, but I've heard some nasty stories about musk, and that's without people having to smell it up close like that...any thoughts about what exactly the smell is like?

You know what I find interesting?

2 posts, almost a year a apart and both about musk what it smells like.

Curiouser and curiouser...


01-11-13, 08:36 AM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3

wow, this is mean... who cares if he wants to smell it...I'm sure we have all done "stupid" things in the past to impress someone, or because we lost a bet...

Its these posts that are going to get the forum in trouble, and 1. who cares if he trolling, still give him good advice, it will help someone in the future, 2. dont judge people by what the do when the loose a bet, for all we know this guy could be a doctor, or lawyer, who are you to judge?

01-11-13, 08:40 AM
Fair enough infernalis...I keep all Colubrids, and one Boid. I've been musked countless times, but I still think it's a bit gross to do that voluntarily... :shocked: :sorry:

- h3

it's called.....

having a sense of humour mate...

cheers shaun

01-11-13, 08:42 AM
You know what I find interesting?

2 posts, almost a year a apart and both about musk what it smells like.

Curiouser and curiouser...


a musk fettish :confused::eek:...

ive heard of worse fettishes to be honest :laugh:

cheers shaun

01-11-13, 08:45 AM
a musk fettish :confused::eek:...

ive heard of worse fettishes to be honest :laugh:

cheers shaun

Oh Shaun..

You truly are the best

01-11-13, 08:46 AM
Video it and post it here... :)

01-11-13, 09:12 AM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3

I never called him a name. Didn't even call him stupid. I said this was stupid. We all do stupid things, including me. The other person never called him names either as far as I can see from the posts, so I'm not sure whom you're referring to when you say it doesn't warrant him being called names - since no one did.


Reread h3's post.

01-11-13, 09:56 AM
Ha, have fun. I won't put you down over such a silly thing, don't mind any who do. I'm also unsure what advice could possibly be gained from the question, but hey, venting (pa-duh-chh) worries is a valid act.

01-11-13, 10:12 AM
You know what I find interesting?

2 posts, almost a year a apart and both about musk what it smells like.

Curiouser and curiouser...


2 guys, one snake???

Excellent observation by the way.

01-11-13, 11:50 AM
2 guys, one snake???

That is just wrong. I for one won't watch that video.

I've honestly done stupider things for money. I snorted pop rocks once and those bastards hurt in your sinus cavity.

01-11-13, 11:53 AM
We were all young once and did stupid, stupid things :no:

Anyway musk smells something like - take a fat sweaty persons jock strap after they have ran twenty miles on a hot day, then bake it in a cowpat before burying it in the ground with a couple of hundred rotting corpses, after a week or so put the jockstrap on your face ;)

Good luck ;)

01-11-13, 01:20 PM
We were all young once and did stupid, stupid things :no:

Anyway musk smells something like - take a fat sweaty persons jock strap after they have ran twenty miles on a hot day, then bake it in a cowpat before burying it in the ground with a couple of hundred rotting corpses, after a week or so put the jockstrap on your face ;)

Good luck ;)

You have a way with words mate ;)

01-11-13, 02:34 PM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3

Wow, get a sense of humor, they're nice. Musk is feces??? Go do your homework before raising your hand.

01-11-13, 02:39 PM
Okay, so I lost a bet to a friend, who happens to own a Burmese Python. I now have to smell his snake's musk, up close, for 3 minutes. How bad is it going to be? I made the bet sort of dismissing it as a joke, but I've heard some nasty stories about musk, and that's without people having to smell it up close like that...any thoughts about what exactly the smell is like?

My Het Clown BP arrived this last Tuesday and he lightly musked in the container he was shipped in. Looked like Grey Poupon! First time I have ever seen musk, so I took a little wiff and WOO-HOO was that stanky! I can only imagine a big ol' Burmese musk pile! XD Hilarious! :wacky:

01-13-13, 12:11 PM
I've been musked by wild kingsnakes and ringneck snakes, and they smell BAD. I can't even fully describe it, except that it smells like dirty butt.

01-13-13, 02:02 PM
This will be my last comment on this thread, because I don't like to argue. I do have a sense of humor. Obviously some of you haven't read a majority of my posts. Many of them have some kind of bad joke included in the context. Including my follow up post to my original post in this thread. I can't help myself when I see someone with >10 posts, standing on a bridge - throwing rocks. Sounds like a troll to me, but if some of you want to put me on the cross for one negative comment then go ahead, but remember it only takes 3 nails.

I see posts like this all the time, and a lot of them never post again. As I am presuming will be the case with this, but 6 months down the road I'll still be the "jerk" to some of you. I'm not a bad person, and if someone of you disagree then you're missing out on the chance to know someone who has a lot of compassion, integrity, and a devotion to all people, snakes, reptiles, and any animal for that matter. I may not have as much knowledge as some of the people on this forum as far as snakes/reptiles are concerned, but my passion to the hobby is immersed just as deep. I joined to meet others who share my affection and dedication, share my own experiences, learn from others, and make some friends.

- h3

01-13-13, 02:57 PM
You're worrying too much h3. Just let it slide. I also agree with the troll comment.

03-12-13, 03:32 PM
Sorr, so you think it will be pretty bad for me?

03-12-13, 03:46 PM
Is this a serious question? It's feces - it's meant to ward off danger....It smells horrible. If you actually go through with it not only are you completely disgusting, you're probably not playing with a full deck up stairs...I can't believe you made a bet where you'd have to put excrement in your face if you lost...I hope the payoff was huge if you won. Oh, and again that's disgusting. -1 self respect.

- h3
Seriously? Who are you to judge someone? He lost a bet and is owning up to it, I'm sure you've done something equally as "stupid" as the OP.

03-12-13, 03:58 PM
so this is what my snake did! lol smelled terrible. you have some balls m8 gotta give it to him lol. 3 mins lol