View Full Version : is my ball hiding her food?

01-08-13, 11:16 PM
Found a 1-2 year old ball python in a parking lot (possibly abandoned?) one month ago. She is thin and readily eats pinkies but she could handle a rat pup. Ignored the rat but ate a hopper 5 days ago. She has since defecated and was out and about last night and when offered a thawed hopper she struck at it, took it into her humidi box and buried it in the coconut bark, now she seems to be guarding it. Is this normal behavior? Did I feed her too soon?

01-09-13, 06:42 AM
Welcome and thanks for rescuing it rather than killing it :)

How are you keeping it? What type of enclosure? What temps and humidity?

Personally i would wait a week between feeding attempts and try to feed prey that is slight bigger round than the snake, i wouldnt push too far in terms of size with an undernourished snake.

Post some pics :) would love to see it :)

01-09-13, 08:20 AM

This is a great BP caresheet to reference:

Housing FAQs (http://strictlyballs.ca/housingfaq.htm)

01-09-13, 08:23 AM
Wow, thats a pretty cool score in a parking lot! Im guessing you live down south.

They do sometimes take awhile to eat prey they have killed. Did it eat it later after hiding it? Ive never heard of them taking more than a couple hours to consume the carcass, but it doesnt mean that it doesnt happen, of course.

01-09-13, 10:08 AM
No. Snakes don't hide or bury their prey on purpose.

I'd wait a week inbetween feedings, even though it's skinny. It won't take long before it's gained it's weight back.

01-09-13, 08:58 PM
Wow!! Very cool rescue. I too would love to see some pics, and the progress.

01-14-13, 10:12 PM
sounds like a dog lol