View Full Version : Would Really Appreciate Some Help!

01-07-13, 11:36 PM
Hey everyone,

I'm new to snakes and this forum and I have a few questions:

1) Glass tank vs plastic storage bin? What size for babies, juveniles, and adults?

2) I'm planning on using the Zoo Med 10-20 gallon Under Tank Heater. Is that safe to use on the plastic storage bins? How do you suggest setting it up and where would I put the tub so it doesn't catch anything around it on fire?

3) What to look for when I get my snake? I've heard it's good to use white paper towels for a while to see if they have mites? How long would I do that and are there any dangerous chemicals or anything in the paper towels?

4) I'm hearing conflicting answers about where to put the thermometer probe in the setup. Some people say right on the glass under the substrate because they can burrow down and burn themselves, others say on the substrate and they'll move if it gets too hot. What do you recommend?

That's all I can think of for now. I(and the snake) would really appreciate any answers

01-07-13, 11:42 PM
And- It would help to know what kind of snake you're getting :)
Whichever way you go, if you use a heat source, you will need a thermostat to control it.

01-08-13, 12:09 AM
Thanks! Yeah that would probably help. I plan on getting a corn snake. I was also planning on using a Hydrofarm thermostat(flame suit on ... LOL). I have a very limited budget and I just want to get the best, basic setup going that I can. Like I said, any answers would be really appreciated by me and the snake :).

EDIT: Also, I just noticed that you said IF I use a heat source. I thought it was mandatory to use one?

01-08-13, 02:46 AM
Depends on the species and where you live.. There's native snakes to America that do well at room temp, (as long as temps in your house don't drop too low in winter.)

01-08-13, 04:25 AM
For a corn you can use a glass tank, make sure the top is VERY secure, and make sure you provide plenty of hiding space (good to cover three sides of the tank as well for added feeling of security for the snake)

Some people on here that live in the States dont use heating, over here i do as our temps are too cold to go without. :)

01-08-13, 07:14 AM
With a corn you could use a bin or a tank.

Going with your "saving budget", a bin at target or some similar store would be a very inexpensive investment.

I use under-tank heating pads under all of my bins and have never had a problem.

As for the temperature gauge.. I am not as "on-top" of my exact temperatures, but when I check them I use a temp-gun, so I wouldn't know how to help you out there.

You would want paper towel substrate originally as for proper quarantine.

As for the size of the bin... You want enough room for a water bowl and a hide, with the heatpad taking up a little bit less than half of the bin at the most. You don't need all that much space, as snakes tend to hide throughout their lives.

01-08-13, 07:24 AM
You want enough room for a water bowl and a hide, with the heatpad taking up a little bit less than half of the bin at the most. You don't need all that much space, as snakes tend to hide throughout their lives.

You'll want at least 2 hides mate.. And the whole, not a lot of room needed thing depends on the species as some snakes are a lot more active than other species.

01-08-13, 07:28 AM
You'll want at least 2 hides mate.. And the whole, not a lot of room needed thing depends on the species as some snakes are a lot more active than other species.

I only really put that in reference to corn snake husbandry.

And when using a basic bin setup, with a sense of security on both sides and back of the bin, my snakes fare well with one hide, as their bin itself feels like one big hide with the top of the bin being low, and darkness being common.

01-08-13, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the replies guys! My biggest concern right now is where to actually put the snake and it's setup. What do you guys suggest that's safe? On top of a wood desk? Ceramic tiles on the ground? Also, how many inches/cm of aspen should I have? Finally, I'm a little worried that if the thermometer probe is under the substrate and it's 85 degrees under then it won't be hot enough on the surface of the substrate. I apologize for all of the questions but I just keep thinking of stuff and I want to address as much as possible.

01-08-13, 10:41 AM
Place the bin anywhere you want it. Snakes do best in quieter parts of the home. Place the bin away from direct sunlight as you don't want to cook your snake. If you are placing a UTH directly on the bottom of the bin use some thing to lift the bin up 1/2" or so from whatever surface you place it on. You should have some air flow under the UTH. People use anything from some scraps of wood to old cd's stacked under the corners to do this. I tend to give my corn 2-3" of aspen. They will burrow to get the heat when they need/want it. You don't need to worry about the temp on top of the aspen. They know how to find the heat.

01-08-13, 10:44 AM
If you use 1" spaces under your enclosure and a thermostat you can put it almost anywhere. Hyrdafarms are great. I have a few and the only negative thing is that they click loudly turning on/off.

01-08-13, 11:12 AM
Awesome! You are the first forum to actually answer my questions so I'll be staying on here. It's surprising how many amateurs try to ask genuine questions, get blown off, then something horrible happens. I read several FAQs and looked online but some questions are just too specific or hard to find answers too. Thanks again!