View Full Version : doing what they do best

01-06-13, 01:19 PM

01-06-13, 02:17 PM
Someone wants out in a bad way.

01-06-13, 02:20 PM
I know this is going to sound stupid but can monitors hear? I realize they have ear holes but I was wondering if they hear more than they feel vibrations. I have been wondering this a while but it didnt feel like it warranted a thread on its own.

01-06-13, 03:25 PM
Looking great! Dino, yes they can hear.

01-06-13, 05:21 PM
those are very cute. how old are they? always wanted one just dont have room for them with my small room and my three snakes.

01-07-13, 02:21 PM
those are very cute. how old are they? always wanted one just dont have room for them with my small room and my three snakes.

they're about 8 or 9 months now. i forget exactly to be honest. in that range though

01-07-13, 02:49 PM
I know this is going to sound stupid but can monitors hear? I realize they have ear holes but I was wondering if they hear more than they feel vibrations. I have been wondering this a while but it didnt feel like it warranted a thread on its own.

Looking great! Dino, yes they can hear.

all I have to do is tap my hemostats on the glass and I have hungry monitors shooting out of burrows like circus performers.

Monitors have very acute senses.

Try sneaking up on one. ;)