View Full Version : Ball Python RI home cure needed,

01-02-13, 04:30 AM
So my Adult BP has a normal RI(coughing, leaking saliva out of his mouth etc.) and I'm not in the proximity of any reptile veterinarians. So far, I've kept him under UV light to kill external bacteria,given him metabolism boosting vitamin compounds, and humidified my room with a menthol humidifier. Is there anything I can do to cure this without vet attention--am I doing something wrong?

01-02-13, 04:58 AM
Post all the inof about your enclosure - temps, humidity etc and we will try to help :)

01-02-13, 08:06 AM
Ok, so here are the stats for my enclosure:
20 gallon,with hide(heat pad underneath) with ambient UVA/B bulb shining on one side.
Cool side:78-85 degrees
Warm side:85-91 degrees
Humidity 40-50% constant

He won't eat either, he is actually being more seclusive than hungry. I'll hang his food above him and he'll strike but not bite, and when the food touches him he shoves it like a display of territorial dominance.

01-02-13, 11:59 AM
So my Adult BP has a normal RI(coughing, leaking saliva out of his mouth etc.) and I'm not in the proximity of any reptile veterinarians. So far, I've kept him under UV light to kill external bacteria,given him metabolism boosting vitamin compounds, and humidified my room with a menthol humidifier. Is there anything I can do to cure this without vet attention--am I doing something wrong?

You need to get to a vet that can do a culture to find out if it's bacterial or viral. If it's bacterial you can get meds to clear it up. If it's viral there's no cure.

What kind of stuff are you giving this snake? How do you know it's OKAY inside a snake's metabolism? How do you know if these compounds aren't doing more damage?

Also, I'd raise all your temps and humidity. In general, your 78 cool side is far too low. I keep my ball pythons hot. 96 hot spot. cool side mid to high 80's and this is ALL the time.

01-02-13, 12:11 PM
Humidity needs to be a MINIMUM of 55% but 60 is better with it raised to 65 during shed, apart from that Aaron covered everything else :)

01-02-13, 12:27 PM
there is no cure you can provide. If you really love your snake you will look up herp vets within driving distance and get him seen.

01-02-13, 01:21 PM
If it's leaking saliva, you have a very advanced RI. With those symptoms, this animal could easily drown within a weeks time without veterinary attention.
Also, your "home care" is not only doing no good, but could be causing harm. The menthol is the worst of the lot. Stop immediately. Soak down his enclosure to get the humidity up to 90+% and bump the temps to 100 degrees until you can get to a vet.
Also, snakes don't cough. Its physiologically impossible.

01-03-13, 02:54 AM
Also, snakes don't cough. Its physiologically impossible.
He did. His would breathe and then flex his neck outwards why'll brashly exhaling.

01-03-13, 02:58 AM
It appears that his symptoms are subsiding, he has not wheezed as much now that I've increased his humidity.

01-03-13, 02:59 AM
You need to get to a vet that can do a culture to find out if it's bacterial or viral. If it's bacterial you can get meds to clear it up. If it's viral there's no cure.

What kind of stuff are you giving this snake? How do you know it's OKAY inside a snake's metabolism? How do you know if these compounds aren't doing more damage?

Also, I'd raise all your temps and humidity. In general, your 78 cool side is far too low. I keep my ball pythons hot. 96 hot spot. cool side mid to high 80's and this is ALL the time.

I'm not giving him any drugs or additives, I'm just giving him B vitamins. I have started to put my big heat emitter on him, so his temp has gone up to 90+ degrees.

01-03-13, 08:47 AM
Take him to the vet or he will be dead inside of two weeks.
I 100% guarantee it.

Zoo Nanny
01-03-13, 11:28 AM
Are you in Arizona? If so this list may help.
Herp Vet Connection (http://www.herpvetconnection.com/arizona.shtml)

01-03-13, 01:25 PM
Take him to the vet or he will be dead inside of two weeks.
I 100% guarantee it.

I concur.

I'm sure we'll have a thread asking why.

01-03-13, 01:41 PM
Snakes cannot cough, but they can sneeze. Perhaps the OP mistook a snake sneeze for a cough? Snake sneezes do sound weird. Either way, if the snake's RI is progressed enough for it to be sneezing/forcibly trying to clear mucus, it's an advanced RI and the animal definitely needs a vet.

01-03-13, 02:41 PM
If it's leaking saliva, you have a very advanced RI. With those symptoms, this animal could easily drown within a weeks time without veterinary attention.
Also, your "home care" is not only doing no good, but could be causing harm. The menthol is the worst of the lot. Stop immediately. Soak down his enclosure to get the humidity up to 90+% and bump the temps to 100 degrees until you can get to a vet.
Also, snakes don't cough. Its physiologically impossible.


what your calling a cough,is the snake trying to expel mucas from its lung,it gives out one long fast breath in oreder to try and clear mucas

your snake is past home remodies doing the job...

you need to go to the vets mate

cheers shaun

01-03-13, 02:44 PM
He did. His would breathe and then flex his neck outwards why'll brashly exhaling.

he is trying to expell mucas from his lung...

your snake needs medication asap

this requires a vet culturing swabs or better still a tracheal wash

this will tell him if its bacterial or viral infection he is dealing with

cheers shaun

01-04-13, 07:09 AM
Are you in Arizona? If so this list may help.
Herp Vet Connection (http://www.herpvetconnection.com/arizona.shtml)
Thank you SO MUCH, I couldn't find any herp vets on my local listings, that helps a bunch!