View Full Version : Update on T+ albino sav.

Gregg M
12-27-12, 11:05 PM
She is in shed as always. Seems to be a constant thing with her. LOL. She is pretty dirty but you can see she is no normal. And contrary to what some "experts" said would happen, she has not darkend up at all...

As you can see, she is a bit feisty. And check out the color in that eye!!! Reminds me of that Johnny Cash song...




12-27-12, 11:12 PM
Wow. She's gorgeous. Congrats on her. :)


12-27-12, 11:16 PM
She's beautiful. I love the last picture where you can see her teeth.

12-27-12, 11:44 PM
She's beautiful. I love the last picture where you can see her teeth.


12-28-12, 12:07 AM
She's beautiful!!! I agree! I really love the last pic showing her teeth :)

12-28-12, 12:35 AM
What a beautiful animal. I am insanely jealous.

12-28-12, 02:56 AM
What a beautiful animal. I am insanely jealous.

This ^^^^^^^^ :)

12-28-12, 07:19 AM
Wow, she's stunning. :Wow:

12-28-12, 07:21 AM
All of the above!

CK SandBoas
12-28-12, 07:29 AM
What a gorgeous, feisty little lady you got there! :)

12-28-12, 08:17 AM
Who would call that a normal? lol

Nice sav..

12-28-12, 10:17 AM
Who would call that a normal? lol

Nice sav..

I recall the outburst on KS very well. A certain Mr. Arizona man very boldly and rather certain of himself told Gregg that she was a normal and was also very certain of himself that she would darken up with age.

According to what he said that day, she should be a rich brown colour by now....

12-28-12, 11:40 AM
:Wow: What a stunner

12-28-12, 01:38 PM
I recall the outburst on KS very well. A certain Mr. Arizona man very boldly and rather certain of himself told Gregg that she was a normal and was also very certain of himself that she would darken up with age.

According to what he said that day, she should be a rich brown colour by now....

Hahaha, FR loves to stick that foot in his mouth regularly!

Beautiful monitor Gregg.

Gregg M
12-29-12, 07:52 AM
Thanks everyone!!!

Hahaha, FR loves to stick that foot in his mouth regularly!

Beautiful monitor Gregg.

Funny how he does that so often.

12-29-12, 08:58 AM
Those gloves are pretty stylish.;)

12-29-12, 10:46 AM
Gregg, answer me something. If this monitor is an albino (amelanistic), I would expect the pupils to be pink as it is with most albino reptiles. But they are black, so at first glance, I would say this animal is hypomelanistic and not amelanistic. I admit my understanding of genetics is limited, but would you care to explain?

Mind you, I'm not saying the animal is exceptional; it certainly is. Just curious, is all.

12-29-12, 01:45 PM
Amelanistic animals can be either T+ or T-, with T- being the more common. T+ animals are not as bright, as the black pigment is not replaced by white, but by purple or lavender colors. For the same reason, the eyes are often not red, certainly not as red as those of a T-.
It is also entirely possible (and in this case probable in my opinion) that this mutation only affects the scales, but not the eyes. Not all mutations will change every part of the animal. For example, leucistic animals are completely white, except for the eyes.

Gregg M
12-29-12, 09:01 PM
Gregg, answer me something. If this monitor is an albino (amelanistic), I would expect the pupils to be pink as it is with most albino reptiles. But they are black, so at first glance, I would say this animal is hypomelanistic and not amelanistic. I admit my understanding of genetics is limited, but would you care to explain?

What you are talking about is T- albino. The T stands for Tyrosinase. It is an enzyme that synthesizes melanin. In T- albinos, this enzym is not present. In T+ albinos the enzyme is there but synthesization of melanin is reduced. Many T+ reptiles have normalish eyes and have high copper and lavander tones in the skin.

As you can see in the photos, this sav does not have normal eyes. The eyes are bright red with a yellow ring around them.

T+ albinism is a partial albinism. Hypomelanism is more than likely a form of T+ albinism.

Hope this helps clear up some questions.

12-29-12, 09:07 PM
Hypomelanism is more than likely a form of T+ albinism.

I've heard this once or twice before. Has there ever been an in depth study of this before?

12-29-12, 09:59 PM
I've heard this once or twice before. Has there ever been an in depth study of this before?Not to my knowledge, but I'm not sure.

12-29-12, 10:25 PM
She's gorgeous! :)

12-30-12, 07:10 AM
Thanks for the reply, Gregg. That does clear up some things.

Gregg M
12-30-12, 11:44 AM
I've heard this once or twice before. Has there ever been an in depth study of this before?

BB, the sad thing is, there is very little in depth studies on reptilian morphs. It is a shame really because I can not think of any other group of animal that has so many different morphs and genetic mutations. In my opinion, reptiles are a gold mine for genetic mutation and morph study.

Thanks for the reply, Gregg. That does clear up some things.

No problem bro. Glad to explain.

12-30-12, 12:56 PM
BB, the sad thing is, there is very little in depth studies on reptilian morphs. It is a shame really because I can not think of any other group of animal that has so many different morphs and genetic mutations. In my opinion, reptiles are a gold mine for genetic mutation and morph study.

Unless you have a ball python. :3eyes:

I completely agree with you there.

01-03-13, 11:18 AM
She's beautiful. I love the last picture where you can see her teeth.

