View Full Version : Turtle ID

12-24-12, 11:25 PM
So I just got my camera for Christmas and can finally post pics of the remaining one of two turtles I adopted. The girl who bought them purchased them as red-eared sliders, but since 1) she's an imbecile, 2) they came in missing body parts, and 3) they don't have any red, I wanted a second opinion.


(The stuff on its shell appears to be some kind of paint that presumably the girl who neglected the hell out of them put on. The one that died had blue paint. Doesn't seem to bother it, so I haven't tried to get it off.)


12-25-12, 12:05 AM
Maybe a Cumberland turtle?

12-25-12, 12:07 AM
reading a little, apparently red eared sliders can lack the red if they're a cross (like red eared slider x cumberland)

12-25-12, 12:38 AM
It does look exactly like a Cumberland. I wonder if there's any way to tell if it's a cross or pure?


12-25-12, 02:14 AM
Don't know what he is but nice pictures ;)

12-25-12, 02:16 AM
Don't know what he is but nice pictures ;)Thank you. I'm so glad to have a camera again. I'm sure I'll be spamming the hell out of this place with them soon. :D


Zoo Nanny
12-25-12, 03:35 AM
He's adorable. I didn't think you could still get such small babies here in the US.

12-25-12, 03:48 AM
He's adorable. I didn't think you could still get such small babies here in the US.The other one was smaller, actually, if you can believe it. Of course, they may have been so small because they came from bad conditions into more bad conditions, not because they were actually supposed to be that small.


12-25-12, 06:10 AM
Zoo Nanny was probably referring to the 4-inch law. In short, it really only pertains commercial selling.

12-25-12, 06:26 AM
Zoo Nanny was probably referring to the 4-inch law. In short, it really only pertains commercial selling.Well the girl purchased them from a company. She didn't produce them herself.

And what's your take on species? I went to a turtle forum and asked, and the only person who's responded so far says definitely RES.


12-25-12, 06:54 AM
I want to say yellow belly slider

12-25-12, 07:07 AM
They're definitely in the Trachemys genus, of which RES are in, as well as Cumberlands and YBS. I couldn't tell ya which one it is. As others stated, not all RES have red-ears!

12-25-12, 03:01 PM
They're definitely in the Trachemys genus, of which RES are in, as well as Cumberlands and YBS. I couldn't tell ya which one it is. As others stated, not all RES have red-ears!So I guess I'll never know. XD That's alright though. I suppose it doesn't make much difference, as long as the care is relatively similar - I've been caring for it like a RES.

I have a question though. Its underside is soft, which I interpreted to be MBD. It wasn't eating much because of the missing lower jaw, so I mashed up its pelleted food and added a calcium plus supplement into a liquid and have been giving it a drop of that several times a day, and it seems to have perked up. But on the turtle forum was suggested to be a deepset fungal infection. Any ideas?


12-26-12, 06:26 AM
Yuo can always use a dichotomous key. That would help you better than me, since I don't have the turtle right in front of me.

12-26-12, 01:19 PM
Yuo can always use a dichotomous key. That would help you better than me, since I don't have the turtle right in front of me.Well the 2 of the 3 people that responded on turtle forum said Cumberland, but the thread was locked before I could get any further thoughts. I guess I'll just go with Cumberland.

Any thoughts on the fungal infection though?


12-27-12, 06:24 AM
Hard to say without seeing it. I would just keep up with the calcium supplements, and make sure you got that good UV light on there.

12-27-12, 07:11 AM
Hard to say without seeing it. I would just keep up with the calcium supplements, and make sure you got that good UV light on there.I thought a soft shell was indicative of MBD (and being a baby), and that there'd be outward signs of a fungal infection like spots or something. I don't really want to question people that obviously know more about turtles than I though. =/ They told me to get this: Mardel® Maroxy® Fish Treatment - Freshwater - Water Care - PetSmart (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11147321) At the very least, it couldn't hurt, so I'll pick it up and do the treatment. Its vitamin A deficiency seems to be improving though. No more runny nose, and it's keeping its eyes open more often.

The UVB light is kept on for 12 hours with the basking light, and it's a 'desert' one (I want to say it's a 10).


12-27-12, 08:06 AM
He's adorable. I didn't think you could still get such small babies here in the US.

You are allowed to purchase them if you state they are for "educational purposes". There's a locally run aquarium shop in my town where you have to show a teacher ID before they'll sell you small ones.

I've also been to reptile shows and seen big buckets full of RES being sold that are barely bigger than a quarter. Saw one guy selling baby alligator snapping turtles for $15/each. They were about the size of a silver dollar.