View Full Version : Merry Monitormas

12-24-12, 09:49 PM
Merry Monitormas, its like christmas but now with 79% more monitor. We had a christmas party and I got some people really interested in monitors. They really seemed to take to him and he was fairly curious. We ended up taking a family photo or two during the party. He got to come out and roam the latter 30 mins of said party after a good rinse off (he was caked in dirt and we like to refer to him as burt gummer from the tremors movie) spending most of it watching us in tripod. He seems pretty dismissive of new people unless they have a roach, in which case he will tripod and walk a step or two for one.

He was not harassed for this and its not tight at all. This was just for a cute picture for my selfish reasons and he isnt dressed up like this ever, this was just a once in a blue moon photo op I couldnt pass up because Chantha brought her camera, and afterwards he went back into a burrow. My friend wanted to take more but he was done. She knitted the hat and made the antler like max from the grinch stole christmas.


For a more relatable keeper post he has been closing burrows off lately. Dunno what thats about. His appetite has gone up however and is eating a lot more than he used to but doesnt seem to like crickets much anymore. It is now roaches, crawdads, squid, nightcrawlers, and rats. He did happen to dig up all the plants I placed in :/ well there goes 2 months of trying to grow some sage grass.

War Machine
12-24-12, 10:29 PM
Alot smaller then I first thought. He is a tad smaller then my 8 month old albig. I don't think I would subject my albigs to headwear, but tis' the season lol.

Nice looking Varanid, but for being part Argus, I was hoping for something bigger :P

12-24-12, 11:02 PM
Alot smaller then I first thought. He is a tad smaller then my 8 month old albig. I don't think I would subject my albigs to headwear, but tis' the season lol.

Nice looking Varanid, but for being part Argus, I was hoping for something bigger :P

You know to be quite honest I am very happy with a small monitor. I dunno if I could handle a bigger one. I sold my nile for this lil guy and he has TONS of personality. I dont know if I would have been able to give the nile the care he needed. I like mine because while he is "small" he makes up for it in his curious nature and very interesting actions. I do think he was underfed because the last place he was in was only feeding him 2 or 3 times a week, if you notice his belly its getting fuller. He has become a very interesting animal. I think for what he is he is a manageable size. I feel we often want a large lizard because they are cool and neat but fail to realize how much effort and upkeep they really take. I am glad I re homed my nile because I just dont want to get overwhelmed ya know?

12-24-12, 11:34 PM
He looks like one giant similis. Cool cross. Now that you have a camera can you post pictures of the enclosure? I can't wait to see how cool it is.

12-24-12, 11:47 PM
He looks like one giant similis. Cool cross. Now that you have a camera can you post pictures of the enclosure? I can't wait to see how cool it is.

Its not my camera :/ its Chantha's. I have offered to buy it from her but she is now visiting family but said she would think about it. Hopefully she will return soon and actually sell it to me, id really like to have that camera, it does such nice photos. Her place is were I am also currently keeping my boas until I figure out at the vet what is wrong with athena.

12-25-12, 07:20 AM
I love these crosses. Good looking monitor!

12-25-12, 01:00 PM
You know if he decides to "get even" with you for such indignities ... he knows were you live. LOL Amusing pics!


12-25-12, 06:21 PM
You know if he decides to "get even" with you for such indignities ... he knows were you live. LOL Amusing pics!


He gives me grief every day, if it isnt stealing the socks right off my feet and running back into his enclosure its trying to steal food from the dogs' bowls. I say he earned some shame fame.

01-12-13, 07:13 AM
That's nice to see I'd like to do that with mine next Christmas, but I think because of the size of him he would tear my hand apart if he wasn't in the Christmas spirit :P

01-12-13, 09:00 AM
That's nice to see I'd like to do that with mine next Christmas, but I think because of the size of him he would tear my hand apart if he wasn't in the Christmas spirit :P

mine recently bit me and really almost tore off my thumb. I ether starteled him or bothered him. I dont blame him, i should have been aware

01-12-13, 03:18 PM
mine recently bit me and really almost tore off my thumb. I ether starteled him or bothered him. I dont blame him, i should have been aware
How old is yours? Mine has got to be around 18 - 24 months at 3ft the day after I got him I had my hand in and was sort of wiggling my finger to see if e would come over. By his own choice he didn't feel threatened an come over filling his tongue but after he got so far I decided to pop my hand back out just in case he did mistake me for din dins lol so I take it what you had was agonising? I'd like to know what mine would inflict.. I think I should keep a TCP, Vinigar and a pillow to scream in if he ever does have a munch on my finger lol

01-12-13, 06:31 PM
Cera has nailed me, but I think hers are warning shots, she hurts like hell, but they are quick nips.

01-12-13, 08:18 PM
How old is yours? Mine has got to be around 18 - 24 months at 3ft the day after I got him I had my hand in and was sort of wiggling my finger to see if e would come over. By his own choice he didn't feel threatened an come over filling his tongue but after he got so far I decided to pop my hand back out just in case he did mistake me for din dins lol so I take it what you had was agonising? I'd like to know what mine would inflict.. I think I should keep a TCP, Vinigar and a pillow to scream in if he ever does have a munch on my finger lol

Feels bad man. Feels bad. He's about 3.5 years old

01-13-13, 11:11 AM
Feels bad man. Feels bad. He's about 3.5 years old
Do you reckon mine would inflict the same amount of pain? I'm slowly trying to introduce myself without causing any fear and I not so long ago started stroking his tail and he didn't seem too bothered, he didn't even shut his eyes so little bit of progress so far =]

01-13-13, 11:56 AM
Easy solution, keep your hands away from any monitor's face.

01-13-13, 12:24 PM
:laugh:Do you reckon mine would inflict the same amount of pain? I'm slowly trying to introduce myself without causing any fear and I not so long ago started stroking his tail and he didn't seem too bothered, he didn't even shut his eyes so little bit of progress so far =]

If they close their eyes they are afraid of you. They are trying to shut you out of their mmonitor world.