View Full Version : Updated Picture's of my Savannah Monitor

12-15-12, 12:05 PM
Hello All,

I previously made a post and just added two pictures, however this forum is a lot more active than the other site I was focusing on therefor I shall be adding more photos and speaking a lot more on here :) Feel free to comment on my husbandry etc :)

12-15-12, 09:31 PM
Nice looking Sav! Covered in dirt, just like they should be!

12-16-12, 06:51 AM
Nice looking Sav! Covered in dirt, just like they should be!
Thanks Pirarucu! and I very much agree, thankfully to these forums my Bosc is on the correct substrate. Otherwise I still would have been following the care sheet that I got from the reptile shop keeping him in the complete wrong conditions, not to mention the rubbish wood chippings.

Going to have some videos/photos up soon keep an eye out if your interested :)

12-17-12, 08:45 AM
Hello All,

I previously made a post and just added two pictures, however this forum is a lot more active than the other site I was focusing on therefor I shall be adding more photos and speaking a lot more on here :) Feel free to comment on my husbandry etc :)

Here are some new ones :cool:

12-17-12, 08:46 AM
is that darker soil making him that dark or is he just really pigmented? Ive never seen a dark sav but if this were the case id ask for offspring lol

12-17-12, 09:04 AM
is that darker soil making him that dark or is he just really pigmented? Ive never seen a dark sav but if this were the case id ask for offspring lol
Lol, in all honesty mate I'm not actually that sure :S as odd as that sounds every time I try to think back to when he was in his shite wood chipping substrate I seem to recall he was that dark anyway. However keep an eye out mate I'll give him a bath today and I'll make sure if there is any excess substrate on him it will all be gone and his natural colour will be shown.

12-17-12, 09:23 AM
Hello All,

I previously made a post and just added two pictures, however this forum is a lot more active than the other site I was focusing on therefor I shall be adding more photos and speaking a lot more on here :) Feel free to comment on my husbandry etc :)

Savannah Monitor - Accuracy & Speed - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPvzdNfWyvI)


Savannah Monitor - Eating Locust - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baK9Ya9uzDc)


Video was taken just after misting, this is why the video quality is a bit weird

Savannah Monitor - Digging (Burrowing) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMzY6Jk_ClA)


Savannah Monitor (Bosc Monitor) Digging and Hissing - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBO0CbIHQl8)


12-17-12, 09:33 AM
You are going to enjoy this, we have a video showcase feature here, I fixed your post to display the videos directly right on the forum.

12-17-12, 11:05 AM
You are going to enjoy this, we have a video showcase feature here, I fixed your post to display the videos directly right on the forum.
Thanks Infernalis =] I couldn't work out how to embed them right into the thread rather than just linking them. P.S when you have the time could you have a quick read of the temperature message I sent you?

Thanks :)

12-19-12, 10:12 AM
Hello All,

I previously made a post and just added two pictures, however this forum is a lot more active than the other site I was focusing on therefor I shall be adding more photos and speaking a lot more on here :) Feel free to comment on my husbandry etc :)

Looks like he's trusting me more :P