View Full Version : Genetic Stripe worm

12-12-12, 07:44 PM
My latest in this craze called retics . . . I'm glad I have a freezer literally full of rodents / rabbits :-)


Dwarf (high % Jampea) Genetic Stripe 66% Het Albino Reticulated Python.

Scale count on head to confirm dwarf locale is dominant, helps me know what to prepare for!

Because Genetic Stripe was a mutation that originated in Dwarfs, it's ensuring that anytime you go with a GS you get some Dwarf Blood in the mix, so for those who are interested in Dwarf Retics, I'd highly recommend you look into Genetic Stripes. They go through a pretty neat color change that makes them simply stunning as an adult.

Last retic purchase will be here in the morning from Bob Clark :-) stay tuned.

12-12-12, 10:48 PM
Genetic Stripe is believed to have originated from Selayer localities. Love what some of the other morphs do when combined with GS. What's your take on the "Velvet" line? I see you have some of the "pied side" going on with this one, its the silver markings before the vent that have a tendency to disappear with age. Doesn't appear to be genetic, just some markings that some GS's have when they're little.

12-13-12, 09:34 AM
Selayer would make more sense actually as her tongue color is different than my Jampea :-) makes for even better comparisons!

Velvets are pretty sweet combos! I'm still not 100% I understand the genetics of it since some people call it the Tiger g-stripe and others call it the super tiger g-stripe (which is what I believe is a velvet). I've seen some adults who retained some of the silver on the sides, the color change is still amazing in the course of the first year. She's quite young, literally only 2 meals in. But once she gets settled we'll fix that for her and see if we can get a meal in her every 4 days for the next few weeks to help her get started

12-13-12, 03:25 PM
Natural Light while checking on her in the tub :-)

12-13-12, 08:20 PM

And my last retic to enter my collection that's not produced in home - White Phase Albino, 100% Het genetic stripe Reticulated Python.

12-15-12, 01:16 PM
Very nice, hopefully your gs proves out.

12-15-12, 03:50 PM
Yep. . . thats the goal ultimately :-)