View Full Version : Gathering resources for new site

12-10-12, 02:40 PM
I just want to make a word of warning here since I know cross-posting is not allowed here. I posted another thread on Herp Center but it is not the exact thread. It is asking for the same information I will be asking for her but from different members of another forum. If this is still not okay, then please just delete this thread and I apologize.

So, I am looking to put together a website for retics. 75% because I think creating a nice site with a wealth of information from different sources about care, photos, morphs, etc. would be nice for keepers and future keepers and 25% because I work in internet marketing and it would be a good case study for me to play around with the SEO and web design end of things.

My question for you is that I need to gather some resources to organize this. I am going to do my own digging and I already have a vague idea of what I want to include, but I'd like some input from those more experienced than me or maybe people who know some resources that I would have trouble finding. Feel free to recommend books you've read and non-internet resources as well.

Thanks guys!

12-10-12, 02:41 PM
there already is one. retic nation.

12-10-12, 02:44 PM
Talk to Bob Clark, Travis Kubes, Kevin McCurley, Jay Brewer, Jason Reed, or Gavin Bowe to start with. Mike Willbanks is another good resource but he's been out of Retics for a few years now. Check out the Retic Nation for tons of good discussions. Last I heard Kevin was putting together a retic book, but I haven't heard anything on that front for a while now and every other print source with Retic info isn't what I would call reliable. There's also a few good studies floating around the web about genetics, localities, and size.

If you have more specific questions I'll help the best I can or point you in the right direction.

12-10-12, 02:47 PM
iBaman, Retic Nation is just a forum/Facebook group, no? I can't find an actual website. Plus, something existing already hasn't stopped me. I don't stick to one forum so I don't always expect others to either.

millertime, thank you very much for those suggestions. I'd love to contact them, but I'm not sure how to go about it really. Wouldn't anything they've contributed to the industry that is obtainable already be online? Or were you meaning more of just to gain some more knowledge?

12-10-12, 02:54 PM
Depending on what you want its probably already online. Gavin and Jason are probably pretty busy, Jay, Bob, and Kevin all have to run their shop but you might be able to email them. Bob is more than willing to chat at shows if he's there (I talk with him in KC, KS). Garrett from Prehistoric is also happy to talk 'tics at expos. Travis is kind of hit and miss because he owns a construction company, nice weather and he's working, cold weather (like today) and he'll chat. Send em all emails and tell them what you're doing and see if they're willing to talk if you want first hand info. Otherwise there's lots of us that don't have the experience but pick their brains every chance we get.

World of Retics (like World of Ball Pythons) has some good info, but it has some bad info too.

It really just comes down to what you want to know.