View Full Version : Savannah monitor book, ebook and Kindle

12-09-12, 06:06 AM
Hello I was unable to attend to my website for some months and the links to our savannah monitor book were broken. It's fixed at
Mampam Conservation - The Truth about Varanus exanthematicus - now an ebook (http://www.mampam.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=87)

Also I saw a bad review from a Kindle reader that I am worried about. I'd appreciate any feedback about this that I can use to improve the publication.


12-09-12, 10:30 AM
Was the bad review about the small print of the Kindle version?
That I saw but can't help sorry.

12-09-12, 12:00 PM
I'm not super techy but what format is the ebook in? If the print is showing up super small on a Kindle and there is no way to change it on the device, running the book file through a mobi converter can fix it. Or at least that worked for me once when I had the same problem with a book. I'm assuming it's the same problem, I haven't read the review.

12-17-12, 05:24 AM
Hello I was unable to attend to my website for some months and the links to our savannah monitor book were broken. It's fixed at
Mampam Conservation - The Truth about Varanus exanthematicus - now an ebook (http://www.mampam.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=87)

Also I saw a bad review from a Kindle reader that I am worried about. I'd appreciate any feedback about this that I can use to improve the publication.

I was first to purchase this from the ibooks app store on the iPhone last night. I can confirm the e-book is perfect! no problems found what so ever :)

12-17-12, 09:19 AM
I'm not super techy but what format is the ebook in? If the print is showing up super small on a Kindle and there is no way to change it on the device, running the book file through a mobi converter can fix it. Or at least that worked for me once when I had the same problem with a book. I'm assuming it's the same problem, I haven't read the review.

What it's all about is the book was scanned and converted to PDF, however since it was scanned, each page is being handled as an image rather than a block of text. It should not be a big deal, but apparently kindle readers like text better than big images of text.

All I know is, I am quite happy with it, I store my hard copy in an envelope to keep dust off the cover, when I need to reference the book, I open the E-version.

03-14-13, 10:02 AM
I bought it on Amazon Kindle and the quality is really bad, even though I like the book alot. So I tried to buy it(the ebook) again here from this link in the forum, and it charged my paypal. but I never got the book, still...

03-14-13, 11:24 AM
I bought it on Amazon Kindle and the quality is really bad, even though I like the book alot. So I tried to buy it(the ebook) again here from this link in the forum, and it charged my paypal. but I never got the book, still...

Daniel will fix that for you. No problem.:cool:

03-14-13, 11:52 AM
thanks! How is it going to be fixed? Also will the new ebook I bought be better quality?

03-14-13, 03:02 PM
got it in my email thanks! much better! Why not update amazon to that version too? so people will not complain?

03-14-13, 03:03 PM
and thanks! awesome book!

03-14-13, 11:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback and sorry about the Kindle version. One reason it wasn't changed is that I have received no complaints about it, only internet "rumours", hence my inquiry here. Now I know the Kindle version is bad I will withdraw it from sale and try to make a better version. Thanks for letting me know

03-24-13, 11:47 AM
Thanks for the feedback and sorry about the Kindle version. One reason it wasn't changed is that I have received no complaints about it, only internet "rumours", hence my inquiry here. Now I know the Kindle version is bad I will withdraw it from sale and try to make a better version. Thanks for letting me know

Daniel , what country are you from? I couldn't but notice the arabic in your signature (I have family in Jordan and Egypt)

03-25-13, 01:28 AM
I am from Glossop, which at present is not recognised as a sovereign state.

03-25-13, 05:21 AM
Never heard of it haha, but I like the qoute in your sig.

03-25-13, 12:17 PM
I am from Glossop, which at present is not recognised as a sovereign state.

Ahh Glossop, I have spent many an hour queuing through there to get over the hills :)

03-26-13, 01:30 AM
Ahh Glossop, I have spent many an hour queuing through there to get over the hills :)
I live at the bottom of the Snake Pass. When we become a sovereign state I expect we will charge people for driving through and imprison those who drive too fast!

03-26-13, 07:24 AM
The Tesco in Glossop stinks ;)

03-26-13, 09:43 AM
The Tesco in Glossop stinks ;)
Can you smell it from there? That is news!

03-26-13, 03:30 PM
I live at the bottom of the Snake Pass. When we become a sovereign state I expect we will charge people for driving through and imprison those who drive too fast!

You will get my taxes for driving through but as for driving too fast no chance of that my pickup barely gets to the speed limit ;)
I bet you have been snowed in for a few days now? We had nothing in Stockport but our friends down the road in disley posted pictures of them in it up to their knees and the drifts were even deeper :shocked:

06-21-13, 06:30 AM
enjoyed the book, thanks :) I do think that text rather than scanned/images would be much nicer to use, my phone didnt like it very much, zooming in was a pain, and the lack of search because its images not text is quite a negative imo - still enjoyed the read

Noticed your comments on physiological changes during cold/dry seasons, which you didnt include in the book, are those findings published yet? would love to hear what you found out!