View Full Version : This is sick, this is disgusting, this needs to STOP

12-07-12, 01:12 PM
Missouri town seizes Pit bulls - Kansas City Pet Rescue | Examiner.com (http://www.examiner.com/article/missouri-town-seizes-pit-bulls)

12-07-12, 01:18 PM
I can never EVER stand behind ANY kind of breed specific legislation. If an individual dog is aggressive then yes, something should be done. BUT to discriminate against an entire breed, including dogs that are in no way aggressive? That is just plain WRONG.

What is even more upsetting is animal control officers are taking animals they *BELIEVE* to be pit bulls. No proof, just their *OPINION*. MANY dogs can look like pitbulls, but not actually be pitbulls. Many labrador mixes look like pitbulls. Just disgusting.

Zoo Nanny
12-07-12, 01:21 PM
Hopefully they get this straightened out. It seems that their AC is on a power trip. They are going to wish they had not started this. Best Friends has become involved. With their money and influence I'll bet the dogs are saved. I feel so bad for the ones that haven't been sent to other towns.

12-07-12, 01:43 PM
Interesting thing I found:

Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull (http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html)

And that's where all these "pit bull" attack statistics come from.


12-07-12, 02:28 PM
I would shoot anyone that came to my house and tried to take my dogs...

I hate people and this is more of a reason to. I can't believe they are trying that.... Hope they all get what they deserve. I shared the post via facebook.. spread the word and help out some truly amazing dogs.

12-07-12, 02:51 PM
My pit is my baby, he is animal, people and child friendly. I just treat him well and i feel like he returns the favor.

12-07-12, 02:56 PM
Everytime I hear someone condem pitbulls I always remind them about Petey
I KNOW he is an american bull dog but Petey to me is the bull dog ambasidor. Very sad. We have a ban here on a few similar breeds.

12-07-12, 02:59 PM
Who is petey? Besides a handsome boy

12-07-12, 03:16 PM
Petey is the dog from The Little Rascals.

12-07-12, 03:19 PM
Huh.. not a clue. I will have to look it up. Thanks

12-07-12, 03:21 PM
You never watched the Little Rascals. Great show from black and white tv days.

Petey is the dog.

12-07-12, 03:23 PM
Nope.. didn't really watch any TV until I was living on my own. I am clueless on a lot of popular kids shows from when I was growing up.

12-07-12, 03:36 PM
I have a dolla I have a dolla I have a dolla hay hay hay hay
hey Spanky I will trade you a pickle for your dollar
I have a pickle I have a pickle I have a pickle hay hay hay hay

Zoo Nanny
12-07-12, 03:54 PM
Kat that show was way way before your time even before my time! It started in the early 20s and was called "Our Gang" Great show I watched all the reruns growing up.

12-07-12, 04:12 PM
Like large constrictors pits have an image problem. I don't call myself a dog person but I have always had a dog, mostly muts or hounds. My introduction to pits, like a lot of other folks, was negative. My first impression was a fighting, gangsta, giant chain link leash wearing menace. This was intentional branding for the promotion of a infantile lifestyle. I think its sad and unfair to the dogs, they cannot speak for themselves and had no control over what was done to them, but I am not surprised at all that folks are scared of them. Go after the fight trainers and the folks that put them in videos, get mad at the people that present them as menacing for perpetuating the negative image.

12-07-12, 06:03 PM
I work at in animal control, and ya know which breed is responsible for the most bites? Chihuahuas.

12-07-12, 06:11 PM
I work at in animal control, and ya know which breed is responsible for the most bites? Chihuahuas.BAH. Evil little suckers. Not all of them, of course, but they really did terrible in the temperament testing. The American Temperament Testing Society had only 68.3% of Chihuahuas pass, while American Pit Bull Terriers passed with 86.8% - which is actually better than all the bigger breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labs, German Shepherds, etc.


12-07-12, 06:30 PM
I work at in animal control, and ya know which breed is responsible for the most bites? Chihuahuas.

I did know that, actually. It's also not the breed's fault. People think that because they are small dogs, they should be treated as dolls, not dogs, and don't need training or socialization. Ugh.

BAH. Evil little suckers. Not all of them, of course, but they really did terrible in the temperament testing. The American Temperament Testing Society had only 68.3% of Chihuahuas pass, while American Pit Bull Terriers passed with 86.8% - which is actually better than all the bigger breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labs, German Shepherds, etc.


Speaking of, I've met only enough friendly Goldens that I can count on one hand. Every other Golden Retriever I've met has been nasty.

12-07-12, 06:39 PM
I did know that, actually. It's also not the breed's fault. People think that because they are small dogs, they should be treated as dolls, not dogs, and don't need training or socialization. Ugh.I've seen that with little dogs. People think when they act like asses that it's cute. Though I guess there could be some breed-specific basis for it too. Hard to say.Speaking of, I've met only enough friendly Goldens that I can count on one hand. Every other Golden Retriever I've met has been nasty.I've not met many Goldens. I've met lots of Pits though, including having owned one, and they've all been the sweetest dogs ever.


12-07-12, 06:47 PM
Hard to say.I've not met many Goldens. I've met lots of Pits though, including having owned one, and they've all been the sweetest dogs ever.


I've met a lot of pit bulls, pit bull crosses, and crosses that look like pit bulls, and I've yet to meet one that I didn't like. I've never even seen in person a mean pit.

12-07-12, 06:50 PM
I was bitten by a pit when I was 8 or 9 yrs old. It was my fault and the owners fault 100% . I still love pits though!

12-07-12, 06:56 PM
I've met a lot of pit bulls, pit bull crosses, and crosses that look like pit bulls, and I've yet to meet one that I didn't like. I've never even seen in person a mean pit.When I was about 9, I volunteered at a shelter, and most of the dogs there were Pits. That's when I fell in love with them. Even the most abused ones were the sweetest things ever.I was bitten by a pit when I was 8 or 9 yrs old. It was my fault and the owners fault 100% . I still love pits though!Kudos. I hate when people say they were bit by a certain kind of dog, and for the rest of their lives they judge every other dog in the world that looks like that one dog. I had a hound mix literally go for my throat, but I don't hold that against any other dogs. My dad's girlfriend doesn't like white Pits because she had a bad experience with one once, and that's just the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


12-07-12, 07:40 PM
Yeah, most of the nastiest, ill-tempered dogs I've dealt with since getting this new job have been those small breeds: chihuahuas, dachsund, rat/fox terrier, and/or mixes of the above. Couple feral stray mutts that I'm not certain what the genetics were, but most of the worst were the little guys. A lot of the big guys I can happily pick up and carry...big babies.

12-07-12, 07:51 PM
Yeah, most of the nastiest, ill-tempered dogs I've dealt with since getting this new job have been those small breeds: chihuahuas, dachsund, rat/fox terrier, and/or mixes of the above. Couple feral stray mutts that I'm not certain what the genetics were, but most of the worst were the little guys. A lot of the big guys I can happily pick up and carry...big babies.It's interesting that it works that way. It's the same with equines. Ponies tend to be bloody evil, but the big draft horses are usually big, sweet babies.

I personally prefer big breeds, even though all my dogs now are medium-sized. Pits, Rottweilers, Mastiffs, etc. are my favourites.


12-07-12, 09:08 PM
I hate bans of any kind.:sad: I've heard of so many cases where peoples animals get taken away and killed for no good reason. I hate the bad reputation people who care for certain species get. I know of more people who properly care for their bears, foxes, bobcats, cougars, and other crazy beasts better then most people care for their damn dogs, and they still get treated unfairly because some people are stupid and ruin it for everyone else. I wish people would just educate themselves, I mean seriously. Unless you have had a good reason to dislike the breed you shouldn't talk. My dad doesn't like them because his friend had his face ripped off (literally) by his neighbors pitt (the dog had known him his whole life) when he was just five and playing in the sand box. Theres a good reason.

12-07-12, 09:24 PM
Unless you have had a good reason to dislike the breed you shouldn't talk. My dad doesn't like them because his friend had his face ripped off (literally) by his neighbors pitt (the dog had known him his whole life) when he was just five and playing in the sand box. Theres a good reason.But that was one dog. How can a reasonable person hold that against the millions - if not billions - of other pit bulls in the world? And does he know for certain it was even a pit bull?

Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull (http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html)

Very few people can ID a real pit.


Zoo Nanny
12-08-12, 06:19 AM
Missouri Town on Mission to Kill Pit Bull Pets, Residents Fight Back | fox4kc.com – Kansas City news & weather from WDAF TV – FOX 4 (http://fox4kc.com/2012/12/06/missouri-town-on-mission-to-kill-pit-bull-pets-residents-fight-back/)
With so much Media attention in the area I would think that it would stop the roundup. Hopefully they continue the coverage and get even more letters and emails sent to the town.
On a more positive note I read this article this morning.
More good news about bad laws against pit bulls | The Best Friends Blog (http://blogs.bestfriends.org/index.php/2012/11/14/more-good-news-about-bad-laws-against-pit-bulls/)

12-08-12, 09:30 AM
Our town has a pitbull ban(it was in place when we moved here). Im not completely disappointed by it since no one in our neighborhood can keep their dogs in their own yards..Ive had them kill my chickens and attack my dogs in my own yard.If these idiots owned pitbulls Id be a mess of nerves.Sorry but an untrained unsocialized pitbull is twice as scary as a untrained unsocialized border collie mix, especially when you have young kids.
On the other side of the fence they did try to ban rottweilers and Ive always owned a rottweiler even my parents owned rotties.SO I do understand how pitty owners feel.
Thankfully it didnt pass.All owners would have been required to muzzle our rotts when out walking as well as have a concrete floor in the dogs pen(assuming they are kept in one).
We do have a neighbor who has unsocialized rottie mixes and these guys are scary viscous .I had to give my son a pepper spray on his paper route because these dogs are on chains and occasionally get off. I dont trust them one bit.
I just dont know what the solution is...Dont let idiots own anything I guess.

12-08-12, 09:46 AM
Our town has a pitbull ban(it was in place when we moved here). Im not completely disappointed by it since no one in our neighborhood can keep their dogs in their own yards..Ive had them kill my chickens and attack my dogs in my own yard.If these idiots owned pitbulls Id be a mess of nerves.Sorry but an untrained unsocialized pitbull is twice as scary as a untrained unsocialized border collie mix, especially when you have young kids.
On the other side of the fence they did try to ban rottweilers and Ive always owned a rottweiler even my parents owned rotties.SO I do understand how pitty owners feel.
Thankfully it didnt pass.All owners would have been required to muzzle our rotts when out walking as well as have a concrete floor in the dogs pen(assuming they are kept in one).
We do have a neighbor who has unsocialized rottie mixes and these guys are scary viscous .I had to give my son a pepper spray on his paper route because these dogs are on chains and occasionally get off. I dont trust them one bit.
I just dont know what the solution is...Dont let idiots own anything I guess.

You think a Pit Bull is scarier than an untrained unsocialized Border Collie? You obviously haven't met many. Untrained Borders are super nippy and intense dogs. When a Border Collie doesn't have a job, they will MAKE it their job to make your life a living hell. A Border Collie without work is a very distructive animal. An untrained Pit is a normal dog. In fact, to have an aggressive Pit Bull you have to TRAIN it to be mean.

Any dog, when given the means, would wander. That isn't a pittie trait. Any dog, when unsocialized to chickens, can kill them. I had a chicken killed by a Pomeranian. You don't see me hating on them.

12-08-12, 10:05 AM
As far as "pitbulls" (a somewhat debatable term itself since the actual breed is Staffordshire terriers, and actually look a little different than what most people think pitbulls look like) and the subject of owners letting their dogs roam loose....

I've been on the dispatch board all week, and been in the field 2 weeks prior: it is not exclusive to any particular breed or any size dog. We get calls of dogs of all sizes and breeds: dachsunds, pits, labs, boxers, chihuahuas, etc, and half the time, the complainant doesn't even know what breed it is. People think because they live in a rural area, they are allowed to let their dogs run loose. It simply ain't so.

Unfortunately, as BB alluded to, there really is no solution. As long as there is money to be made breeding and selling dogs, people will continue to do it. The result is a lot of people getting dogs on impulse and getting rid of them for whatever reason. There will always be more unwanted animals and not enough people/resources to care for them.

12-08-12, 12:32 PM
You think a Pit Bull is scarier than an untrained unsocialized Border Collie? You obviously haven't met many. Untrained Borders are super nippy and intense dogs. When a Border Collie doesn't have a job, they will MAKE it their job to make your life a living hell. A Border Collie without work is a very distructive animal. An untrained Pit is a normal dog. In fact, to have an aggressive Pit Bull you have to TRAIN it to be mean. I owned a pit bull who became a victim of people's prejudices and an unfortunate situation. At the time, we owned two dogs - a Basset, Buster, and the pit bull, Nala. Buster has always been...off. He's very nice sometimes, but other times he's vicious and will try to kill other animals, including dogs and cats. The key is if they're afraid of him, which I know sounds weird, but it's true. They're the only animals he'll try to kill. I've seen him play with neighbor's dogs, and I've seen him try to throw himself through the car window to try to attack others. I don't know if a dog can be a sociopath, but he makes me wonder.

Anyway, we got Nala, and she was the sweetest, friendliest, most wonderful dog. She loved everyone and everything she met, and all she ever wanted to do was play and give kisses and cuddle. I'd always wanted a pittie, and when I met her, I knew she was 'the one.' Unfortunately, though, she was very untrained. Her mother had been abandoned while pregnant in a house, and had given birth and then died. Nala and her brother were forced to eat her corpse to survive, while her father was chained up outside (also a very nice dog, but not as sweet, so I chose Nala instead). Still, after some training, she listened pretty well. At the time, we'd always let our dogs run loose (as everyone here does, and no one had complained). When she was alone, she was an angel. But Buster never listened to anything, so when they were together, she was almost as bad as him. One day, they went over to the neighbor's place and attacked the neighbor's puppy. I found them and broke it up, and Nala was very clearly in the 'play bow,' while Buster was very clearly being vicious. She had no idea why I was yelling at them, but Buster knew. I dragged them back to the house, and took the puppy to the vet. We apologised to the neighbors, covered the vet bill (the puppy had only a few scratches but was otherwise fine), and promised it would never happen again. Unfortunately, my dad's a jackass. He continued to let them run loose. I would often see them loose outside through the window, and I'd come down and tell him that we couldn't do that anymore and bring them inside. Still, he'd keep doing it. He'd try to tell me he only did it when he was out there with them (which was a lie, but even if it wasn't, they didn't listen when they were together, so it didn't matter). We fought about it several times a day every day for a week. Then a week later, they got over there again and killed the neighbor's other dog. I'll let you guess who got blamed and we had to get rid of, despite Buster having been proven to be vicious. Unfortunately, we still have him, and he's still vicious. I've wanted rid of him since then, but no, Nala is the one who had to go. It was obviously her fault because she was a Pit bull. She was too rough when she played, even with me. She was still a puppy (about a year and a half), and even with me, I'd sometimes end up with bruises. But she never meant any harm. She just thought she was a little lapdog when she wasn't. It might sound like I'm making excuses for her, but I know both of these dogs very well, and I know what he's like and I know what she's not like. If she hadn't been a pit, Buster (or both of them) would have been blamed, as he should have been, and we'd have had to have gotten rid of him. But she was unlucky enough to be a pit, so it was all her fault.


She went to a shelter and ended up being the favourite of everyone there, even getting painted by a volunteer and eventually adopted to a nice family with kids. But, to this day, I still hate my father. :)

I recall one neighbor saying that, now that she had the "taste of blood," she would become uncontrollably vicious. As if she was a bloody werewolf.As far as "pitbulls" (a somewhat debatable term itself since the actual breed is Staffordshire terriers, and actually look a little different than what most people think pitbulls look like)Pit bulls refers to three breeds - the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier. They all look a little bit different (Staffy Bull Terriers are stockiest, American Staffies are medium, and American Pits are more slender), but they're all covered under the term "pit bull."


12-08-12, 12:35 PM
Staffies are NOT classed as "pit bulls" in the Uk. :)

12-08-12, 12:36 PM
That is true, M. But we get people saying there is a 'pitbull" running loose in such-in-such neighborhood, and it may end being an American bulldog mix, boxer or even a lab mix. They see a shorthaired stocky large dog with non-droopy ears and automatically think pit.

12-08-12, 12:37 PM
Staffies are NOT classed as "pit bulls" in the Uk. :)

That was my understanding. "pit bull" is strictly a U.S. label, and in my opinion, somewhat derogatory of the breed.

12-08-12, 12:41 PM
I admit i havent read all this thread - apologies for this.

But my opinion is that there are probably only one per cent of all dogs ever bred that are dangerous. Nearly every single dog attack i have readd about has been dogs left alone with a child (who knows what the child did to the dog before it "attacked") or dogs that have had no training/socialising that are scared and defensive - the owners fault not the dogs.

Personally i would rather see the Owners put down and the dogs rehomed :)

12-08-12, 12:41 PM
That is true, M. But we get people saying there is a 'pitbull" running loose in such-in-such neighborhood, and it may end being an American bulldog mix, boxer or even a lab mix. They see a shorthaired stocky large dog with non-droopy ears and automatically think pit.I know. That was the point of me posting this:
Pet Pitbull - Find the Pit Bull (http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html)

And then I said that's where most of the breed attack statistics come from. Very few people can positively ID a pit. I'm familiar enough with dog breeds to pick out the Dogo Argentino, which is a pretty obscure breed, but I still couldn't pick out the pit on my first try.That was my understanding. "pit bull" is strictly a U.S. label, and in my opinion, somewhat derogatory of the breed.You said that the "actual term" is a Staffordshire, but Lanky just said Staffies aren't classified as pits.


12-08-12, 12:49 PM
I've seen Animal Control try to take away somebody's obviously pure bred German Shorthair Pointer, claiming it was a pit.

12-08-12, 12:50 PM
I'm not going to argue petty semantics for the hell of it since we're talking two different countries here. I've had a stressful enough morning as it is. My main point was that if I go up to one of these rednecks we deal with every other week, and tell them someone complained about their Staffordshire Terrier, I'm going to get a dumbfounded (and likely toothless) look in response. Most of these people don't know what kind of dog they have, and the few that do are the ones we really don't have problems with.

12-08-12, 12:51 PM
I've seen Animal Control try to take away somebody's obviously pure bred German Shorthair Pointer, claiming it was a pit.

And that's going to be akin to the whole pet store debate: are they all bad? No; some pet store employees are idiots, some aren't.

12-08-12, 12:53 PM
I'm not going to argue petty semantics for the hell of it since we're talking two different countries here. I've had a stressful enough morning as it is. My main point was that if I go up to one of these rednecks we deal with every other week, and tell them someone complained about their Staffordshire Terrier, I'm going to get a dumbfounded (and likely toothless) look in response. Most of these people don't know what kind of dog they have, and the few that do are the ones we really don't have problems with.I'm not trying to "argue petty semantics for the hell of it." Calm yourself. I'm just trying to understand, as obviously the term means something different here. And you originally said that the "actual term" for a pit is the Staffordshire, but then Lanky went to say that Staffies aren't considered pits in the UK, so I was trying to clarify.


12-08-12, 12:54 PM
I admit i havent read all this thread - apologies for this.

But my opinion is that there are probably only one per cent of all dogs ever bred that are dangerous. Nearly every single dog attack i have readd about has been dogs left alone with a child (who knows what the child did to the dog before it "attacked") or dogs that have had no training/socialising that are scared and defensive - the owners fault not the dogs.

Personally i would rather see the Owners put down and the dogs rehomed :)

I completely agree with you. Pit Bulls have a reputation for being aggressive because they were TRAINED to be aggressive, by PEOPLE. Pit Bulls are not naturally aggressive dogs. It's ALWAYS human fault/error when a domesticated animal bites a person. I wish more people understood that.

12-08-12, 12:54 PM
I understand...

12-08-12, 12:56 PM
It's ALWAYS human fault/error when a domesticated animal bites a person. I wish more people understood that.

It's always human fault/error when ANY animal bites a person. IMHO, when you get right down to it, there is no such thing as an "unprovoked" animal bite/attack.

12-08-12, 12:59 PM
And that's going to be akin to the whole pet store debate: are they all bad? No; some pet store employees are idiots, some aren't.

No, no, no, you took that the wrong way. I was agreeing with the point that rarely people know how to identify a pit and giving an example of such.

12-08-12, 12:59 PM
I completely agree with you. Pit Bulls have a reputation for being aggressive because they were TRAINED to be aggressive, by PEOPLE. Pit Bulls are not naturally aggressive dogs. It's ALWAYS human fault/error when a domesticated animal bites a person. I wish more people understood that.Interestingly, though most people don't know it, the fighters were bred to be people-friendly. The ones who weren't extremely tolerant of the abuse they suffered at the hands of people were culled, so they were actually bred in the fighting area to be extremely people friendly. I'm more likely to feel secure around a pittie than many other breeds of dogs.


12-08-12, 01:00 PM
It's always human fault/error when ANY animal bites a person. IMHO, when you get right down to it, there is no such thing as an "unprovoked" animal bite/attack.

I should probably specify HEALTHY animal. And I agree to a point. At least as far as a captive animal goes.

12-08-12, 01:16 PM
I should probably specify HEALTHY animal. And I agree to a point. At least as far as a captive animal goes.

Well, even with unhealthy animals....whose fault is it that the animal in question is unhealthy?

And why just captive animals? If a wild animal bites/injures someone, it still applies. If a bee comes out of nowhere and stings you, yes, one could argue you didn't knowingly do anything to provoke it, but you walk outdoors in bee territory, you are undertaking the risk of getting stung. The bee is a wild animal reacting mostly on instinct. The bee is not to blame; you instigating the bee's aggressive behavior by approaching too close to the hive, whether it was inadvertently or intentionally.

12-08-12, 01:20 PM
Well, even with unhealthy animals....whose fault is it that the animal in question is unhealthy?

And why just captive animals? If a wild animal bites/injures someone, it still applies. If a bee comes out of nowhere and stings you, yes, one could argue you didn't knowingly do anything to provoke it, but you walk outdoors in bee territory, you are undertaking the risk of getting stung. The bee is a wild animal reacting mostly on instinct. The bee is not to blame; you instigating the bee's aggressive behavior by approaching too close to the hive, whether it was inadvertently or intentionally.

Sometimes it's the owner's fault that an animal is unhealthy, sometimes it isn't. Brain tumors can cause aggression out of nowhere, and you can't blame that on anybody.

12-08-12, 01:27 PM
Alright I'll give you that one...although such cases are pretty rare compared to aggressive behavior caused by human error.

I suppose rabies would qualify as well....but then again, most states require all dogs to be UTD on their rabies vaccinations.

12-08-12, 01:40 PM
Alright I'll give you that one...although such cases are pretty rare compared to aggressive behavior caused by human error.

I suppose rabies would qualify as well....but then again, most states require all dogs to be UTD on their rabies vaccinations.

Even if it's not required, it's just common sense.

I do have a dog who is veterinary exempt from getting vaccinations because she is allergic to them, but I take every production to ensure her health. She is only exercised in controlled environments, she is litter box trained, and I don't allow unvaccinated animals into my home.

Zoo Nanny
12-08-12, 04:24 PM
Even those abused and trained to fight can overcome their past in the right setting and the responsible people who care. I'm friends with Jacque at Best Friends Parrot Garden. She has told me so many stories about the dogs that have come through Parrot Garden getting ready to take their test for good citizen. This is an article that is heart warming. Only one of the many concerning the Mike Vick dogs taken to Best Friends.
Another vicktory for Oscar (http://www.bestfriends.org/News-And-Features/News/Another-vicktory-for-Oscar/)

12-10-12, 03:32 PM
I've seen Animal Control try to take away somebody's obviously pure bred German Shorthair Pointer, claiming it was a pit.

Just like my dog! My dog is a German shorthaired pointer mix with about a quarter American Staffordshire, and who knows what else in her. According to nearly everyone out there, she's ALL "pit bull". If any such breed ban were enacted here (which for the time being won't ever happen because the state has decided it goes against the state constitution to enact such a ban) my dog would be in trouble. And the more research I do, the more she looks like a pointer too, and she definitely acts like it.

Pit bulls refers to three breeds - the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, and the American Staffordshire Terrier. They all look a little bit different (Staffy Bull Terriers are stockiest, American Staffies are medium, and American Pits are more slender), but they're all covered under the term "pit bull."

To add to the confusion that dogs had also been double registered as UKC "American Pit Bull Terrier" and AKC "American Staffordshire Terrier".