View Full Version : So yea, I found my snake that escaped a year ago

12-03-12, 07:24 PM
Yea, I'm not around much anymore I know. Been going to school. You guys will be happy to know that my MBK DB or as I call him Deebers, has been found.

Original thread...

The little guy was found about 2 months ago. I nursed him with mouse pinkies up to a healthy weight and he is eating mouse fuzzies now. He is healthy and handle-able!

He was hiding under a dehumidifier(I guess for warmth/water) when I discovered him. He was not happy with me picking him up rattling his tail like a rattlesnake and striking at the glass when I got him into a tank. Now he's calm and I think thankful to have warm hides, a steady food supply, and fresh water.

So yea, that's whatsup! :D

12-03-12, 10:34 PM
I'm glad you found him. Its crazy how long they can hide after they get out.

12-04-12, 12:13 AM
I'm glad you found him!

And glad to hear from you! :D

12-04-12, 12:14 AM
Wow, that's incredible. Glad you found him. :)


12-04-12, 04:25 AM
He hid in your humidifier for 10 months?

While I know its possible - Snakes never cease to amaze me.

12-04-12, 09:34 PM
Its amazing how long they can hide! I had one gone for 2 months!

12-05-12, 11:38 AM
Lately I've been hearing more and more stories like this! A coworker of mine was housesitting fora friend once. That friend had *A* snake my coworker had to take care of. Then one day my coworker goes to use the bathroom, and there's the snake! She's thinking to herself, "Oh no! How did the snake get out?!" Catches it and goes to put it back, finds out no... the snake is still in its enclosure! Calls her friend, only to find out her friend actually had two snakes, but one escaped many months prior and she thought for sure it must have been dead. Apparently not!

12-05-12, 11:48 AM
I'm so glad you found him! Congrats.