View Full Version : who has a "pvc cage" from jim

11-28-12, 06:44 PM
Who on here has a pvc cage from jim at pvccages.com? i am trying to get some detailed pictures of his tanks and he will not send any over. im not going to lie kind of makes me not want to buy from my "local" guy. he lives 3 hours away so its not like i can go look at his tanks.

Aaron over on ball-pythons.net did a write up on animal plastics cage and was very indepth of the tank and awsome pictures i must say. im just trying to see what the tank looks like before i order one. if anyone has a tank from him perferably open front sliding doors can you post pictures of the top/side/back and how you personally like it.

just because he wont send any pics is making want to order from animal plastics that much more even tho the wait is a month longer and its about $100 more for what i want from them.

if anyone is interested here is the link for aarons write up for the t-8 tank

How to set up a PVC cage (AP T8) With Pictures! (http://ball-pythons.net/forums/showthread.php?165571-How-to-set-up-a-PVC-cage-(AP-T8)-With-Pictures!&highlight=animal+plastics)

11-28-12, 06:51 PM
When he say he won't send any, you mean he said, "No, I won't send you detailed pictures of my tanks"? Also, I'm pretty sure he's a member here.


11-28-12, 06:54 PM
If you like it you should buy it.

I think mine are better and look nicer but that is me, I showed the pics to my wife and she said the same.

He has to have all the cord slots because the way he routes his cords, mine do not need it.

I do like his lock.

Does he use Plexiglas doors or real glass doors ? I use real glass.

I do not like his front face and the big holes he drills for your cords, mine are the size of the cords and my front face is the front of the cage, it does not sit behind the doors.

My lights are mounted to the front of the cage facing the back of the cage so you do not really see the light fixture and it does not shine in your eyes when you look inside the cage.

And flexwatt is a fire waiting to happen, I do not offer it because I have seen what it can do.

Thank you,
Jim Scharphorn

that was one of his replys to me after asking to see pictures of how his tanks are. i understand he is a member here and im not trying to bash him. I would just like to see pictures of his tanks.

11-28-12, 06:54 PM
Nick PM me what you want shots of and an email address pretty quick quick and I'll shoot you over some. I have the 4x2x1, the 4x2x2 divided, 3x2x2 and 2x2x2 so I can pretty much detail his catalog of cages. I love them, but hated putting them together. Going with AP or Vision for my 6 and 8' enclosures.

11-28-12, 06:56 PM
should've read . . . top side and back. I can do top interior but because they are stacked the top is just flat.

11-28-12, 06:59 PM
pm sent to you.


11-28-12, 08:49 PM
Hey there! I just ordered a cage from Jim a couple of weeks ago. It shipped today and I should have it by Friday or Saturday. If you'd like I will take detailed pictures of whatever you want to see as I assemble it/fully assembled if it will help. This is my first viv from PVC Cages so I can't vogue for them otherwise.

By the way, I got the 48x24x12 black, open front with sliding glass doors and a lock, no divider. :)

11-28-12, 09:14 PM
Yes if you can please do. Thank you

11-28-12, 09:34 PM
Yes if you can please do. Thank you

11-28-12, 11:20 PM
Okay. If he doesn't have time to send you pics why are you even considering business with him. A lack of customer service before the sale could mean a lack customer service after the sale.

11-29-12, 03:58 AM
I have made my choice. I am going with the animal plastics t10. They were more than willing to walk around their site with me and show me different features on their tanks.

11-29-12, 05:26 AM
Okay. If he doesn't have time to send you pics why are you even considering business with him. A lack of customer service before the sale could mean a lack customer service after the sale.

This is pretty much exactly what i was going to put :)

11-29-12, 05:44 AM
Okay. If he doesn't have time to send you pics why are you even considering business with him. A lack of customer service before the sale could mean a lack customer service after the sale.

^ common sense... I agree 100%

11-29-12, 05:52 AM
This is pretty much exactly what i was going to put :)

Well I figured if he was to busy to make the sale then he was too busy to fix a mistake which would've been free.

11-29-12, 07:11 AM
Yeah emailed back and forth but that is about it. Not very good customer service in my oppinion. Animal plastics has my sale 100% no questions asked.

11-29-12, 09:02 AM
I agree. If he is not willing to talk to you he doesnt deserve your hard earned money.

01-02-13, 06:08 AM
I have a single cage from him (should of been more)... Won't bash him, just after his rude customer service and the fact that I had to put his cages together and the first one broke in several areas... It was like pulling teeth to get a replacement (really, pulling teeth would of been easier).

I have been happy with several other cage companies!! Such as Barr Cages, AP, Vision and the new Neodesha!

01-02-13, 08:19 AM
i already ordered one from animal plastics