View Full Version : Major Support Needed

11-28-12, 01:13 PM
Members of the rainbow boa community, we need your help!

As some of you may know, the anti-constrictor bill, currently known as HR 511, goes in front of the House Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs *tomorrow*. This bill will set the precedent for how not only other snakes, but also other exotic pets, are treated, so it is crucial we defeat it.

However, almost no snake owners seem to be calling the committee members to oppose it.

Just this morning I called four of the congressmen on the subcommittee that will decide HR 511 tomorrow. Of them, only the chairman (Fleming) seems to be getting any volume. Of the other three, Young (Alaska) has gotten only a few calls, which were were both for and against; Markey (Mass) has received *no* other calls; and Harris (Maryland) I forgot to ask.

If we are going to kill this, we need people to call other members beyond the chair. Even if a rep is not from your state, call in -- the more voices, the better!

The subcommittee membership is listed here: Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs - House Committee on Natural Resources (http://naturalresources.house.gov/subcommittees/subcommittee/?SubcommitteeID=5063). Please call, at a minimum, three reps -- your state's rep, the chair, and then fill in any one or two more to top it off.

Let's make a difference, rainbow keepers! Please post below after you call, who, and the results!

Thank you,

11-28-12, 01:38 PM
Just got off the phone with the legislation office for Flore (Texas on the committe). They informed me that their is no vote, that it is a hearing that is not understood why they are calling for it (with the exception of the push with obama's reelection I believe). None the less, tomorrow is still scheduled for the hearing, but no vote is scheduled in any immediate future. The bill has 16 sponsors who are in support of it, and the person I talked to informed me that Flores is against the additions, and they believe that HR511 additions do not have the support it needs to pass through.

Again, this was just from ONE 20 minute phone conversation with the legislation department for Flores.

11-28-12, 02:54 PM
Thank you for the additional insight, ReptileExperts -- well done! I'm glad to hear Flores is against it. Good ol' Texas. :-)

I would respectfully note, however -- even if "just" a hearing -- we still need people to call in. Complacency breeds losses, and once a bad precedent like this is set it's all downhill from there. Our reps need to know that lots of voters hate this bill.

Again, great info!

11-28-12, 03:58 PM
Yeah, his office had heard zero comments from others regarding this bill - however, when I addressed it as HR511 each person I talked with immediately responded "The snake bill". They also made mention that at current there is a 0% chance of HR511 being ammended in their sole opinions.

11-28-12, 05:19 PM
Nice. Makes me feel much better. :-)

11-29-12, 06:43 PM
Yeah, his office had heard zero comments from others regarding this bill - however, when I addressed it as HR511 each person I talked with immediately responded "The snake bill". They also made mention that at current there is a 0% chance of HR511 being ammended in their sole opinions.

Amended, but what about passing out of committee?

11-30-12, 03:26 PM
Soubnds like the initial meeting went in our favor...but the more people who call in during the remaining comment period, the better!

11-30-12, 05:22 PM
I called each and every Rep on that list in Wednesday and was pleasantly surprised how the information was received! Yes, I think our side was of course very well represented, and did a great job of getting the facts out there. From my understanding, they now have, I believe a week to submit any questions anyone may have. Then I hope the bill will just be defeated there.

Urban Jungle Radio posted a bunch of clips on their FB page, along with an interview with Andrew Wyatt after the hearing.

I also have a link to watch the entire hearing. Gotta find it...

11-30-12, 06:00 PM
HerpNation Radio also did a nice recap of the hearing.

» Herp Nation Radio Network Special Report – HR511 Herp Nation Magazine – Reptiles Amphibians Herpetology Husbandry (http://www.herpnation.com/audio/dks-bn-112912/)

12-03-12, 03:40 PM
Well done, Roy! Thank you for the support!

12-03-12, 04:29 PM
^^^^ This is why SsnakesS needs a "Like" button.

12-05-12, 04:28 PM
LOL -- *like*! ;-)