View Full Version : This is absolutely disgusting

11-27-12, 06:38 PM
Has anyone else seen this? I am disgustingly appalled.


I scrolled down and saw a gruesome picture of a retic that broke my heart. I won't describe it in case anyone doesn't care for the mental picture. But seriously? I can't wait to see what happens on Thursday.

11-27-12, 06:43 PM
wtf is wrong with people. what is thursday by the way?

11-27-12, 07:00 PM
On Thursday there will be a hearing about adding the nine species to this ban.

11-27-12, 07:15 PM
It's not the first nor will it be the last. There is a thread on the ban.

11-27-12, 11:04 PM

I am not surprised, but no less disgusted by the idiot who created that page.

11-27-12, 11:05 PM

I am not surprised, but no less disgusted by the idiot who created that page.

11-27-12, 11:14 PM
That page is a joke. It only has 9 likes, was started on January 19, and has not been active since March 13th.

What I find idiotic, yet disturbing about the page is how the originator appears to like ball pythons and carpet pythons, not to mention Ben Siegal, but puts disturbing snake images on his page..and uses a picture of a downs syndrome male as his profile pic.

Yeah, that's intelligent life as we know it....

11-27-12, 11:37 PM
What lives under a bridge and has an I Support the Python Ban page? ;)

This actually made me laugh quite a bit. The part where he says 100,000 people die from non venomous snakes each year was pretty great.

11-27-12, 11:40 PM
I sent them this message. It's late and I'm ticked off.

You people are sick. Just because an animal looks different you hate it? Are you like that with people to? How would you like it if someone was trying to ban your favourite animal? Maybe we should ban dogs...they are much, MUCH more dangerous than non-venomous snakes. Dogs are also more disgusting, they eat their own vomit and poop, roll in dead animals, lick their genitals and then your face...all a snake does is sit there and do nothing. Why does it matter to you what pets people have in their home? People like you are what is making my country less and less 'free'.

11-28-12, 08:44 AM
That's just disgusting...what an idiot. I hope that page gets revoked...I'm going to report it to Facebook as offensive.

11-28-12, 08:46 AM
I reported it as abusing "graphic violence" clause to Facebook and sent a message to the page admin telling him the truth about all those hateful, cruel pictures and describing proper reptile care and how much our reptiles mean to us responsible keepers. We should all report it to Facebook as hateful and violent, and message the admin asking them to take it down!

11-28-12, 08:51 AM
Rogue, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't even realize that myself just because it made me so angry.

Thank you to the people who reported it, as I'm sure many others have as well. Even if this page isn't popular or a serious attack against those who wish to continue owning reptiles freely, there are people out there that irrationally support the ban. I like to keep up on this stuff because knowing every opposition will help fight it in the end rather than leave certain arguments unaddressed.

11-28-12, 08:53 AM
It most definitely IS an attack to us herpers...I saw several posts promoting violence towards snakes and snake owners.

11-28-12, 09:00 AM
Im pretty sure this is just a troll doing what they do best, trying to get a rise out of a group of passionate people. And by the looks of his own comments, its working so far, so I am just going to report it and ignore it.

11-28-12, 10:24 AM