View Full Version : Successful assist feed. Super stoked!!

11-27-12, 03:17 AM
Well I got my Royal 2 1/2 months ago. He hatched early september. He still hadn't fed for me and I was beginning to get alarmed because he lost 10 grams (75 to 65) since I had him so I decided to attempt an assist feed. I've only tried one other time on a different snake and was unsuccessful. This time however he spit it out once and I tried again and he ate!! Hooray hooray hooray!! I was beginning to worry that I'd come home and find him dead. This is such a relief im so happy :) Thanks for reading my rant. Didn't know who else to tell about this small victory for me and my snake.

11-27-12, 03:49 AM
nice :)

11-27-12, 10:56 AM
Thanks Tea :)

11-27-12, 12:19 PM
How are you keeping him? Temps, enclosure, humidity, etc.
99.99% of the time a hatchling won't eat it's human error.
Help us help you.

11-27-12, 12:50 PM
I have all his details posted in another thread in the regius section.

11-27-12, 01:10 PM

Is this the snake you force fed?

11-27-12, 04:25 PM
How are you keeping him? Temps, enclosure, humidity, etc.
99.99% of the time a hatchling won't eat it's human error.
Help us help you.


Best line ever is the last one.

11-27-12, 04:47 PM
How are you keeping him? Temps, enclosure, humidity, etc.
99.99% of the time a hatchling won't eat it's human error.
Help us help you.

I am officially freaked out now......

11-27-12, 04:56 PM

Is this the snake you force fed?

looks like things line up..... 75 grams, early sept.

11-27-12, 09:20 PM
Yea that's the one. I assist fed it though. Not to nitpick but its totally different imo.