View Full Version : Wild Savannah Monitor pics in Ghana

11-26-12, 04:28 PM
sorry, scenery pictures.

we are actually in the bush / forest very often with different type of vegetation, often very dense and "original"

but we do not see many snakes, probably we move too noisily. seen some pythons, puff adders and mambas, but the one in the pics is a first. We often see however snake skins or sometimes find dead snakes. They look rather dead, have never really tested that. :-)

what about the attached? is that more like you are looking for?

11-26-12, 04:55 PM
Absolutely amazing exanthematicus photos. In a tree too... thank you for posting them.

11-26-12, 05:02 PM
was more like a bush.

the area is called accra plains, I attach some pictures that should give a feel for the landscape.

11-26-12, 06:44 PM
Very cool pictures!

11-26-12, 06:48 PM
Gorgeous landscape and critter! Thank you for sharing with us :)

11-26-12, 08:46 PM
Awesome! Thank you very much. Was that an adult?

11-26-12, 08:53 PM
Wow impressive!

11-26-12, 09:01 PM
Very, very cool.

11-27-12, 12:38 PM
Very cool wild pics :)

11-27-12, 03:50 PM
So amazing!!! :) thanks for sharing!!!

11-28-12, 05:43 AM
Awesome! Thank you very much. Was that an adult?

well, it was about 25 or 30 cm long, so i guess not baby, but how big do they get?

11-28-12, 07:00 AM
well, it was about 25 or 30 cm long, so i guess not baby, but how big do they get?

about 1 meter long.


11-28-12, 07:35 AM
about 1 meter long.

http://www.chompersite.com/indoors/images/chomp2.jpgThough I believe DB found that they averaged 24 inches or 60cm in the wild. Females matured at 10-11 inches or so. Living in a good home in captivity has its perks..

11-28-12, 07:43 AM
Though I believe DB found that they averaged 24 inches or 60cm in the wild. Females matured at 10-11 inches or so. Living in a good home in captivity has its perks..

I have to wonder if "pushing to the extreme" is actually healthy for the animals?

here is a good example of an adult found in the wild....


11-28-12, 08:39 AM
Though I believe DB found that they averaged 24 inches or 60cm in the wild. Females matured at 10-11 inches or so. Living in a good home in captivity has its perks..

From what I understand Daniel didnt find many adults in the wild. His area of study contained mostly juvenile animals. I know he has gone looking for larger individuals like the one in Waynes picture, but I think that definitely skewed his results on size.

11-28-12, 12:14 PM
I have to wonder if "pushing to the extreme" is actually healthy for the animals?

here is a good example of an adult found in the wild....

http://www.varanid.us/husbandry/simone.jpgI sometimes worry the same thing.. Sometime I'll raise some babies on a moderate diet for their size instead of feeding them as much as they want, and compare it to a trial group of babies fed as much as they want.

11-29-12, 02:21 AM
i have seen large ones like the ones above in the wild, but did not think they are the same species as the one on my pics.

had even one around the house, about 50 cm long, but unfortunately the gardener killed it before I could intervene.

They eat them here.

11-29-12, 02:34 AM
i have seen large ones like the ones above in the wild, but did not think they are the same species as the one on my pics.

had even one around the house, about 50 cm long, but unfortunately the gardener killed it before I could intervene.

They eat them here.

For us here in America, seeing photos of wild Bosc monitors is a very rare treat.

Personally, I have nothing against people eating what they must, I would rather see the animals killed quickly and eaten than see them languish in a cage dying slowly from bad care as pets.

Any other pictures of them roaming wild would be greatly appreciated, I like to show them to people who think they live in deserts.

One day my wife and I are planning to fly to Ghana and take some photos ourselves.

11-29-12, 06:47 AM
For us here in America, seeing photos of wild Bosc monitors is a very rare treat.

Personally, I have nothing against people eating what they must, I would rather see the animals killed quickly and eaten than see them languish in a cage dying slowly from bad care as pets.

Any other pictures of them roaming wild would be greatly appreciated, I like to show them to people who think they live in deserts.

One day my wife and I are planning to fly to Ghana and take some photos ourselves.

I agree, Having them killed fast and eaten is a much better way to go then letting them suffer for long periods of time.

Wayne I really hope you and the wife get to make that trip!

11-29-12, 08:08 AM
Very cool pictures! Do you have any more wild reptile pictures?

11-29-12, 01:30 PM
awesome pictures, I love seeing them in their natural habitat, really shows what Wayne and others have been preaching about their natural environment.

11-29-12, 02:46 PM
i have seen large ones like the ones above in the wild, but did not think they are the same species as the one on my pics.

had even one around the house, about 50 cm long, but unfortunately the gardener killed it before I could intervene.

They eat them here.

There are Nile monitors in Ghana, but they are quite a bit bigger than the one in the picture and have a different look and pattern to them. They are also further north than you are around Accra. So if you saw them close to where you live, then it was very likely the same species as the one in the pictures.

12-09-12, 06:01 AM
That's really interesting. Bushrat it is the same species, but that was a very old male from Shai Hills Game Reserve. If you get in touch with me I'd like to ask your help for a study of the lizards there. - Daniel