View Full Version : Viv to small

11-22-12, 06:13 PM
I saw an advert selling two cb11 royal pythons in same viv and set up. But the viv was only 2 ft by 1 ft. Have you got any pics of why ball pythons shouldn't share. I think 2ft is far to small.

11-22-12, 06:37 PM
Are you looking to send the seller a pic of one ball eating another or something?

11-22-12, 09:15 PM
Are you looking to send the seller a pic of one ball eating another or something?
If so, I have a photo of that...

11-23-12, 04:34 AM
Yes because he said they are fine together. I can't believe he would have two in a 2ft viv. I wouldn't even house one in that size I hate to see cruelty

11-23-12, 05:12 AM
Considering he is ok with it and the snakes are for sale why waste your time?
The guy is an idiot so unless your buying the snakes any other action is a waste of time.

11-23-12, 01:31 PM
depending on size a 2ft viv would ok-ish for a 2011, not if its the size it should be though, and definitely NOT for 2 BPs.