View Full Version : pvc cage question

11-21-12, 08:38 AM
So i should of took a minute and made sure the tank i got was the one i wanted all together. i didnt do that and started seeing these pvc cages on this forum. i really really really like them. i have a repti show around my area on dec 8th i plan on going to and looking to see if i can snag some deals.

here is my question. i like the look of Plastic Reptile Cages, Tanks and Racks. Snake, arboreal, lizard and turtle light weight custom flexwatt heated enclosures. (http://www.boaphileplastics.com/cages.html)
cages. he uses flexwatt in the cages when he builds them from what im getting at correct? what would the difference be between the flexwatt and a heat pad? i know they both need to be ran off a t stat, but in all reality his prices are pretty dam good. for a 4x2x18 tank 380, and that includes shipping and the flexwatt.

what do you guys perfer the flexwatt or the heat pad and why?

also for my dumerils boa would a 12 inch tall tank be too short for an adult or would the 18 be better?

11-21-12, 09:32 AM
Go with a radiant heat panel all the way.

Also avoid boaphile as he s having a lot of quality issues coupled with customer service issues.

11-21-12, 09:59 AM
i kinda figured that..... i called this am and phone just rang and rang and rang. no voicemail or anything. i like the look of his tanks alot with the black hinges. anyone else make those?

11-21-12, 10:07 AM
i kinda figured that..... i called this am and phone just rang and rang and rang. no voicemail or anything. i like the look of his tanks alot with the black hinges. anyone else make those?

I recommend going to the board of inquiry and searching out anyone you plan to do business with.

11-21-12, 04:34 PM
i think i am going to go with animal plastics. i just need to decided on what size i want. i will be ordering in the middle of dec since i have a reptile show here on dec 8th. lets see if i can snag some deals there first.

11-21-12, 05:12 PM
Holy crap $380!! That huge!! I paid less than $300 for that setup ( bought flexwatt seperate) and thats after tax and I live in Canada. Mine are local built. Love my pvc!!

11-21-12, 05:17 PM
Check with Jim over at Snake Cage and Reptile Cage at PVC Cages | Snake Cage (http://www.pvccages.com) great guy to work with, fast turn around and prices beat boaphile. Only downside is they come in dissassembled so you do have to put them together. Takes about 30-45 mintues for the first time you do it, but afte that it's cake and can be done with an electric screw gun in about 15 minutes tops.

11-21-12, 05:44 PM
Check with Jim over at Snake Cage and Reptile Cage at PVC Cages | Snake Cage (http://www.pvccages.com) great guy to work with, fast turn around and prices beat boaphile. Only downside is they come in dissassembled so you do have to put them together. Takes about 30-45 mintues for the first time you do it, but afte that it's cake and can be done with an electric screw gun in about 15 minutes tops.

can you post pictures of your tank from him?

11-21-12, 05:49 PM

11-21-12, 05:54 PM
they do look nice and he is right in my state as well. i may have to grab one off him. still undecided about when i want to order. i do like how he offers the rhp with the tank as well too.

11-21-12, 06:02 PM
Yep, if you pick up local, he can cut you a break because shipping is built in the price, plus you can have the option of picking up preassembled and chemically welded together :)

11-21-12, 08:29 PM
Should be noted - his RHP are RBI. Good stuff, only had one come in slightly less powered than another (not good when you run a solo thermostat for same size cages and panels). Was replaced quick and simple.

11-21-12, 08:35 PM
Should be noted - his RHP are RBI. Good stuff, only had one come in slightly less powered than another (not good when you run a solo thermostat for same size cages and panels). Was replaced quick and simple.

Please explain? Im new to the RHP

11-21-12, 09:15 PM
Hey Nick ,i too live in Canada ,i bought a pvc 4x2x16" ,flexwatt included for $275 delivered to my door ,(same city i must add ) ,on top of that i bought a RHP because flexwatt along won't get your ambient temps ,for that and a stat i paid $270 also ,now sure it's all a lot of money but the experiance of the pvc and the RHP is second to none ,i won't change it now ,there was a bit of playing with the probe for the RHP results but now i got it settled their awsome ,defintly worth thinking about okay ,of course up here in the Great White North some of us need the extra help to maintain good temps ,the RHP does that ,good luck with your quest to house your snake :)

11-21-12, 09:54 PM
lol RBI is the maker - Reptile Basics Inc., RHP is the Radiant Heat Panel. If you have more questions on them just ask, other wise I'll save the typing :-)

11-21-12, 11:17 PM
Should be noted - his RHP are RBI. Good stuff, only had one come in slightly less powered than another (not good when you run a solo thermostat for same size cages and panels). Was replaced quick and simple.

Running two panels off a single zone is not something I would mention to the noobs. Not being cheeky.

11-22-12, 03:36 AM
let them ask questions ;-). It's definitely not hard to run multiple cages on single t-stat giving that they are A) the same size, B) the same output heat source, C) the same location in the tank, and D) the tanks or exposed to the same variables in heat dissipation. I am more than willing to help talk people through this stuff! But yes, if you're new to PVC cages, it can be difficult to master without some trial and error time.

11-22-12, 04:22 AM
let them ask questions ;-). It's definitely not hard to run multiple cages on single t-stat giving that they are A) the same size, B) the same output heat source, C) the same location in the tank, and D) the tanks or exposed to the same variables in heat dissipation. I am more than willing to help talk people through this stuff! But yes, if you're new to PVC cages, it can be difficult to master without some trial and error time.

And if the heat source fails on the tank with the probe in it?

11-22-12, 05:17 AM
And if the heat source fails on the tank with the probe in it?

Snakebq :( I have used a long heat mat to heat 2 side by side enclosures. But thats a single source so the odds of cooking anyone are about zip. Rather than do that use a $15 HomeDepot baseboard heater thermostat. Your temps fluctuate a bit more but hey guess what so does nature so no big deal. They last forever. You can even buy a lockbox for it for another $10. Its 3 conections and 2 screws to install in a viv. Better to use 2 cheap setups than to share 1 good one.
This is one of my boa enclosures. HomeDepot thermostat on a rhp. Works perfect. The temp changes also cause your snake to relocate a bit more which is excersise.

11-22-12, 09:33 AM
i wouldnt plan on using one heat sorce for multipule tanks. i would get a rhp for each one when the time comes. untill then i am just focusing on one tank.

11-22-12, 09:50 AM
i wouldnt plan on using one heat sorce for multipule tanks. i would get a rhp for each one when the time comes. untill then i am just focusing on one tank.

Nick ,if you read back Terranaut was talking about a heat mat ,not a RHP ,he was sharing the heat mat between two ,NOT a RHP ,RHP would in be both enclosures .

11-22-12, 09:55 AM

11-22-12, 10:15 AM
Lol. But seriously look into the thermostats I mention. Ever had one fail in a house with baseboard heat? Me neither. Use the number on the dial as a rough guideline but use a thermometer to check the temps and adjust accordingly. So the dial might say 85 but my hit side is actually 95. Know what I mean?