View Full Version : Success in a Glass Breeder tank!!

11-20-12, 10:34 PM
So as you all kno, I came onto this forum a little over a year ago not knowing anything abbout ball pythons other then what they ate and keeping them hot. I want to thank everyone who helped in my learning process. Im happy to say that now i have built my first hatchling rack, brought my first morph, preparing to buy my juvenile and adult racks soon and also was able to make my breeder tank able to keep temps and humidity to keep ome tank on display in my living room. Im just proud of my self and i really feel i have ssnakess.com to thank!! So thank you everyone. still have to spray twice a week but thats alot less then tje everyday i was doing. Here is my Pastel 100%Het ghost 40 breeder tank. (sorry for any grammer issues, im on my metro phone writing this all!)

11-21-12, 05:03 PM
Nice looking set up.

11-21-12, 05:16 PM
It looks great. I would add a background. Your snake will feel a little more secure with it.

11-23-12, 11:43 PM
Will do, i knew i was missing something, thank you!