View Full Version : IJ Does not like darkness.

11-19-12, 06:26 AM
I used to turn off the heat lamp and just leave the IR at night, but i let my friend take care of my IJ for a month and she left the lamp on 24/7. Now when i turn off the lamp he seems to just patrol the edges trying to get out. I turn the light back on and he stops and chills out. Should i try to get him used to darkness at night again? Does this really matter too much? :tired1_2:


11-19-12, 08:04 AM
I wouldn't say that he doesn't like the dark, carpets are generally more active at night, probably happy if anything after a month of no darkness. I would just go back to how you were doing it before, wouldn't worry about it.

11-19-12, 08:56 AM
My carpet hunts at night, he is just doing natural things, keep turning the light off and dont worry so much :)

11-19-12, 01:57 PM
If it were me, I'd go back to my regular lighting schedule and not give it another thought. The snake will adjust fine.

11-19-12, 03:02 PM
Agree ^

If anything keeping the lights on all the time is stressing it out.

11-19-12, 03:11 PM
The snake is probably more comfortable exploring the enclosure in the dark. Carpets are nocturnal..

11-19-12, 07:59 PM
If it were me, I'd go back to my regular lighting schedule and not give it another thought. The snake will adjust fine.

The snake is probably more comfortable exploring the enclosure in the dark. Carpets are nocturnal..

BAM, there ya go. He explores at night because he feels more secure.

11-19-12, 08:52 PM
Carpets do most of their hunting by night,it's perfectly normal for your Irian to become active,when you turn it's lamp off

your snake NEEDS day and night cycles

a snake should NOT have a light on 24/7

you may even stress it out,to the point it stops eating

cheers shaun

11-20-12, 12:23 AM
Thanks for all the replies, i feel the same way, it has to stress him to leave it on all the time. I was worried i was stressing him out turning it off, but that is stupid, they gotta have night and day.
