View Full Version : My neighborhood 3 weeks after the storm.

Gregg M
11-18-12, 12:16 PM
Hurricane Sandy aftermath.
Aerial Photos by Bill Lyons (The Staten Island Advance)

A house that got ripped off its foundation and dragged out into the marsh

My area. It is still hard to believe that I actually swam through this for blocks and came out alive. The power of the winds and water were crazy. The human flight or fight response is pretty powerful as well.



A couple of interesting pics.

An oil tanker that washed up on to the street about 2 miles away from my house. So far, all attempts to remove the ship from the street have failed.


Keep in mind that these photos were taken almost 3 weeks after the storm hit.

11-18-12, 12:24 PM
That's just astounding....

11-18-12, 12:41 PM
Wow... what a horrible sight... I can only imagine :( It takes a strong community to recover from damages like that. I'll be keeping you and your hometown in my thoughts.
Out of curiosity, what ways have they tried to move that ship? I can't seem to think of many options myself.

Zoo Nanny
11-18-12, 12:55 PM
It's amazing that you actually were able to survive that. Swimming through that water with all of the currents on a beach is death defying but swimming through streets with all of the loose houses, cars and everything else is nothing short of a miracle. Take care and hopefully you'll be back in your home soon.

Gregg M
11-18-12, 01:18 PM
I'll be keeping you and your hometown in my thoughts.
Out of curiosity, what ways have they tried to move that ship? I can't seem to think of many options myself.

Thanks Alessia,
So for all they have tried was tugging. From what I hear, they are either going to leave it as landmark or they are going to chop it up and part it out.

It's amazing that you actually were able to survive that. Swimming through that water with all of the currents on a beach is death defying but swimming through streets with all of the loose houses, cars and everything else is nothing short of a miracle. Take care and hopefully you'll be back in your home soon.

I was actually able to help get my 2 neighbors who are in their 70's to drier ground as well. Adrenaline is some good stuff. LOL

11-18-12, 01:43 PM
So how did all your animals come out?

Gregg M
11-18-12, 01:53 PM
So how did all your animals come out?

They are all alive and well. They were cold for a few days while power was out but the flood waters never reached where we house them. Thankfully!

11-18-12, 02:20 PM
Thanks Alessia,
So for all they have tried was tugging. From what I hear, they are either going to leave it as landmark or they are going to chop it up and part it out.

I was actually able to help get my 2 neighbors who are in their 70's to drier ground as well. Adrenaline is some good stuff. LOL

You really are an awesome human being and deserve all good that comes to you in this life or the next :)

11-18-12, 02:24 PM
They are all alive and well. They were cold for a few days while power was out but the flood waters never reached where we house them. Thankfully!
Good to hear they made though ok.

11-18-12, 02:37 PM
Na, Rob, he is a New Yorker. That means something special here.

11-18-12, 05:06 PM
Wow.. those pics really give a wake up call. I am glad you are ok and very happy to hear you where able to help those other people. I hope everything is rebuilt and your community sticks together and everyone helps everyone.

11-20-12, 04:18 AM
Wow. Talk about intense!

As for the tanker they should excavate under it til they hit water level. It would be easier to tug away.