View Full Version : New Enclosure for our BCI from Newlife Enclosures Calgary AB

11-17-12, 11:20 PM
Here is our New enclosure for our BCI ,it's 4x2x16" ,currently have 11"x22" heat tape with probe directly attactched to it underside of enclosure coming off a thermostat ,on Monday pick up a new RHP with seperate thermostat to gain more control of the ambient temps ,so looking forward to introducing Sid to his new home ,that leaves me a free home for a possible addition :smug:

11-18-12, 08:02 AM
very nice. im really starting to like those pvc tanks. just if i can find a local company by me that makes them and then have the money magicly appear in my wallet.

11-18-12, 03:24 PM
very nice. im really starting to like those pvc tanks. just if i can find a local company by me that makes them and then have the money magicly appear in my wallet.

Thanks Nick ,i'm currently playing with different hides etc etc etc at the moment ,the hides ya see in there are just me experimenting ,i have some branches to locate in there too ,i'll update the finish article as soon as i'm satisfied with it all . hey good luck with the money and the wallet ok :)

11-18-12, 03:28 PM
did you make that one or buy it?

11-18-12, 03:34 PM
Very nice looking.

11-18-12, 03:35 PM
did you make that one or buy it?

I bought it Nick ,maybe 1 day i'll get to make 1 ,i would certainly like too as it would be very satisfying i'm sure .

11-18-12, 03:54 PM
Very nice looking.

Thankyou Marvelfreak ,appreciated very much :)

11-22-12, 10:07 AM
Some new pics of how we have finished our new Enclosure for our Bci ,the little by-plane was my 2 boy's input as it's something British with the RAF Logo :)

11-22-12, 10:12 AM
wont he tip the waterbowl over? looks good but wheres the pic of the snake in there? :p

11-22-12, 10:24 AM
wont he tip the waterbowl over? looks good but wheres the pic of the snake in there? :p

the snake is coiled up tightly behind the water bowl ,as for tipping it over i can't say he wouldn't forsure but if he did my wife is home all day ,she's more than capable of rectifying the situation ,there's now electrical damage he could do should he tip it as the heat mat is under the enclosure and the RHP is way up there 14" above the substrate ;)