View Full Version : Question about my ball pythons eyes...

11-15-12, 05:42 PM
I'm not new to snakes but I am new to ball pythons... I know what a snakes eyes look like before a shed so I know this isn't it. So here's my question. Most ball pythons I've seen have almost black or black eyes... mine has like light tan silvery almost eyes... is that normal? Or does it mean something to do with just her body coloring. Sorry I know this seems so simple almost stupid but I'm just wondering lol.

11-15-12, 09:29 PM
not stupid at all, I think I just saw a picture of your BP and it looks like its just body pigmentation

11-15-12, 11:44 PM
Hello! I quickly glanced at your other two posts before responding here...i love all of your critters!

Okay so it's hard to tell from the photos, but i'd say you have a normal ball python...which does usually have very dark eyes. If you are able to take some photos in the sun, we could see the body color and pattern more clearly. I know there's a few bp breeders here that could give you a good visual opinion with a truer color photo.

my pastel ball python has dual color eyes. the tops are light colored and the bottoms dark, and i can see his iris. That's actually the only reason i wanted a pastel. His body color is easy to tell what he is though. some other "morphs" have light eyes.

anyway, i have three ball pythons that are slugs and don't move much, and i have two that cruise around all day being curious and active. I can see where someone would tell you they're not active LOL
i'm glad you're so happy with yours though! : )

11-15-12, 11:47 PM
Thanks! I have to find my actual camera then I'll take some better pictures... and a day off of work lol