View Full Version : Temps/Humidity

11-14-12, 06:34 PM
You can never have two many threads when it comes temperature and humidity... My question involves heating devices. After moving my melinus to the new enclosure, I installed a 60 watt CHE. This device was much too hot for the 40 gallon she started in, but I assumed it might even fall short in a 4x2x4 cage. Still, it seems that it is too hot and I have moved back to a 60 watt ''red night'' light. This is located in the dead center of the enclosures ceiling, next to a 60 watt UVA/AB which does put off some heat as well. There is also a tight beam basking light in the enclosure as well as an alternate 60 flood that I toggle on and off if needed (less gradient, more direct sun spots and heat). Do you guys find these CHE to be a bit much without rheos or thermos?

Regarding the humidity, I may be following the intentions of my OCD too closely, but Joanna through her thermo/hygro into the water bowl recently, and it is now partially working. This scares me as it seems humidity reads 50-59% (the single digit lcd is broken). I will be buying a new gauge soon, but I am not sure what else I can do as I am afraid the door seam is allowing too much to escape. It is the only vented part of the cage, but it is a must else the door will not open and close properly.


11-14-12, 06:52 PM
I do not think it is wise to use ANY heat source with out a thermostat. I would never chance it, If the temps in the room go up during the day or drop at night you have no way of maintaining a good temp gradient in the viv.

11-14-12, 07:02 PM
I only use my basking lamps for heat, and the whole cage stays toasty with just those.

11-14-12, 07:03 PM
I used rubber weather strips on my door to form a gasket when closed. I noticed huge differences in humidity from just sealing seams with glue.

11-14-12, 07:07 PM
Can you describe the weather strips a bit more? Sounds like what I need :). And just to clarify, the basking lights provide your ambient?

11-14-12, 07:28 PM
What is your Substrate type and depth.

11-14-12, 07:34 PM
I also use weather strips. The ones I use are the same as what come on Garage doors to seal them. It holds heat and humidity. It is quite cheap for how much you get extremely useful.

My ambient temperature didn't stay up as much as I would like. I bought a fixture that holds 3 50W floodlights. it keeps it nice and warm. I made the mistake of not insulating all the sides so it didn't hold heat as well. Once Steve gets bigger I am going to put a large rock under the basking lights which should hold the temperature better also.

11-14-12, 07:36 PM
Can you describe the weather strips a bit more? Sounds like what I need :). And just to clarify, the basking lights provide your ambient?

Yes - the heat from the basking lights radiates into the enclosure.

I should also note, my enclosure is insulated.


Weather stripping is a roll of rubber sold at almost any hardware store, wal mart, K mart, home depot, etc..

Weather stripping (https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&safe=off&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=539&q=weather+stripping&oq=weather+stri&gs_l=img.1.0.0l5j0i5l5.1312.6078.0.8969. .0.343.1406.0j8j0j1.9.0...0.0...1ac.1.bSD_cQcNgMw)


11-15-12, 10:50 AM
Ah perfect. Thanks for the link Infernalis, I have my new gauges now so I will see if adjustments are necessary. Gatorhunter, I am using a foot of topsoil around the entire cage. I keep it relatively damp.

11-15-12, 10:59 AM
Ya, Ive never had to use anything more than the basking spots to heat the enclosure. I actually had to reduce the wattage during the summer as the ambient started to get a little too high from the basking spots.

11-15-12, 02:12 PM
Add a few inches of leaf litter and your humidty will increase. Indo monitors love dome leaf litter.

11-15-12, 03:12 PM
good to see you made it here EMAC