View Full Version : Safe Silicone?

11-09-12, 03:17 PM
Okay, so I'm making a background and putting my croc gecko into a new setup. I'm using Great Stuff and then putting silicone sealant over it, then putting on Eco Earth to make it look nice. My question is what silicone sealants are safe? I just stopped at the local hardware store and they had DAP Kitchen and Bath, which I've been told is safe once it's dried and cured, but I wanted to be positive. I know there's stuff you can order online, but there's kind of a time constraint on this, so I don't really have time to wait for stuff to be shipped unless absolutely necessary. Thanks. :)


11-09-12, 03:41 PM
I used Food safe 100% silicone in my viv that I got at canadian tire (didn't have aquarium grade that I was looking for). Not sure about this DAP stuff though. Im sure sure someone who knows more about it will chime in.

11-09-12, 03:54 PM
I use aquarium sealant on my vivs. I have heard but I am not sure if it is true that there is an anti-fungal chemical in the bathroom and kitchen sealants that could be harmful to reptiles. I didn't want to take the risk so i went with aquarium sealant that I got off the shelf at a local aquatic shop.

11-09-12, 03:55 PM
Aquarium safe silicone is the only 100% safe silicone. You can use GE Silicon II as well, but that needs a lot more curing time, especially if you plan to have heat in the enclosure.

11-09-12, 04:12 PM
I use aquarium sealant on my vivs. I have heard but I am not sure if it is true that there is an anti-fungal chemical in the bathroom and kitchen sealants that could be harmful to reptiles. I didn't want to take the risk so i went with aquarium sealant that I got off the shelf at a local aquatic shop.We don't have aquatic shops or pet stores or anything, hence me having to order it online. I'll try WalMart but it's unlikely they'll have it.


11-09-12, 04:51 PM
I got mine at Home Depot.

11-19-12, 10:22 AM
I use the GE silicone II you can get it at Home depot etc. It's 100% pure silicone nothing added.

Never use the kind that say "Mildew restant" they have an antifungl added to it which can be toxic to reptiles.

11-19-12, 10:58 AM
Bah. I already ordered aquarium sealant and almost finished the project. :p


11-26-12, 09:32 PM
Almost all silicon you buy at the store is 100% silicone. This means that you can use it and it is safe.

11-26-12, 11:55 PM
Aquarium safe silicone is the only 100% safe silicone. You can use GE Silicon II as well, but that needs a lot more curing time, especially if you plan to have heat in the enclosure.

This is the only answer I can agree with. If you check the label most "100% silicone" have formaldehyde in it.

11-27-12, 07:51 AM
I've been contemplating a similar project, maybe I can get some tips since you're doing it now. I understand using the Great Stuff foam to make the background. When you say using the silicone sealant to cover it - the ones mentioned here seem to come out almost like caulk used for sealing windows or sealing together two sides of something. Are you using that somehow to cover the foam by spreading it out? Doesn't the silicone dry out kind of rubbery - that'd be a weird surface for a lizard to walk on, wouldn't it?

Trying to piece together your process so I can do it too!

11-27-12, 09:00 AM
It does dry rubbery but when you put the eco earth (or you can use sand) on the top it makes it natural feeling. You basically just put a bunch on then use your ands to spread it all out.

11-27-12, 02:57 PM
I've been contemplating a similar project, maybe I can get some tips since you're doing it now. I understand using the Great Stuff foam to make the background. When you say using the silicone sealant to cover it - the ones mentioned here seem to come out almost like caulk used for sealing windows or sealing together two sides of something. Are you using that somehow to cover the foam by spreading it out? Doesn't the silicone dry out kind of rubbery - that'd be a weird surface for a lizard to walk on, wouldn't it?

Trying to piece together your process so I can do it too!I used a caulk gun to get it out, then I used gloves to spread it around in small areas, put the Eco Earth on the wet silicone, and then let it dry like that. It ended up looking like this (excuse the quality):


11-27-12, 03:12 PM
I used a caulk gun to get it out, then I used gloves to spread it around in small areas, put the Eco Earth on the wet silicone, and then let it dry like that. It ended up looking like this (excuse the quality):

Thanks! How do you go about cleaning with the Eco Earth embedded in the silicone? Will it deteriorate over time/pull out when cleaning?

I tend to over think things too much.

11-27-12, 04:22 PM
Thanks! How do you go about cleaning with the Eco Earth embedded in the silicone? Will it deteriorate over time/pull out when cleaning?

I tend to over think things too much.I've only had it for a few days, and my gecko's too shy to really do much climbing on it (I need to get more plants and branches for cover). So I can't really tell you that. Probably just spot clean it gently.
