View Full Version : Breeding question

11-06-12, 11:02 AM
What is the safe size/age for female boas breeding. I have a female coral albino and she is 3+ years over 5 foot and over 8 pounds. Everything I have looked into google says 3 years and up is "safe". She is swollen up like she devoured a football and when I put my male in there a few days ago due to his tank busting ( i still havent figured out why it did that and i put him in there before the swell ) they started locking up. I was excited and did some reading but I keep getting conflicting info. I want what would be safest for her but I would love to see her breed and have baby boas as well. I am trying to learn so please give me links, personal advice whatever.

11-06-12, 11:56 AM
She's old enough. What you may be seeing is pre-ovulation swell.

11-06-12, 12:21 PM
She's old enough. What you may be seeing is pre-ovulation swell.

I was hoping she wasnt too young, as for the swelling thats what I assumed because she hasnt eaten to make that lump and she passes stool at least once a week. She is hydrated and her enclosure stays a nice belt you in the face 90 or so degrees on the hot side with a 70% humidity. I didnt do any "cooling" My house stays above 73 at night and I dont use night lights as its warm enough. It just sorta happened. She has been in a rather foul mood lately is that the norm? Usually she is so docile and sweet and just good all around now she sees you and curses death hisses at you.

11-06-12, 12:54 PM
Went to a friends this afternoon and she has a great camera she was able to get the colors of my snakes well. Can anyone tell me what my male is? My female is the albino. My male has some unusual markings and ive not seen another one like him

And here is both of them

11-06-12, 01:16 PM
He looks like a pretty hypo!

11-06-12, 01:25 PM
He looks like a pretty hypo!

ive always thought he was a hypo or a salmon because he does have that salmon fleshy pink on him depending on lighting, the main thing i cant understand is the orange stripes that start on his belly and jut up. Could that be passed on to offspring and if so what would a coral albino X whatever he is be?

11-06-12, 01:26 PM
I would definately wait another year. At 3 she is like a 13 yr old girl. Capable but not 100% ready. The male sure. You want to make sunglows? I would seriously wait another year because young females can potentialy die from being bred to young. I have also heard that a female should be 10lbs minimum. My boas are currently locking like mad so we shall see if the info I have gathered is accurate in a few months.
My female is 4+yrs and about 18 lbs. I tried last year and she did not become gravid for which I was greatful after talking with a boa breeder at an expo who told me the 13 yr old girl bit.
So yeah. Another year would be best.

11-06-12, 02:48 PM
Seeing that picture could i just suggest you take a look at this thread :) http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-discussion/94210-snakes-around-neck.html

11-06-12, 05:00 PM
She is definitely old enough but it really is more about a healthy weigh. I think she maybe a little thin but in all honesty it is too late now.

If you want good boa info I recommend pestering Trent or Jay ( if he pops in).

11-06-12, 05:24 PM
ive always thought he was a hypo or a salmon because he does have that salmon fleshy pink on him depending on lighting, the main thing i cant understand is the orange stripes that start on his belly and jut up. Could that be passed on to offspring and if so what would a coral albino X whatever he is be?

The offspring would be Double het sunglow.

I have never heard of the 13 year old girl comparison...I know large scale breeders who have bred at 2 1/2 years of age..what age would that be in human years:p

11-06-12, 05:57 PM
The offspring would be Double het sunglow.

I have never heard of the 13 year old girl comparison...I know large scale breeders who have bred at 2 1/2 years of age..what age would that be in human years:pIn fairness, you can't really use what some large scale breeders do as the best options. Many large scale operations with animals aren't in the best interest of the animals (puppy mills, racing horses as two year olds, etc.).


11-06-12, 05:58 PM
In fairness, you can't really use what some large scale breeders do as the best options. Many large scale operations with animals aren't in the best interest of the animals (puppy mills, racing horses as two year olds, etc.).


this is the major issue ive run into, so many people with different times/sizes. Its hard for anyone to agree on a single age/size

11-06-12, 06:00 PM
In fairness, you can't really use what some large scale breeders do as the best options. Many large scale operations with animals aren't in the best interest of the animals (puppy mills, racing horses as two year olds, etc.).


i think this is the first time ive ever agreed with you :D and maybe the last lol

11-06-12, 06:01 PM
this is the major issue ive run into, so many people with different times/sizes. Its hard for anyone to agree on a single age/sizeIf you're not sure, older and bigger is always better. There's no need to risk it.


11-06-12, 06:02 PM
If he's het for albino you are gonna get some sweet looking sunglows.

11-06-12, 06:02 PM
If you're not sure, older and bigger is always better. There's no need to risk it.


Its not so much i am worried its that everyone tells me one thing and then someone says "oh no no no they are wrong and you are bad for doing X" I just want a straight up answer or a general consensus.

11-06-12, 06:04 PM
In fairness, you can't really use what some large scale breeders do as the best options. Many large scale operations with animals aren't in the best interest of the animals (puppy mills, racing horses as two year olds, etc.).


Never said it was the best option...

I was making fun of the 13 year old girl idea!

11-06-12, 06:04 PM
Its not so much i am worried its that everyone tells me one thing and then someone says "oh no no no they are wrong and you are bad for doing X" I just want a straight up answer or a general consensus.

Your snakes look big enough and healthy enough to breed, straight up.

11-06-12, 06:05 PM
Its not so much i am worried its that everyone tells me one thing and then someone says "oh no no no they are wrong and you are bad for doing X" I just want a straight up answer or a general consensus.I don't think there is a general consensus. But if you can't find one, why not just wait? If I were to breed animals (which I'm pretty anti to begin with, so I wouldn't), if there was anyone out there who said it was too young, I would wait. I'd wait until everyone can agree that it's old enough. No one can really be totally certain, so why risk it?


11-06-12, 06:05 PM
Your snakes look big enough and healthy enough to breed, straight up.

She does...looks a little small.. if it was me breeding her I would have waited.

11-06-12, 06:07 PM
Your snakes look big enough and healthy enough to breed, straight up.

I want to do things right and I know I will make mistakes along the way but I am trying my best to avoid mistakes, although it makes it rather hard when people are so vocal and strong minded about their opinion that they make you feel like an idiot. I havent had it happen here but on two other forums I went to it was just awful, they made you feel like an idiot and basically make you want to just throw up your hands and give up. Reptile forums and here are about the only places so far I have found with helpful people who dont try and shove their belief down your throat and make you feel bad about even living >:/

11-06-12, 06:08 PM
She does...looks a little small.. if it was me breeding her I would have waited.

Well that's you... She's 3, she's 5+ feet and fat enough to sustain a litter. I think she'll do fine.

11-06-12, 06:10 PM
Well that's you... She's 3, she's 5+ feet and fat enough to sustain a litter. I think she'll do fine.

I guess time will tell..I think she's too small;)

11-06-12, 06:15 PM
I guess time will tell..I think she's too small;)I'm sure it won't kill her, but that doesn't mean she's necessarily big enough either. Most animals can get pregnant too young, and it might not kill them, but it can adversely affect their health. (I'm not familiar enough with snakes to say yes or no. I only advocate waiting PLENTY long enough. Again, why rush and risk it? Why not wait until you know she's old/big enough?)


11-06-12, 06:17 PM
I'm sure it won't kill her, but that doesn't mean she's necessarily big enough either. Most animals can get pregnant too young, and it might not kill them, but it can adversely affect their health. (I'm not familiar enough with snakes to say yes or no. I only advocate waiting PLENTY long enough. Again, why rush and risk it? Why not wait until you know she's old/big enough?)


Good points:D

11-06-12, 06:20 PM
I guess time will tell..I think she's too small;)

she is 5 times the girth of my male, my male is the smaller hypo one, she is about as big around as a tennis ball and that was before the swell

11-06-12, 06:23 PM
she is 5 times the girth of my male, my male is the smaller hypo one, she is about as big around as a tennis ball and that was before the swell

She will most likely be fine and won't have a problem.:D

11-06-12, 06:37 PM
From the pictures, I would wait. If you're serious about breeding, just wait.

If you could provide us with the weight of the snakes in question, we could give you more accurate information.

11-06-12, 06:58 PM
From the pictures, I would wait. If you're serious about breeding, just wait.

If you could provide us with the weight of the snakes in question, we could give you more accurate information.

When I took her to the vet the other day she weighted over eight pounds. My male I would guess is in the 6.5 range- she is a lot more girth and seems to have a large fat supply as her former owner fed her 2 times a week, when I got her she was a complete sausage.

11-06-12, 07:03 PM
Sounds good too me. Still wouldn't hurt to keep her under your care for a while longer before you breed her.

11-06-12, 07:15 PM
Am I the only one that saw that he already had them together?

What did you produce this year? Was it 3 or four boa litters? I can't remember.

11-06-12, 07:20 PM
Am I the only one that saw that he already had them together?

What did you produce this year? Was it 3 or four boa litters? I can't remember.

The reason they are together is that his tank, one side busted out and we couldnt fix it, so it wasnt on purpose we put them together. She had no swelling before we put him in there and we hadnt planed to keep him in there for long, just long enough till my husband and I can build a new one out of wood to avoid more glass issues. I think that the tank was warped and eventually the heating and cooling caused the glass to shatter out. I didnt put him in there like LOLOL LETS BREED it was more or less a last resort, what happened afterwords is why I asked about breeding.

11-06-12, 07:31 PM
Yea I missed that, very irresponsible. Judging by that move you're not ready to breed.
Just so you can't tell me " you had no other options" I'll tell you what happened to me.

I broke a tank that was housing a male Rtb, instead of placing him on another's tank, fearing that it would cause stress to both animals. I placed him in a pillow case with a few warm water bottles. I then drove to a store to buy a tote.

Not sure why you would place a male and female boa together unless you were planing on breeding them.

11-06-12, 07:33 PM
Yea I missed that, very irresponsible. Judging by that move you're not ready to breed.
Just so you can't tell me " you had no other options" ill tell you what happened to me.

I broke a tank that was housing a male Rtb, instead of placing him on another's tank, fearing that it would cause stress to both animals. I placed him in a pillow case with a few warm water bottles. I then drove to a store to buy a tote.

Not sure why you would place a male and female boa together unless you were planing on breeding them.

Because I cant just scamper off to the store at any time. :/ We only have one car and my husband is military working long hours, by the time he is off the only place to get anything is in a bad section of town.

11-06-12, 08:39 PM
Because I cant just scamper off to the store at any time. :/ We only have one car and my husband is military working long hours, by the time he is off the only place to get anything is in a bad section of town.

You're not required to explain yourself. Three is old enough. Some people prefer to wait longer but three is fine. At this point it's really up to you, especially since they've already begun the process. Be warned though, being young and small is probably only going to bring you a smallish litter.

11-06-12, 08:52 PM
You're not required to explain yourself. Three is old enough. Some people prefer to wait longer but three is fine. At this point it's really up to you, especially since they've already begun the process. Be warned though, being young and small is probably only going to bring you a smallish litter.

The size of the litter is the least of my concern I just want her to be okay.

11-06-12, 08:53 PM
The size of the litter is the least of my concern I just want her to be okay.

Well how many more times do you want me to tell you she'll be fine?

11-06-12, 08:56 PM
Am I the only one that saw that he already had them together?

What did you produce this year? Was it 3 or four boa litters? I can't remember.

It was three..two litters of boas and the other was Blood pythons.
Just had my first ovulation myself two days ago from my snow to hypo pairing!
Got some cool pics of her blown up.
No you were not the only one to see them together:D

11-06-12, 09:06 PM
Because I cant just scamper off to the store at any time. :/ We only have one car and my husband is military working long hours, by the time he is off the only place to get anything is in a bad section of town.

Just be aware that it would have been way easier to scamper out to rehouse 1 snake than it will be to sell or rehome the 30 you may end up with. Now is the time to buy a rack or 2. Not the day she delivers. If she even does. If she does good luck and I hope it all works out.

11-06-12, 09:10 PM
Just be aware that it would have been way easier to scamper out to rehouse 1 snake than it will be to sell or rehome the 30 you may end up with. Now is the time to buy a rack or 2. Not the day she delivers. If she even does. If she does good luck and I hope it all works out.

Do you have any brands you recommend?

11-06-12, 09:12 PM
Do you have any brands you recommend?

I personally would go with Animal Plastics, they are pretty cheap and I know a few people who use their racks and love them. Animal Plastics (http://www.animalplastics.com/)

11-14-12, 12:22 AM
Your snakes look big enough and healthy enough to breed, straight up.

I disagree. She looks too small in my opinion.:angry:

11-14-12, 08:56 AM
Well how many more times do you want me to tell you she'll be fine?

I think you're wrong.

There's a solid chance that this snake could die. Most likely though, she just won't go. It's not like because they lock all the time they'll give babies. Ask my females who didn't breed this year for me.

Also, already mentioned, this litter would probably be small, just a few boas. The next one, if she doesn't put on more weight, may still be just a few. You'll end up hurting your size of litters in the future most likely.

From what I've read, I heard 12 pounds is minimum for female boas.

11-14-12, 05:55 PM
Let's ask this question: Is she an adult or subadult/juvenile? I don't know much about boas.


11-14-12, 06:51 PM
I disagree. She looks too small in my opinion.:angry:

I think you're wrong.

There's a solid chance that this snake could die. Most likely though, she just won't go. It's not like because they lock all the time they'll give babies. Ask my females who didn't breed this year for me.

Also, already mentioned, this litter would probably be small, just a few boas. The next one, if she doesn't put on more weight, may still be just a few. You'll end up hurting your size of litters in the future most likely.

From what I've read, I heard 12 pounds is minimum for female boas.

You guys can think I am wrong all you want. That doesn't change the fact that I've seen a snake that size and that age throw a healthy litter of babies. While I personally wait until they're bigger, that doesn't mean someone else has to.

11-14-12, 07:30 PM
You guys can think I am wrong all you want. That doesn't change the fact that I've seen a snake that size and that age throw a healthy litter of babies. While I personally wait until they're bigger, that doesn't mean someone else has to.To be fair, that doesn't necessarily mean she's old enough for it to be ideal. An 11 year old girl recently had a healthy baby. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.


11-14-12, 07:49 PM
To be fair, that doesn't necessarily mean she's old enough for it to be ideal. An 11 year old girl recently had a healthy baby. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.


To be clear, I've never said it WAS a good idea. The OP is honestly looking for hope, which I have provided.

11-14-12, 07:56 PM
To be clear, I've never said it WAS a good idea. The OP is honestly looking for hope, which I have provided.I know you didn't, but you said it was fine. So I guess I should have said, "It doesn't mean it's fine."


11-14-12, 08:03 PM
Guess we'll have to wait and see.

11-14-12, 08:10 PM
Guess we'll have to wait and see.My first horse had been impregnated as a yearling before I got her too. She delivered a healthy foal without any issues, but a yearling having a foal is not good, and it resulted in her growth being stunted. And one of my dogs got pregnant very young, and though she had a small litter, there were no issues except, again, stunted growth. Point being, just because it happens and sometimes nothing bad happens, that doesn't mean it's okay, so that's not really a valid argument.


11-14-12, 08:18 PM
My first horse had been impregnated as a yearling before I got her too. She delivered a healthy foal without any issues, but a yearling having a foal is not good, and it resulted in her growth being stunted. And one of my dogs got pregnant very young, and though she had a small litter, there were no issues except, again, stunted growth. Point being, just because it happens and sometimes nothing bad happens, that doesn't mean it's okay, so that's not really a valid argument.


It's not an argument at all. I think you're reading too much into my posts. I've merely stated my experience. About the only other thing you can get from my posts is that I don't think anything horrible is gonna happen to the OP's snake if it is gravid.

11-14-12, 08:24 PM
It's not an argument at all. I think you're reading too much into my posts. I've merely stated my experience. About the only other thing you can get from my posts is that I don't think anything horrible is gonna happen to the OP's snake if it is gravid.If it wasn't an argument, there would have been no reason to state it.


11-14-12, 08:28 PM
If it wasn't an argument, there would have been no reason to state it.


Other than allowing it to be the period at the end of my statement.

(Similar to this one)

11-14-12, 08:33 PM
It's okay, Wildside. I think Maggot is just a wanna-be troll who wants to start stuff over nothing. What they don't realize, is we already have Mykee, Korbin and jay.

11-14-12, 08:55 PM
It's okay, Wildside. I think Maggot is just a wanna-be troll who wants to start stuff over nothing. What they don't realize, is we already have Mykee, Korbin and jay.

I enjoy talking with Calamity and Mykee and Korbin and Jay and that other guy you forgot to put on the list...

11-14-12, 08:57 PM
lmao, i enjoy the others. i was just saying

11-14-12, 09:39 PM
It's okay, Wildside. I think Maggot is just a wanna-be troll who wants to start stuff over nothing. What they don't realize, is we already have Mykee, Korbin and jay.HA. Dear, just because you don't like what I say or how I say it, that doesn't make me a "troll." If a real troll ever stepped foot on this forum (or if I decided to go troll mode), the entire population (minus a few decent members) would be sucked up into their own rear ends.I enjoy talking with Calamity and Mykee and Korbin and Jay and that other guy you forgot to put on the list...Why thank you. :) Some people realise that just because I call someone out for something they say or disagree with them, that doesn't mean they need to flip out and perpetually RAAAAAGE.


11-14-12, 11:31 PM
My first horse had been impregnated as a yearling before I got her too. She delivered a healthy foal without any issues, but a yearling having a foal is not good, and it resulted in her growth being stunted. And one of my dogs got pregnant very young, and though she had a small litter, there were no issues except, again, stunted growth. Point being, just because it happens and sometimes nothing bad happens, that doesn't mean it's okay, so that's not really a valid argument.


You should get rid of all of your animals. You're a terrible owner. Lol.

It's okay, Wildside. I think Maggot is just a wanna-be troll who wants to start stuff over nothing. What they don't realize, is we already have Mykee, Korbin and jay.

Bwahahahaha! Aaron got canned! Welcome aboard Jay.

I enjoy talking with Calamity and Mykee and Korbin and Jay and that other guy you forgot to put on the list...

Only because you are cut from the same cloth.

HA. Dear, just because you don't like what I say or how I say it, that doesn't make me a "troll." If a real troll ever stepped foot on this forum (or if I decided to go troll mode), the entire population (minus a few decent members) would be sucked up into their own rear ends.Why thank you. :) Some people realise that just because I call someone out for something they say or disagree with them, that doesn't mean they need to flip out and perpetually RAAAAAGE.


You actually never call anyone out. You just make ridiculous and off topic posts. Then screw yourself over by posting up the wrong definition.

11-14-12, 11:44 PM
I'm not gonna argue with you, dear. You should try reading sometime. I'm reading a book on the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great right now actually. I have over 100 books if you'd like to borrow one sometime. Got a little bit of everything - horror, horse books, 18th century poetry, some classics, philosophy, zoological, contemporary social analysis, a little Shakespeare, even a copy of the DSM-IV. I'd recommend Dante's Inferno. Absolutely fabulous.


11-15-12, 12:24 AM
I'm not gonna argue with you, dear. You should try reading sometime. I'm reading a book on the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great right now actually. I have over 100 books if you'd like to borrow one sometime. Got a little bit of everything - horror, horse books, 18th century poetry, some classics, philosophy, zoological, contemporary social analysis, a little Shakespeare, even a copy of the DSM-IV. I'd recommend Dante's Inferno. Absolutely fabulous.


Why do you have a DSM 4? I have one too :). Paradise lost by milton is good if you can understand it. Its terribly old. If you haven't read the full divine comedy you should. :robo:

11-15-12, 12:37 AM
Why do you have a DSM 4? I have one too :). Paradise lost by milton is good if you can understand it. Its terribly old. If you haven't read the full divine comedy you should. :robo:I'm a huge psych nerd. I wanted to be a psych major, but, alas, I hate people, so I went with biology instead. I look forward to getting the fifth edition when it comes out, which will be soon. :D I have Paradise Lost, though I haven't read it. I really want to read the rest of the Divine Comedy, but The Inferno is all I have right now - and, admittedly, the whole nine circles of Hell thing has always really intrigued me.

Another one of my favourite books was a huge (I think about 900 pages) book of Romantic era poetry. Somehow I managed to lose it though. -____-


11-15-12, 03:05 AM
I'm not gonna argue with you, dear. You should try reading sometime. I'm reading a book on the location of the tomb of Alexander the Great right now actually. I have over 100 books if you'd like to borrow one sometime. Got a little bit of everything - horror, horse books, 18th century poetry, some classics, philosophy, zoological, contemporary social analysis, a little Shakespeare, even a copy of the DSM-IV. I'd recommend Dante's Inferno. Absolutely fabulous.


Yeah. It's hard to argue against the truth.....

Also I read quite a lot. Good try with the deflection.

11-15-12, 09:55 AM
Yeah. It's hard to argue against the truth.....

Also I read quite a lot. Good try with the deflection.I told you, hun, I won't argue with you anymore. You can follow me around and whine all you want, but I won't do it. I think you should try reading some more. Lots more. And not like Twilight or something. Or maybe some yoga? I'd recommend Beth Shaw's DVDs. Very excellent.
