View Full Version : Went for a King, left with a Hog.
Welp, I went to a local expo today planning on bringing home a MBK. Unfortunately, none of the vendors had any :c I was tempted by a lavender...but it was over when I saw the hognoses. I ended up with a young male (forgot to ask his age in the excitement), but I'll attach a picture.
Anyway, the breeder said he was fed last Tuesday and should be fed again this Tuesday. After briefly lurking a couple forums, I'm conflicted now. I've read that they should be fed every 3-4 days? Even 2-3? Can I get a little confirmation from somebody? :D I don't personally know the vendor. He was friendly, answered any questions I had, and let me hold the couple hoggies he had, but he had quite a few different species as well. Are there any successful or strictly hognose breeders/keepers who could advise me? I don't want to underfeed the little guy.
Also, are all hoggies as friendly and docile as the one I got?! I bought him early this morning and not once has he shown any signs of aggression or even anxiety. He just seems curious. I handled him a bit more than I probably should have on the ride home, but he didn't seem to mind. He's exploring his terrarium now and I intend to leave him be for a while ^_^
Here he is:
11-04-12, 08:32 PM
Cute little hog, I love em! I'm honestly not sure about the feeding, I have one about the same size but I just feed him once a week like all my other snakes.
11-04-12, 08:34 PM
Congrats on your new hognose!
Your right, you should give him his space.
As for hog noses, I know squat. There are a handful of members on here who keep them.
11-04-12, 09:49 PM
Well the best person for the info you seek is Gregg M but his house is under water or destroyed right now so I don't expect him anytime soon. (All the best to him as well)
More frequent meals will do him well. These guys aren't cornsnakes or other colubrids. They have a high metabolism. I would go with 3 - 4 days for now until you hear from more experienced keepers.
11-04-12, 09:59 PM
I agree with Aaron S that they have a high metabolism and most people feed them more frequently. However, I have kept them for years and feed them once a week. Mine are healthy and definitely not skinny. So as to many questions that are asked on this forum, there may be more than one way to do something, so whatever works best for you.
Thank you, everybody!
Oh, poo, I was hoping to see him. Well, as you said, best of luck to him! If I do 3-4 days, would it be okay to feed him tomorrow? Is that enough time for him to settle in? He doesn't seem to be under any stress, but I don't want to push it.
11-04-12, 10:30 PM
many people wait to feed new arrivals, but i actually offer food, gently, and sparingly, as soon as i can. *shrug* they get fed, settle in to their heat, and adjust fairly quickly in my experience.
As for hoggies in general...yup more often is better unless you see a significant weight gain...which you probably won't if you're feeding mice.
I have one hoggie i feed every 3-4 days, and one that i feed once a week. HE however, is a spoiled brat who has decided he will only eat fish...and so i have to add suppliments, and it has made him kind of fat looking LOL
so, i'm working (and it's work) to switch him back to mice. Long story getting around to him eating fish, but he decided he liked the smell on my hands one day and won't touch anything BUT fish since.
Offer food, and when you see a poo....not a pee, a solid big ol poo...offer food again, and he'll probably take it : )
11-05-12, 01:25 AM
Cute little hoggie! Congrats on your new animal. :)
I know next to nothing about hoggies, except some will only eat mice scented with an amphibian (toads, fish, etc). I know they have a high metabolism so they need to be fed more frequently than most other snakes. 3-4 days sounds about right *to me* on feeding yours. I would offer him food in the next day or so to see if he eats. Also, I wouldn't handle him until he's eaten at least twice on consistent food offerings. Some take more time than others to acclimate and you want him to eat regularly for you before handling regularly.
Also, what are your temps and humidity for him? I cannot recall off the top of my head what most people keep them at, but I'm sure if you post where you have him at now, someone will help you correct it if it's wrong!
Again, congrats! If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask! :)
:) thank you!
I offered him a pinkie earlier today and he took it! Very gently lol. First time feeding a snake and it was a success c: I'm going to try every 3 days. Also, the hot spot has been between 94-96 degrees and I don't monitor the cold side. He hasn't really been sticking to one side. Just slithering all over the place. The humidity is at about 60%. It was higher, but I moved the water bowl to the cooler side and it's gone down. I haven't read a lot on proper humidity levels, so I'm not sure if this is okay? I figured 70% was a little high, though. He's on eco-earth, so I'm sure that's part of it. I'll probably switch him to aspen and maybe put a humid hide in?
11-05-12, 11:38 PM
I honestly don't know much about the husbandry of hoggies. I'd suggest you research the net a bit for it, but I've found in the past that a lot of information found can be wrong. I'd much rather ask experienced keepers that I know and trust, rather then some article on the net these days.
Hopefully someone will chime in and tell you what his husbandry should be.
And congrats on him eating! That's a great start! Especially if it wasn't a scented pinkie :D
Update! I waited three days and fed him again yesterday. He ate another pinkie and actually seemed like he was still hungry. I think I'm going to invest in a scale so I can record his growth :)
Gregg M
11-14-12, 05:54 PM
Sounds like you are off to a great start. The hot spot is good and feeding every 3 days is good. Looks like you are on your way to being a successful hognose keeper.
11-14-12, 06:37 PM
Sounds like you are off to a great start. The hot spot is good and feeding every 3 days is good. Looks like you are on your way to being a successful hognose keeper.
Good to see you again. Hope everything on the home front is well :D
I miss you over at the league.
Gregg M
11-15-12, 07:19 AM
Good to see you again. Hope everything on the home front is well :D
I miss you over at the league.
Thanks Aaron! Things are getting better. House is gutted and dried. Re-renovation has started. Luckily there was very little structual damage. Should be able to move back in about a month or so.
Thanks for the welcome and the good wishes my friend!
11-15-12, 05:42 PM
its a beautiful hog, is it a western? im rusty when it comes to hogs.:)
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